41 research outputs found

    Stability of CART peptide expression in the nucleus accumbens in aging

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    Aging is accompanied by changes of several anorexigenic and orexigenic neuropeptides expressed in various brain areas that control food intake and these changes correlate with senescent anorexia. During aging expression of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide was reported to be reduced in the hypothalamic nuclei related to food intake. Although CART peptide is abundant in the nucleus accumbens that also plays a crucial role in the food intake regulation, no data is available about the CART peptide expression in this region through aging. In the present study, CART peptide immunoreactivity was compared in the nucleus accumbens of young adult (4- and 7-month-old) middle-aged (15-month-old) and aging (25–32-month-old) Long-Evans rats. The density of CART-immunoreactive cells and axon terminals in the nucleus accumbens was measured with computer-aided densitometry. CART-immunodensity was similar in the old rats and in the younger animals without significant difference between age groups. In addition, no gender-difference was observed when CART-immunoreactivities in the nucleus accumbens of male and female animals were compared. Our results indicate that CART peptide expression in the nucleus accumbens is stable in adults and does not change with age

    Amatőr hosszútávfutók folyadékfogyasztásának vizsgálata a dehidratáció tükrében = Research about the Fluid Consumption of Amateur Long Distance Runners Perspective of the Dehydration

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    Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunkban arra keressük a választ, hogy a különböző italok miként befolyásolják a futók teljesítményét és szervezetük dehidratációs szintjét futás alatt. Anyag és módszerek: A vizsgálatba 40 főt vontunk be, akik 21 km-es versenyen vettek részt. A futókat két csoportba soroltuk, „Edzett”, illetve „Nem edzett”. Mindkét csoportból kiválasztottunk 10-10 főt, akik sportitalt, illetve vizet fogyasztottak. A vizsgálatban kitöltettünk a futókkal egy 29 kérdéses kérdőívet, majd vizeletmintát vettünk futás előtt és után, valamint vizsgáltuk a testösszetételeket, a szervezet folyadékmennyiségét és annak változását. A kapott eredményekből megpróbáltuk meghatározni, hogy a sportolók szervezete a különböző italok fogyasztása mellett mennyire dehidratálódik a verseny alatt. Eredmények: A vizsgálatban a sportitalt fogyasztó futók 80%-a jobb teljesítményről, kevesebb dehidratációs tünetről számolt be. A testösszetétel-vizsgálat is azt támasztotta alá, hogy a sportitalt fogyasztók szervezete kevésbe volt kiszáradva. A vizet fogyasztó sportolók 100%-ánál kimutathatók voltak a dehidratáció jelei. Introduction: In our experiment, we wanted to establish to what expert the isotonic drinks infl uence the results of the athletes running a semi-marathon (21 km). Material and Methods: The study included 40 persons who ran in the semi-marathon (21 km). According to their fitness we divided them into 2 groups. The athletes who run more than 30 km a week were included in the trained group and those who run less than 30 km were included in the nontrained group. We chose 10 persons from each group who drank isotonic drinks and 10 who drank only water. During the race, the runners had to drink to same amount of liquid. In the first part of our experiment we asked the participants to complete a questionnaire with 29 questions. They were asked about their training level, if they know anything about dehydration if they had already experienced its symptoms. In the second part of the experiment we took urine samples before and after running and we measured the quantity and changes of the liquid as well as the compounds of the body. From the results, we tried to establish how much the sportsmen dehydrated during the race taking also into consideration the different liquids they drank. Results: 80% of the sportsmen from both groups, trained and non-trained, who drank isotonic drinks reported less symptoms of dehydration in comparison with those who drank only water during the semimarathon. We could establish the final results from the questionnaire what the runners completed after the race. The study of the body compounds also certified that the athletes who drank the isotonic drinks were less dehydrated. They lost only 1% of their body water. The sportsmen who drank only water all showed dehydration at different levels, the highest one being almost 5% of the body water. The density of the urine showed similar values. The density of the urine of those who drank only water more significantly (p<0.05

    Miscellanea. Folyóirat-referátumok. Könyvismertetések

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    Folyóirat-referátumok. Gasztroenterológia Az epehólyag-volvulus és a choledochusobstrukció kombinált kezelése (Combined treatment of a gallbladder volvulus with a common bile duct obstruction) Laydi M, Charpentier K, Paquette B, et al. (Surgery Department, CHU Besançon, 25000 Besançon, Franciaország): Case Rep Surg. 2017; 2017: 3906042. | Hepatológia A hepatitis C-vírus-infekció kezelése és a végstádiumú májbetegség modelljének (MELD) prediktív értéke: elemzés a Hepa-C regiszter adatai alapján (Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with cirrhosis and predictive value of model for end-stage liver disease: analysis of data from the Hepa-C registry) Fernández Carrillo C, Lens S, Llop E, et al. (Levelező szerző: J. L. Calleja, Liver Unit, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and CIBERehd, Madrid, Spanyolország; e-mail: [email protected]): Hepatology 2017; 65: 1810–1822. | A jövő medicinája Személyre szabott ellátás a jövő medicinájában (Personalisierung in der Medizin der Zukunft) Malek NP (Medizinische Klinik 1, Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Infektologie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Ottfried Müller Str. 10, 72076 Tübingen, Németország; e-mail: [email protected]: Internist (Berl.) 2017; 58: 650–656. | Könyvismertetések. Mózsik Gyula (ed.) The Gut Microbiome Implications for Human Diseases INTECH Publishers, Rijeka, 2016 (ISBN 978-953-51-2750-5; Online ISBN 978-953-51-2751-2). Elekt - ronikus elérhetőség: http://www. intechopen.com/books/the-gut- microbiome-implications-for-hu - man-disease | Süle Tamás A Pécsi Tudományegyetem és neves orvosai érmeken HÁZMESTER ’ 98 Kft., Pécs, 201


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    Introduction. The aim of our study was to examine the participation, motivation and locations of sport activity of adult employed population in Hungary and Europe, highlighting the differences in sport participation among different occupation groups. Methods. The Eurobarometer (EB) is a set of international surveys conducted on behalf of the European Commission. The survey consisted of two modules, the ‘Standard EB’ which contains the core set of questions which are similar in every survey, and the ‘Special EB’ which included physical activity (PA) and sitting time (ST). In our research we used the Eurobarometer 2013 database. Results. According to ST we found significant differences between the European and Hungarian employed adults. Hungarian respondents spent less time with sitting. The proportion of respondents not doing any sports is the highest among Hungarian women (67,44%, CI: 64,24 - 70,64), and those who’s occupation is “supervisor”, “unskilled or skilled manual worker”, or whose job is an “employed position – travelling” or “employed position at desk” (62,64% (CI: 55.58 - 69.70) -72,41% (CI: 64,11-80,71). Conclusion. Our results show that more than one-third of Hungarian employees do not do regular sports, but overall spend less time sitting than the EU average. The amount of sitting and the proportion of inactive respondents is higher among women. Based on our analysis of job types we highlight office administrators’ work – with higher rate of females –which includes very little PA. Thus, the increase of PA among women and among administrative workers is the key focus of our further research