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    When the pandemic of Covid hit the world in 2020, the teaching and learning activities forced teachers and students to shift to online platforms. This situation provides many obstacles and poses problems. The study's main objective is to examine the factors inhibit communication skills during the online classes of ELED (English Language and Education Department) 2019 students at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. In this study, researchers used qualitative research. Convenient sampling is used to produce a sample based on factors including accessibility, participant consent, availability at a specific moment, and other favorable circumstances. Techniques and instruments used were questionnaires and interviews with a total of 25 questionnaire respondents and 8 respondents in interview. The researchers discovered that students encounter challenges when using online learning. The obstacles experienced by students are divided into two categories: internal and external obstacles. Internal obstacles include disinterest and low self-confidence, while external obstacles include poor internet connectivity, the lecturer's problem of clarity, an unsupportive atmosphere, and adaptation to a new application. With the obstacles experienced by students during online learning, it affects students’ output or learning outcomes, especially in this study where the research found that the development of students in English communication. In this case, researchers found that the development of students after they carried out online classes fell into three categories: increasing, constant, and reducing