107 research outputs found

    The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare Workers

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major psychological impact on the healthcare workers (HCWs). The purpose of the study was to investigate and analyze the extent of this impact, the measures taken to address it, and to offer a set of healthy lifestyle habits to deal with the difficulties posed by the pandemic. The data was collected through an electronic questionnaire, which targeted doctors and nurses in the public and private sectors, throughout the country. The results of our study showed an increased vulnerability in women. Also, the large flow of new and often contradictory information has had an anxiety-provoking effect on our subjects. It is worth noting that, only a minority of them received the necessary psychological support, and therefore the need for psychological support is mandatory in crisis situations. The study also highlighted the physical and psychological symptoms reported by our subjects and the importance of implementing proper lifestyle habits in order to maintain psychological balance. Our study was carried out on a small sample and the containment measures represent its major limits. Other larger studies may provide more insight

    The Use of Cannabinoids in the Management of Chronic Pain: A Perceptual Survey among Practitioners

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    The management of chronic pain represents a challenge due to limitations and side effects associated with conventional treatments. Thus, the introduction of medical cannabis represents a new effective strategy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the acceptability of medical cannabis among practitioners and evaluate its limitations and obstacles to its use in medicine. We collected the data through a questionnaire that targeted doctors (neurologists and oncologists) in major university hospitals and private practices. The results of our study showed that the most important limitations to the use of conventional treatment are end-of-dose failure and resistance to treatment. We also found that the lack of clinical studies, the risk of addiction and mental illness represent the principal limitations to the use of medical cannabis. In addition, our study confirmed that the major obstacles to the introduction of cannabinoids in the pharmaceutical market are related to legislation, religion, and social stigmatization. Despite these limitations and barriers, most Moroccan doctors are favorable to its prescription without fear of legal persecution. Our study, the firstone of its kind in North Africa, provides essential data regarding the acceptability of its medical use and represents a starting point for more in-depth research

    Facades Solar Screens Impact on Daylighting Performance in Buildings

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    Cities in hot climates feature clear skies most of the year, guarantting the provision of daylight into the interior. With the use of large glazed façades, controlling the penetration of solar radiation that contributes to thermal discomfort with passive solutions is acheived through the use of shading devices.These devices decrease energy loads of mechanical cooling. The facade solar screens is one of the shading strategies used and reported to be succeful in such hot climatic regions, blocking solar radiation while allowing visual access to external views. Such a strategy of screening the opennings with perforated surfaces has cultural and historical significance in multiple urban environmnets, demonstrated by the use of the traditional mashrabeya which are the inspiration for contemporary screens design. However, throughout the last decade, a large body of research has been concerned with the negative impact of solar screens on daylighting performance in internal spaces, leading to an increase in energy loads of artifical lighting. This paper aims to review the current research body concerned with the correlation between solar screens design parameters and daylighting performance. 21 articles fall under this paper’s realm. They are reviewed according to multiple comparison points, including: aims, spatial configuration of the test spaces, types and design of the tested solar screens, design parameters tackled, daylighting simulation tools, daylighting metrics, and finally, findings including parameters impact, empirical process methodolgy, and coorelation with other enviromental aspects. Thispaper discusses how the curent reviewed research body informs the design process for an environmentally conscious design of optimized solar screens with respect to daylight availability thereby promoting the use of passive design strategies towards greener cities and urban environments


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    長崎大学学位論文 [学位記番号]博(医歯薬)甲第718号 [学位授与年月日]平成26年9月19

    The Human-Based Sustainability: a Responsive Approach towards Cities Redevelopment

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    Cities are complex and dynamic systems facing multiple challenges, such as environmental degradation, population growth, urban sprawl, social inequality, economic instability, and others. Environmental and physical sustainability approaches are insufficient to face these challenges. Cities need to adopt a more sustainable and flexible human based approach that takes into account the needs and aspirations of their residents, as well as paying attention to applying simple affordable environmental techniques and systems. The paper presents a new vision for achieving success when transforming existing cities into sustainable cities by creating a human-based sustainability model through an applied study. Firstly, it reviews recent literature on the concept of human-based sustainability strategies, presenting the goals of sustainable development, priciples and process for transforming existing cities into sustainable cities. Presenting some examples of sustainable projects that have failed, analyzing them and mentioning the reasons. The paper’s novel perspective emphasizes the crucial role of the humans in achieving sustainability. This comes after it has been established that the mere application of advanced environmental techniques is insufficient for transformation success. This perspective serves as a starting point to underscore the importance of human-based approaches in sustainable practices. Seven theories of human needs will be discussed to identify key needs that can influence people’s shift towards sustainable behaviour. This will serve as a prelude to highlight the significance of merging five crucial elements, known as the 5A elements (attractiveness, accessibility, awareness, affordability, availability), with sustainability strategies. Finally, the theories of human needs and the five elements that instigate behavioural change will be amalgamated based on their priorities and ralative importance, so as to set up a human-based approach model to be applyied to existing Egyptian cities for sustainability tranformation. This will be followed by a conclusive summary as a guide to practical application, as this process demonstrates the significance of the human factors in achieving sustainability, as opposed to solely relying on modern physical and environmental sustainability technologies

    Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach

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    In a particular geographic location, a collection of individuals who share the same services and a certain amount of social cohesion is referred to as a neighbourhood. This research was conducted to present a model that examines several hypotheses regarding the impact of neighbourhood morphology and its main factors on the social cohesion of a neighbourhood and its subdimensions. To assess the extent of each factor of neighbourhood morphology affecting social cohesion and its subdimensions, a mixed research approach was followed. A structured questionnaire survey was undertaken on a random sample of residents of two neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City in Egypt with the involvement of 193 participants. After performing a measurement model analysis on the gathered information, the data were then subjected to a structural model analysis using Smart PLS 3.2.6. Internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity are evaluated during the assessment of reflective measurement models in PLS-SEM. After proving the reliability and validity of the measurement models, the structural model is evaluated including examining the model's prediction ability and the links between its constructs. Regarding the main hypothesis, we concluded that neighbourhood morphology significantly affects social cohesion. Moreover, the subdimensions of neighbourhood morphology affect the subdimensions of social cohesion resulting in 22 hypotheses

    Airflow in Urban Environment: an Approach to Improve Egyptian Buildings Regulations

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    Rapid urbanization among many factors contribute to elevate air temperature inside city’s urban fabric that causes urban human discomfort. Natural ventilation in urban canyons is one of the measures that can limit that effect and minimize the air temperature of urban areas. Benefits range from pedestrian comfort in the urban environment, to efficiency of natural ventilation systems in urban streets. Studies have covered different urban forms and their impact on pedestrian comfort, others have investigated the role of built-up density on pollutants dispersion, some have studied the role of urban configurations on natural ventilation in buildings, while some studied different physical characteristics which also affect the urban heat island. What is yet to be defined is the effect of those physical characteristics on shaping the building regulations, especially in Egypt, and their efficiency regarding natural ventilation systems in urban canyons to eliminate the raised temperature. Spreading green architecture in Egypt requires reshaping current legislation and codes, starting by revising the existing local building laws and regulations. The aim of this work is to assess and analyse the main building code in Egypt by studying and analysing theories on natural ventilation and its physical characteristics

    Urban Morphology vs. Social Cohesion: a Study of Two Neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City, Egypt

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    Physically and socially, cities are tied together through neighbourhoods that make up their urban fabric. This research hypothesizes that the levels of Social Cohesion in a specific neighbourhood will differ based on the Neighbourhood’s Physical Characteristics. This aspect is crucial for politicians responsible for new urban communities in Egypt. The main contribution of this research is to propose and test a model for comparing the levels of Social cohesion in various neighbourhoods. This is done through mixed research methods ranging from a qualitative stage including the literature review of the main neighbourhood design characteristics and social cohesion domains to a quantitative stage including statistical analysis for two neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City that differ from each other in their Morphological pattern. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS V26). Regarding the investigation of the main variables, this research concluded that there are significant differences in neighbourhood morphology between the two neighbourhoods, while there were no significant differences in social cohesion between the two neighbourhoods. And this result differs when investigating the subdimensions of the model, where there are significant differences in the levels of some of the subdimensions of Social Cohesion between the two neighbourhoods

    Anti-apolipoprotein A-I antibodies and paraoxonase 1 activity in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients have an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Identification of at-risk patients and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in SLE remain elusive. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and anti-apolipoprotein A-I antibody (anti-Apo A-I) appear to have a potential role in premature atherosclerosis in SLE. The aim of this work was to study PON1 activity and anti-Apo A-I antibody in SLE female patients and to demonstrate their relations to disease activity as well as disease related damage. Forty SLE female patients and 40 apparently healthy volunteers were included. Anti-Apo A-I antibodies levels and PON1 activity levels were assessed. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) and systemic Lupus International Collaboration Clinics (SLICC)/American College of Rheumatology (ACR) damage index were preformed in all patients. Compared with controls, SLE patients showed significantly lower PON1 activity and significantly higher titers of anti-Apo A-I. Anti-Apo A-I antibody titers correlated inversely with PON1 activity. Elevated titers of anti-Apo A-I antibody and reduced PON activity were related to increased SLEDAI and (SLICC/ACR) damage index scores. We concluded that there is decreased PON1 activity and formation of anti-Apo A-I antibodies in female patients with SLE. SLE-disease activity assessed by SLEDAI and SLE disease related organ damage assessed by SLICC/ACR damage index are negatively correlated with PON1 activity and positively correlated with anti-Apo A-I antibodies. PON1 activity and anti-Apo A-I antibodies might be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in SLE patients

    Evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the International Coastal Road (ICR) on Burg Elburullus City

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    Communities are grappling with environmental, social, and economic challenges due to rapid urbanization and physical changes, with coastal slums bearing the brunt of the impact. Unplanned urban development worsens pollution, inequality, and disaster risk for low-income households. Specific sustainable development plans are vital for tailored solutions based on each community's distinct needs and views. This study examines the socio-economic impacts of the establishment of the International Coastal Road (ICR) in the city of BURJ AL-BURULLUS in Northern Egypt, which marked the beginning of major urbanization efforts in the region in 2002. The physical landscape of the city has undergone significant changes due to urban expansion, with the extension of the city having grown to almost twice the size of the original city. The expansion of the city due to the ICR has caused significant changes to the area's environment, communities, and economies. In particular, the separation of the city from the nearby lake, which was its primary source of income, has had diverse impacts on various aspects of people's lives. This study employed a narrative method to assess ICR's impacts on the area's environments, communities, and economies. Nine villagers with diverse incomes were selected and encouraged to freely share their detailed views. The study focused on the socioeconomic impacts of the changes on the city, but it had significant impacts on all economic, social, and environmental levels. Community participation enhances research outcomes regarding the challenges experienced by impoverished communities due to urbanization. It also assists in the creation of improvement strategies responsive to the distinct requirements of each community by incorporating important perspectives and first-hand experiences of those affected by urbanization