12 research outputs found

    Promjer vene nakon intraoperativne dilatacije kao pretkazatelj uspjeha krvožilnoga pristupa za hemodijalizu [Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation as a predictor of success of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistulas]

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    Introduction: Vascular access is “the life line” for patients on chronic hemodialysis. The autogenous arteriovenous fistula provides the best access to the circulation because of low complication rate, long-term use, and lower cost, compared to arteriovenous graft and central venous catheter. Vessel characteristics are the most important factors affecting success in angioaccess surgery. Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation is a new predictor and has never been investigated. Objectives: The primary objective of this prospective study was to investigate the predictive value of vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes on hemodialysis fistula maturation. Methods: From February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2009 ninety-three fistulas were investigated. Following characteristics were included in statistical analysis: age, gender, body-mass index, diabetes, hypertension, central venous catether, first fistula construction, location of access, vein diameter, artery diameter and vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation. Results: Early failure occurred in 20 % of fistulas and 70 % matured sufficiently for cannulation. Variables with significant impact on the failure to mature by univariate analysis were: body-mass index (P = 0,041), artery diameter (P < 0,001), vein diameter (P = 0,004), and vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,002). However, multivariate analysis showed that only body-mass index (P = 0,038), artery diameter (P = 0.001), and the diameter of the vein after dilatation (P = 0,018) significantly affected maturation. In a group of patients with vein diameter before dilatation ≤2 mm, among vessel characteristics found by multivariate analysis, only vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,004) significantly affected function. Conclusion: Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes and artery diameter were the main predictors of fistula function

    Necrotizinig solitary diverticulitis

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    Nekrotizirajući divertikulitis cekuma vrlo je rijetko stanje koje se klinički prezentira bolnošću u desnom donjem kvadrantu trbuha, sliči akutnoj upali crvuljka, a liječi se kirurški. Prikazan je slučaj 40-godišnjeg muškarca s kliničkom slikom bolova u desnom donjem kvadrantu trbuha, visokim upalnim parametrima i ultrazvučno dokazanom kolekcijom tekućeg sadržaja ileocekalno uz uredan crvuljak. Intraoperativno je pronađen sekundarno upaljen crvuljak i nekrotična tvorba cekuma. Nakon ex tempore patohistološke dijagnoze koja je isključila malignitet, napravljene su divertikulektomija i apendektomija. Naknadna patohistološka dijagnostika verificira nekrotizirajući divertikulitis cekuma. Ultrazvučne i endoskopske kontrole pokazuju uredan nalaz.Necrotizing cecal diverticulitis is an extremely rare condition. Its clinical presentation involves pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant, it is similar to acute appendicitis and should be treated surgically. We present a case of a 40-year-old male with clinical presentation of pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant, high inflammatory parameters and collection of liquid content ileocecally visible by ultrasound, with non-symptomatic appendix. Intraoperatively, secondary inflammation of the appendix was found along with necrotic cecum. Following ex tempore pathohistological diagnosis, which excluded the possibility of malignancy, diverticulectomy and appendectomy were performed. Subsequent pathohistological diagnosis verified necrotizing cecal diverticulitis. Follow up included ultrasound and endoscopic check ups resulting in an uneventful postoperative course

    Initial experiences of hemodialysis HeRO graft in University Hospital Dubrava – A report of two cases and review of literature

