6,270 research outputs found

    Pequenas bacias agrícolas na Amazônia Oriental.

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    Resumo: Diversos estudos hidrobiogeoquímicos tem sido realizados na Amazônia oriental ao longo de mais de dez anos, com o intuito de contribuir para a compreensão de como o desflorestamento e os agroecossistemas promovem mudanças no ambiente fluvial em pequenas bacias hidrográficas. Seus resultados demonstram que as boas práticas agrícolas, assim como a presença de floresta secundária favorecidas pela agricultura familiar, sem uso do fogo, são fatores importantes para a ciclagem hidrobiogeoquímica, preservação do ecossistema aquático, conservação do solos, e mitigação das emissões de gases de efeito estufa oriundos de queimadas

    Geração de dados primários em atividades de monitoramento de bacias hidrográficas.

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    Resumo: Coleta e análises de amostras de água e organização de dados analisados no âmbito do projeto Monitoramento e caracterização quali-quantitativa dos recursos hídricos e sua relação com o uso da terra em bacias experimentais nos diferentes biomas brasileiros

    Perda de nutrientes por escoamento superficial em microbacias do Nordeste paraense sob uso agrícola.

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    Uma das etapas do ciclo hidrológico refere-se à água da chuva que precipita sobre um ecossistema terrestre entra em contato com a superfície vegetal ou cai diretamente sobre a superfície do solo. Já no solo, a água pode evaporar ou compor a solução do solo, disponibilizando os nutrientes para os vegetais e microrganismos. Por sua vez, a água que escoa na superfície do terreno em direção aos cursos d?água, processo denominado escoamento superficial, carreia os nutrientes presentes no solo para os recursos hídricos, o que é de fundamental importância para a biota aquáticae para a qualidade da água. Portanto, as propriedades do solo influenciam na transferência desses nutrientes para o ecossistema aquático. Assim, alterações sobre o ecossistema provocadas pelo homem podem alterar parte do ciclo hidrológico quanto à quantidade e qualidade da água. Nesse contexto, apresenta-se a etapa prévia do projeto em questão, a qual foi reconhecer e definir as microbacias onde será realizada a pesquisa, realizar treinamento de campo e laboratório, e iniciar levantamento bibliográfico

    Sistematização de dados bibliográficos relacionados aos impactos ambientais da produção agrícola sobre as águas fluviais no corredor de Nacala, Moçambique.

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    Resumo: As atividades do bolsista foram desenvolvidas no escopo do ProSAVANA-TEC (Projeto de Melhoria da Capacidade de Pesquisa e de Transferência de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento da Agricultura no Corredor de Nacala em Moçambique), organizando levantamentos bibliográficos de informações disponíveis na internet sobre a qualidade da água superficial nas bacias hidrográficas localizadas na região do Corredor de Nacala e em Moçambique como um todo. A organização do material bibliográfico foi realizada por meio dos programas computacionais "ZOTERO", "MENDELEY.COM" e "MENDELEY- DESKTOP". Por fim, obteve-se uma coletânea de material bibliográfico, organizado digitalmente, para otimizar as consultas bibliográficas dos membros da equipe do ProSavana, assim como de outros interessados nos temas desta coletânea, assim facilitada pelo uso da ferramenta computacional selecionada. Abstract: The activities of the grantee have been developed within the scope of ProSavana-TEC (Project Capacity Enhancement of Research and Technology Transfer for the Development of Agriculture in the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique), organizing bibliographic information available on the internet about the surface water quality in the river basins located in the region of the Nacala Corridor as well as Mozambique as a whole. The organization of the bibliographic material was performed by the use of the softwares"Zotero", "MENDELEY.COM" and "Mendeley-DESKTOP". Finally, we obtained a collection of bibliographic material, that was digitally organized, to optimize the bibliographic queries of theProSavana team members as well as queries of other people interested in topics of this collection , which access will be facilitated by the use of the selected computational tools

    Agricultural impacts of hydrobiogeochemical cycling in the Amazon: is there any solution?

