223 research outputs found

    Sulphonamide Derivatives of Heptamethylenimine. II. The Preparation of Arylsulphonylureas Containing in their Structure Heptamethylenimine

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    Since the announcement of N-n-buty l-N\u27-sulphanilylurea (»Carbutamide«)1 •2 as a valuable antidiabetic agent numerous Sulphonylurea derivatives have been widely investigate d for their potential hypoglycemic a ction. Several of . these compounds have b een successfully u sed in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

    Some Studies on the Reaction of B-(N,N-Heptamethylenimino) ethanol with Arylsulphonyl Chlorides

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    In a series of reactions of ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol with arylsulphonyl chlorides, four groups of compounds having different structures are described. The reaction in benzene in the presence of anhydrous sodium carbonate led to the formation of N,N-bis (heptamethylene)piperazinium salt of the arylsulphonic acid. When ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol and arylsulphonyl chloride were reacted in pyridine at o0 the hydrochloride of W-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-pyridinium-arylsulphonate was isolated. The same reaction in boiling pyridine gave the hydrochloride of [~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-pyridinium chloride. The p-toluenesulphonic ester of ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol was prepared by reacting the sodium salt of ~-(N,N- heptamethylenimino)ethanol ,and p-toluenesulphonyl chloride. All compounds containing the pyridinium moiety showed strong hypotensive effect

    Some Studies on the Reaction of B-(N,N-Heptamethylenimino) ethanol with Arylsulphonyl Chlorides

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    In a series of reactions of ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol with arylsulphonyl chlorides, four groups of compounds having different structures are described. The reaction in benzene in the presence of anhydrous sodium carbonate led to the formation of N,N-bis (heptamethylene)piperazinium salt of the arylsulphonic acid. When ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol and arylsulphonyl chloride were reacted in pyridine at o0 the hydrochloride of W-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-pyridinium-arylsulphonate was isolated. The same reaction in boiling pyridine gave the hydrochloride of [~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-pyridinium chloride. The p-toluenesulphonic ester of ~-(N,N-heptamethylenimino) ethanol was prepared by reacting the sodium salt of ~-(N,N- heptamethylenimino)ethanol ,and p-toluenesulphonyl chloride. All compounds containing the pyridinium moiety showed strong hypotensive effect

    Sulphonamide Derivatives of Heptamethylenimine. Synthesis of Arylsulphonyl-1, 1-Heptamethylenimines, N-[B-(1, 1-Heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-arylsuphonamides and N-F>-(1,1-Heptamethylensulphamyl) butyl]-arylsulphonamides

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    Arylsulphonyl-1,1-heptamethylenimines, N-[~-(1,1-heptamethylenimino) ethyl]-arylsulphonamides and N-[li-(1,1-heptamethylensulphamyl) butyl] -arylsulphonamides were prepared by condensation of heptamethylenimine with arylsulphonylchlorides in acetone solution. li-(1,1-Heptamethylensulphamyl) butylamine was prepared from heptamethylenimine and 4-chlorbutansulphonylchlorid via li-(1,1-heptamethylensulphamyl) butylchloride and li-(1,1-heptamethylensulphamyl) butylphthalimide

    Note on the Synthesis of [2-(0ctahydro-1-azocinyl) ethyl] Guanidine Sulfate

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    A series of N,N-alkylenimino-alkylguanidine compounds which have been investigated for their antihypertensive properties shov.. ·e d a partiq1lar characteristic long lasting effect . [2 -(0ctahydro-1-azocinyl) ethyl) guanidine was found to be of special interest as a valuable therapeutic agent


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    GIS technology of spatial inventory of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) in the energy sector of Silesia Region in Poland has been presented. Georeferenced databases, GIS software, and international inventory methodologies have been used. The mathematical models for inventory of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases during the combustion of fuel in the production of electricity, in the residential sector, industry, construction, and transport have beencreated. These models allow to obtain the spatial distribution of total emissions of greenhouse gases of Silesia Region, taking into account the contribution of each region in the overall processes of emission.Представлено геоінформаційні технології просторової інвентаризації парникових газів (двоокису вуглецю, метану та ін.) в енергетичному секторі в Сілезькому воєводстві Польщі. Використано георозподілені бази даних, програмне забезпечення геоінформаційної системи та міжнародні методології інвентаризації. Розроблено математичні моделі для інвентаризації двоокису вуглецю, метану та інших парникових газів в процесі спалювання палива на виробництво електроенергії, в житловому секторі, у промисловості та будівництві, на транспорті. Ці моделі дали змогу отримати просторовий розподіл сумарних викидів парникових газів Сілезького воєводства з врахуванням внеску кожного району в загальні процеси емісії

    Kelimpahan Arthropoda Karnivora di Pertanaman Padi Ratun di Sawah Lebak yang Diaplikasikan Bioinsektisida Bacillus Thuringiensis

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    Kelimpahan Arthropoda karnivora di pertanaman padi ratun di sawah lebak yang diaplikasikan bioinsektisida Bacillus thuringiensis telah dilakukan di sawah lebak Pemulutan, Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan selama Agustus-Oktober 2013. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan Arthropoda karnivora padi ratun yang diberi aplikasi Bacillus thurngiensis dan tanpa diberi aplikasi bioinsektisida. Pengambilan sampel spesies Arthropoda dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring serangga pada tajuk tanaman padi dan pitfall trap untuk serangga tanah. Keanekaragaman Arthropoda dihitung menggunakan Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon, Indeks Dominasi Berger-Parker dan Indeks Kemerataan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan populasi Arthropoda karnivora didominasi famili Tetragnatidae, Coccinalidae, Lycosidae dan Carabidae

    Pengolahan Sayur Wortel Menjadi Cemilan Sehat Chocotel (Chocolate Wortel) Kaya Gizi Non-Kolesterol

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    Saat ini sering ditemui permasalahan tentang kesehatan yang menyerang orang-orang berusia muda. Penyakit kolesterol, hipertensi, gagal ginjal yang banyak ditemui memiliki banyak penyebab, salah satunya adalah kurangnya konsumsi sayur dan buah. Tidak sedikit orang yang tidak suka sayur bahkan mereka enggan memakan sayur. Tentunya kesehatan akan terganggu, tidak optimal, dan rentan terserang penyakit. Wortel dan cokelat sangat baik untuk tubuh. Salah satu USAha yang dilakukan adalah mencampurkan wortel tersebut ke dalam cokelat. Dengan adanya pencampuran tersebut maka akan terbentuk sebuah cokelat baru yang memiliki kandungan gizi dan rasa yang lebih bervariasi. Produk cokelat wortel akan mempunyai kelebihan dibanding cokelat biasa yang sudah beredar dipasaran terutama dalam hal kandungan nutrisi maupun rasa. Peluang USAha cokelat wortel sangat besar mengingat bahan utamanya yaitu cokelat dan wortel yang mudah diperoleh dan dibuat. Pembuatan cokelat wortel merupakan salah satu cara bagi mahasiswa untuk menggali keterampilan, semangat dan jiwa kewirausahaan. Proses pembuatan cokelat wortel relatif mudah sehingga USAha ini sangat mungkin dilakukan dan dikembangkan mahasiswa serta masyarakat