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    U Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava u Zagrebu prvi je put u Hrvatskoj ugrađen novi sustav za krvožilni pristup kod bolesnika koji se liječi kroničnom hemodijalizom. Radi se o kombinaciji centralnoga venskog katetera i grafta engleskog naziva Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) device, skraćenog naziva HeRO-graft. Glavna je indikacija za primjenu ovoga krvožilnog pristupa okluzija ili značajna stenoza centralnih vena. Iz literature se doznaje da ovaj krvožilni pristup ima značajne prednosti u odnosu na tunelirani centralni venski kateter koji bi trebao biti zadnja opcija kod bolesnika koji zahtijevaju trajno nadomještanje izgubljene bubrežne funkcije. Za razliku od tuneliranih katetera ovaj je sustav u potpunosti smješten potkožno, što ga čini otpornijim na infekcije. Do sada su u Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava ugrađena dva HeRO-grafta za hemodijalizu i prema prvim iskustvima potrebna je detaljna obrada kandidata za ovu proceduru. Potrebno je dobro poznavati indikacije i kontraindikacije te je nužna suradnja više timova: nefrološkog, anesteziološkog, radiološkog i kirurškog. Osobito je potrebno obratiti pažnju na stanje arterijske cirkulacije okrajine koja se koristi za ovaj krvožilni pristup kako bi se izbjegle moguće ishemijske komplikacije. Kod obaju naših bolesnika postupak ugradnje protekao je uredno te smo započeli s korištenjem HeRO-grafta za potrebe hemodijalize.A new vascular access system in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis was implanted for the first time in Dubrava University Hospital in Zagreb. It is a combination of a central venous catheter and a graft known as Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow device (HeRO graft). The main indication for this vascular access is the occlusion or a significant stenosis of the central veins. Literature supports the significance of this type of vascular access over tunneled central venous catheters which should be the last option for patients requiring permanent renal replacement therapy. Unlike tunneled catheters, this system is completely located subcutaneously which makes it more resistant to infections. So far, two HeRO grafts for hemodialysis have been implanted in Dubrava University Hospital, and according to the first experiences, detailed workup on candidates is required before this procedure. It is necessary to be well aware of the indications and contraindications, and the cooperation of several specialties is required: nephrology, anesthesiology, radiology and surgery. It is especially important to pay attention to the condition of the arterial circulation of the arm used for this vascular access in order to avoid possible ischemic complications. In both of our patients, the implantation procedure had no immediate complications and we started using the HeRO graft

    Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation as a predictor of success of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistulas

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    U ovom se radu istraživala prediktivna vrijednost promjera vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije žilnim sondama. To je novi čimbenik koji upućuje na sposobnost vene za dilatacijom, što je jedan od glavnih preduvjeta za razvoj funkcionalnog AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Osim ovog glavnog cilja, istraživala se i prediktivna snaga ostalih čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na uspješnost kreiranja AVF-a. Također se ispitivala njihova moguća interkorelacija i mogućnost stvaranja bodovnog zbroja čijim bi se korištenjem mogli intraoperacijski procijeniti izgledi za kreiranje funkcionalnog AVF-a. U razdoblju od 1.2.2006. do 31.1.2009. godine u Općoj bolnici Bjelovar ukupno je učinjeno 118 AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Za statističku obradu podataka preostalo je 93 ispitanika. Ispitivana je prediktivna vrijednost sljedećih značajki: dob, spol, ITM, prisutnost šećerne bolesti i visokog krvnog tlaka, lokalizacija AVF-a, prisutnost SVK-a, prvi pokušaj kreiranja AVF-a, promjer vene, promjer arterije te promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije. Praćenje je trajalo 48 mjeseci nakon operacije. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine, ovisno o funkcionalnosti AVF-a: skupina ispitanika kod koje je fistula bila funkcionalna te skupina s nefunkcionalnim AVF-om. Neposredni neuspjeh operacije je zabilježen kod 16 % slučajeva, rani neuspjeh kod 20 %, a kod 70 % ispitanika AVF je zadovoljio kriterije funkcionalnog pristupa krvožilnom sustavu. Primjenom univarijatne analize kao prediktivni čimbenici pokazali su se: promjer vene (P = 0,004), promjer arterije (P < 0,001), promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0,002) i granično ITM (P = 0,041). Multivarijatna je analiza uzela u obzir interakcije svih čimbenika koji su se pokazali utjecajnim na funkciju AVF-a prema univarijatnom modelu. Nakon isključenja svih nesignifikantnih prediktora iz multivarijatnog logističkog modela, promjer arterije se pokazao signifikantnim (P = 0,001), zatim promjer vene nakon dilatacije (P = 0,018), ITM se pokazao granično signifikantan (P = 0,038) dok se promjer vene nije pokazao značajnim prema ovom modelu. U skupini pacijenata koji su imali promjer vene prije dilatacije ≤2 mm primjenom univarijante i multivarijatne analize samo je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0.004) pokazao statistički značajan utjecaj na ishod operacije. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije vrlo značajan prediktivni faktor uspjeha formiranja funkcionalnog AVF-a, naročito kod manjih promjera vene. To upućuje na zaključak da je sposobnost vene za dilatacijom važnija od samog inicijalnog promjera vene. Uzimajući u obzir promjer arterije, promjer vene i promjer vene nakon dilatacije kreiran je bodovni zbroj koji može znatno pomoći pri predviđanju uspješnog formiranja AVF-a za HD.Introduction: Vascular access is “the life line” for patients on chronic hemodialysis. The autogenous arteriovenous fistula provides the best access to the circulation because of low complication rate, long-term use, and lower cost, compared to arteriovenous graft and central venous catheter. Vessel characteristics are the most important factors affecting success in angioaccess surgery. Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation is a new predictor and has never been investigated. Objectives: The primary objective of this prospective study was to investigate the predictive value of vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes on hemodialysis fistula maturation. Methods: From February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2009 ninety-three fistulas were investigated. Following characteristics were included in statistical analysis: age, gender, body-mass index, diabetes, hypertension, central venous catether, first fistula construction, location of access, vein diameter, artery diameter and vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation. Results: Early failure occurred in 20 % of fistulas and 70 % matured sufficiently for cannulation. Variables with significant impact on the failure to mature by univariate analysis were: body-mass index (P = 0,041), artery diameter (P < 0,001), vein diameter (P = 0,004), and vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,002). However, multivariate analysis showed that only body-mass index (P = 0,038), artery diameter (P = 0.001), and the diameter of the vein after dilatation (P = 0,018) significantly affected maturation. In a group of patients with vein diameter before dilatation ≤2 mm, among vessel characteristics found by multivariate analysis, only vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,004) significantly affected function. Conclusion: Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes and artery diameter were the main predictors of fistula function

    Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation as a predictor of success of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistulas

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    U ovom se radu istraživala prediktivna vrijednost promjera vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije žilnim sondama. To je novi čimbenik koji upućuje na sposobnost vene za dilatacijom, što je jedan od glavnih preduvjeta za razvoj funkcionalnog AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Osim ovog glavnog cilja, istraživala se i prediktivna snaga ostalih čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na uspješnost kreiranja AVF-a. Također se ispitivala njihova moguća interkorelacija i mogućnost stvaranja bodovnog zbroja čijim bi se korištenjem mogli intraoperacijski procijeniti izgledi za kreiranje funkcionalnog AVF-a. U razdoblju od 1.2.2006. do 31.1.2009. godine u Općoj bolnici Bjelovar ukupno je učinjeno 118 AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Za statističku obradu podataka preostalo je 93 ispitanika. Ispitivana je prediktivna vrijednost sljedećih značajki: dob, spol, ITM, prisutnost šećerne bolesti i visokog krvnog tlaka, lokalizacija AVF-a, prisutnost SVK-a, prvi pokušaj kreiranja AVF-a, promjer vene, promjer arterije te promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije. Praćenje je trajalo 48 mjeseci nakon operacije. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine, ovisno o funkcionalnosti AVF-a: skupina ispitanika kod koje je fistula bila funkcionalna te skupina s nefunkcionalnim AVF-om. Neposredni neuspjeh operacije je zabilježen kod 16 % slučajeva, rani neuspjeh kod 20 %, a kod 70 % ispitanika AVF je zadovoljio kriterije funkcionalnog pristupa krvožilnom sustavu. Primjenom univarijatne analize kao prediktivni čimbenici pokazali su se: promjer vene (P = 0,004), promjer arterije (P < 0,001), promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0,002) i granično ITM (P = 0,041). Multivarijatna je analiza uzela u obzir interakcije svih čimbenika koji su se pokazali utjecajnim na funkciju AVF-a prema univarijatnom modelu. Nakon isključenja svih nesignifikantnih prediktora iz multivarijatnog logističkog modela, promjer arterije se pokazao signifikantnim (P = 0,001), zatim promjer vene nakon dilatacije (P = 0,018), ITM se pokazao granično signifikantan (P = 0,038) dok se promjer vene nije pokazao značajnim prema ovom modelu. U skupini pacijenata koji su imali promjer vene prije dilatacije ≤2 mm primjenom univarijante i multivarijatne analize samo je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0.004) pokazao statistički značajan utjecaj na ishod operacije. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije vrlo značajan prediktivni faktor uspjeha formiranja funkcionalnog AVF-a, naročito kod manjih promjera vene. To upućuje na zaključak da je sposobnost vene za dilatacijom važnija od samog inicijalnog promjera vene. Uzimajući u obzir promjer arterije, promjer vene i promjer vene nakon dilatacije kreiran je bodovni zbroj koji može znatno pomoći pri predviđanju uspješnog formiranja AVF-a za HD.Introduction: Vascular access is “the life line” for patients on chronic hemodialysis. The autogenous arteriovenous fistula provides the best access to the circulation because of low complication rate, long-term use, and lower cost, compared to arteriovenous graft and central venous catheter. Vessel characteristics are the most important factors affecting success in angioaccess surgery. Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation is a new predictor and has never been investigated. Objectives: The primary objective of this prospective study was to investigate the predictive value of vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes on hemodialysis fistula maturation. Methods: From February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2009 ninety-three fistulas were investigated. Following characteristics were included in statistical analysis: age, gender, body-mass index, diabetes, hypertension, central venous catether, first fistula construction, location of access, vein diameter, artery diameter and vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation. Results: Early failure occurred in 20 % of fistulas and 70 % matured sufficiently for cannulation. Variables with significant impact on the failure to mature by univariate analysis were: body-mass index (P = 0,041), artery diameter (P < 0,001), vein diameter (P = 0,004), and vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,002). However, multivariate analysis showed that only body-mass index (P = 0,038), artery diameter (P = 0.001), and the diameter of the vein after dilatation (P = 0,018) significantly affected maturation. In a group of patients with vein diameter before dilatation ≤2 mm, among vessel characteristics found by multivariate analysis, only vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,004) significantly affected function. Conclusion: Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes and artery diameter were the main predictors of fistula function

    Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation as a predictor of success of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistulas

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    U ovom se radu istraživala prediktivna vrijednost promjera vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije žilnim sondama. To je novi čimbenik koji upućuje na sposobnost vene za dilatacijom, što je jedan od glavnih preduvjeta za razvoj funkcionalnog AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Osim ovog glavnog cilja, istraživala se i prediktivna snaga ostalih čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na uspješnost kreiranja AVF-a. Također se ispitivala njihova moguća interkorelacija i mogućnost stvaranja bodovnog zbroja čijim bi se korištenjem mogli intraoperacijski procijeniti izgledi za kreiranje funkcionalnog AVF-a. U razdoblju od 1.2.2006. do 31.1.2009. godine u Općoj bolnici Bjelovar ukupno je učinjeno 118 AVF-a za potrebe HD-a. Za statističku obradu podataka preostalo je 93 ispitanika. Ispitivana je prediktivna vrijednost sljedećih značajki: dob, spol, ITM, prisutnost šećerne bolesti i visokog krvnog tlaka, lokalizacija AVF-a, prisutnost SVK-a, prvi pokušaj kreiranja AVF-a, promjer vene, promjer arterije te promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije. Praćenje je trajalo 48 mjeseci nakon operacije. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine, ovisno o funkcionalnosti AVF-a: skupina ispitanika kod koje je fistula bila funkcionalna te skupina s nefunkcionalnim AVF-om. Neposredni neuspjeh operacije je zabilježen kod 16 % slučajeva, rani neuspjeh kod 20 %, a kod 70 % ispitanika AVF je zadovoljio kriterije funkcionalnog pristupa krvožilnom sustavu. Primjenom univarijatne analize kao prediktivni čimbenici pokazali su se: promjer vene (P = 0,004), promjer arterije (P < 0,001), promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0,002) i granično ITM (P = 0,041). Multivarijatna je analiza uzela u obzir interakcije svih čimbenika koji su se pokazali utjecajnim na funkciju AVF-a prema univarijatnom modelu. Nakon isključenja svih nesignifikantnih prediktora iz multivarijatnog logističkog modela, promjer arterije se pokazao signifikantnim (P = 0,001), zatim promjer vene nakon dilatacije (P = 0,018), ITM se pokazao granično signifikantan (P = 0,038) dok se promjer vene nije pokazao značajnim prema ovom modelu. U skupini pacijenata koji su imali promjer vene prije dilatacije ≤2 mm primjenom univarijante i multivarijatne analize samo je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije (P = 0.004) pokazao statistički značajan utjecaj na ishod operacije. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je promjer vene nakon intraoperacijske dilatacije vrlo značajan prediktivni faktor uspjeha formiranja funkcionalnog AVF-a, naročito kod manjih promjera vene. To upućuje na zaključak da je sposobnost vene za dilatacijom važnija od samog inicijalnog promjera vene. Uzimajući u obzir promjer arterije, promjer vene i promjer vene nakon dilatacije kreiran je bodovni zbroj koji može znatno pomoći pri predviđanju uspješnog formiranja AVF-a za HD.Introduction: Vascular access is “the life line” for patients on chronic hemodialysis. The autogenous arteriovenous fistula provides the best access to the circulation because of low complication rate, long-term use, and lower cost, compared to arteriovenous graft and central venous catheter. Vessel characteristics are the most important factors affecting success in angioaccess surgery. Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation is a new predictor and has never been investigated. Objectives: The primary objective of this prospective study was to investigate the predictive value of vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes on hemodialysis fistula maturation. Methods: From February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2009 ninety-three fistulas were investigated. Following characteristics were included in statistical analysis: age, gender, body-mass index, diabetes, hypertension, central venous catether, first fistula construction, location of access, vein diameter, artery diameter and vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation. Results: Early failure occurred in 20 % of fistulas and 70 % matured sufficiently for cannulation. Variables with significant impact on the failure to mature by univariate analysis were: body-mass index (P = 0,041), artery diameter (P < 0,001), vein diameter (P = 0,004), and vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,002). However, multivariate analysis showed that only body-mass index (P = 0,038), artery diameter (P = 0.001), and the diameter of the vein after dilatation (P = 0,018) significantly affected maturation. In a group of patients with vein diameter before dilatation ≤2 mm, among vessel characteristics found by multivariate analysis, only vein diameter after dilatation (P = 0,004) significantly affected function. Conclusion: Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes and artery diameter were the main predictors of fistula function

