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    Sistem Konsultasi Online Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Untuk Mengetahui Jenis Jerawat Pada Wajah Berbasis Web

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    Acne is a skin disease that arises due to many trigger factors. Acne is not a dangerous disease, but if it is not treated properly, it can make acne worse. The purpose of this final project is to help acne patient know the type of acne and how to deal with acne properly and appropriately, so an online consultation system is made to determine the type of acne. By using the Forward Chaining method which is an expert system method to provide diagnostic results in the form of the type of acne experienced and also suggestions for appropriate products according to the type of acne experienced. The system be planed based on a website that can be operated on various devices such as PC, smartphone, etc. by using a web browser. The system also performs system testing and user testing. In testing 15 people with acne, both male and female, the average value was 86.5 using system usability scale so that the system can be concluded that this system can be accepted and used for diagnosing types of acne