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    Abstract: Expansion of agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon has been driven not just by demands from traditional, rural producers, but also large agriculture and cattle producers, both of whom have put considerable pressure on remaining forests and their watersheds. Monitoring of these watersheds has been a focus of intensive study for the past 20 years and although this work has greatly increased our understanding, considerable gaps still remain in our ability to provide adequate recommendations for land management and associated public policies. In this study we present a summary of findings from these previous results. For small properties, the use of fire to prepare land for cultivation remains controversial, while in large properties, forest conversion to pasture and/or crop production has had a meaningful and adverse effect on water quality. Riparian forest conservation can make a significant difference in reducing impacts of land-use change. Secondary vegetation can also play an important role in mitigating these impacts. New types of sustainable agricultural production systems, together with incentives such as payments for ecosystem service can also contribute. Continued monitoring of these changes, together with robust sustainable development plans, can help to preserve forest while still addressing the social and economic needs of Amazonian riverine inhabitants

    CO2-driven cation leaching after tropical forest clearing.

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the role of dissolved CO2 (H2CO3*) as a mechanism of cation removal from surface soils under secondary land uses in the tropics. Soil leachate columns were prepared with 0?10 cm soils from mature and secondary forest, and managed pastures, and extracted with H2CO3* from deionized water equilibrated with 0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 10% CO2 (g). Extraction of soil cations slowed over time following an exponential form for the cumulative data. The rate of cation concentration decline varied as a function of CO2 concentration with the 10% solution resulting in a greater percent decline with extraction volume. Potassium removal from the exchange sites of all soils and for all solutions was nearly complete ranging from 85% to 97% while removals of Mg (31% to 71%) and Ca (12% to 42%) were lower. The asymptotic patterns of cation loss observed in this study suggest that H2CO3* acid-driven losses of cations may become self-limiting over time. Other stronger acids from atmospheric deposition or organic sources may serve to perpetuate cation removal, and re-forestation on these cleared lands would certainly re-distribute cations from soils to vegetation

    Watershed services of smallholder agriculture in the Eastern Amazon.

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    Abstract: Several hydrobiogeochemical research activities have been conducted in the Eastern Amazon, contributing to the understanding of how changes in forests and agro-ecosystems affect ecosystem service provision. Findings have demonstrate that good agricultural practices and the presence of natural secondary vegetation favored by smallholder farm management are important factors for hydrobiogeochemical cycling, aquatic ecosystem conservation, soil conservation, and mitigation of trace emissions from biomass burning in Amazonian small catchments. Two challenges for watershed service management arise in this context. First, low population densities and the relatively flat landscape mean that a critical mass of downstream beneficiaries of such services - a prerequisite for public intervention - is more difficult to identify than in more densely populated mountainous areas. Second, although watershed service providers (farmers) are also to considerable extent service beneficiaries, conflicts over land and cultural heterogeneities among settlers inhibit local collective action to safeguard stream water quality. Including smallholders in carbon payment schemes that and other alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture by compensating farmers for additional watershed services, including forest conservation. The development of payments for watershed services schemes currently hinges on a better understanding of the biophysical determinants of hydrological service provision, especially in the Amazon region

    Utilização de imagens Landsat e CBERS na avaliação da mudança do uso e cobertura da terra e seus reflexos na qualidade da água em microbacia hidrográfica do município de Paragominas, Pará.

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    As examples of human activities that may provoke changes in the stability and in the dynamic equilibrium of the river basin system, we have deforestation, burned areas, predatory agriculture, urbanization and other ways of soil occupation without any environmental planning. The combination of remote sensing (TM Landsat and CBERS images ) and geoprocessing products and techniques are valuable tools to subsidize studies of the land use. The results in this first stage of the project indicate a relation between the increasing of the conductivity in the water of microbasin with the increasing of the plantation areas of grains and the decreasing of the primary and secondary forest areas (Capoeiras). The results show that the changes in the use of the land are provoking an increase in the concentration of the nutrients and a consequent diminution of the water quality of the Igarapé Cinqüenta e Quatr