    Campylobacter fetus Bacteremia Related to Vascular Prosthesis and Pseudoaneurysm Infection: A Case Report and Review

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    Background. Campylobacter fetus rarely causes gastrointestinal diseases but shows an affinity for the endovascular epithelium. Methods. We describe a case of C. fetus bacteremia related to vascular prosthesis and pseudoaneurysm infection, with a review of the literature. Results. A 67-year-old male was admitted with a history of fever, weakness and painful swelling of the groin. After unsuccessful treatment with ciprofloxacin, the patient was transferred to our hospital, where he had been previously treated for aortoiliac occlusive disease including a prosthetic aortobifemoral and popliteal bypass with polyester graft placement. An angiography showed a pseudoaneurysm in the groin and, therefore, repair of the pseudoaneurysm, removal of the prosthesis and biologic graft placement were performed. Blood cultures and tissue samples of the vascular prosthesis and pseudoaneurysm yielded C. fetus resistant to ciprofloxacin. The patient was treated with meropenem for four weeks, followed by amoxicillin-clavulanate for another two weeks after discharge. Eight previously published cases of C. fetus bacteremia due to infected cardiovascular prosthetic devices (prosthetic heart valves, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and a permanent pacemaker) were summarized in the review. Conclusions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a C. fetus bacteremia related to post-surgical infection of a vascular prosthesis causing a pseudoaneurysm

    Vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes as a predictor of success of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistulas

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    BACKGROUND: Vascular access is "the life line" for patients on chronic hemodialysis. The autogenous arteriovenous fistula provides the best access to the circulation because of low complication rate, long-term use, and lower cost, compared to arteriovenous graft and central venous catheter. The primary objective of this prospective study was to investigate the predictive value of vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes on hemodialysis fistula maturation. ----- MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-three fistulas were performed by a single surgeon from February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2009. Intraoperative vein dilatation with vessel probes was attempted in all fistulas. Measurements of the feeding artery diameter, vein diameter and the increased vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation were performed and immediate failure, early patency, early failure, primary patency, and fistula survival outcomes were recorded during 48-month follow-up. ----- RESULTS: Early failure occurred in 20% of fistulas and 70% matured sufficiently for cannulation. Variables with significant impact on the failure to mature by univariate analysis were: body-mass index (P=0.041), artery diameter (P<0.001), vein diameter (P=0.004), and vein diameter after dilatation (P=0.002). However, but multivariate analysis showed that only body-mass index (P=0.038), artery diameter (P=0.001), and the diameter of the vein after dilatation (P=0.018) significantly affected maturation. In a group of 56 (60%) patients with vein diameter before dilatation ≤ 2 mm, among vessel characteristics found by multivariate analysis, only vein diameter after dilatation (P=0.004) significantly affected function. ----- CONCLUSIONS: Artery diameter and vein diameter after intraoperative dilatation with vessel probes were the main predictors of fistula function