5 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources

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    The global marketplace consists of an increasingly complex arena of competitors within a rapidly changing international environment. New companies are formed on a daily basis, from small businesses to Internet-based operations, to expanding global conglomerates originating from major takeovers and mergers. In the face of these sophisticated and cluttered market conditions, firms try to be heard. They attempt to speak with clear voices about the natures of their operations and the benefits associated with the firm’s goods and services. With so many choices available, and so many media bombarding potential customers with messages, it is vital that what should be communicated is reaching buyers in a clear and consistent manner. External customers are influenced by the internal promise deliverers: the employees, channel partners, customer service personnel, packing and delivery people. Marketing can help by working with human resources departments to identify the key elements in employee motivation, including the effect of incentives and the development of training and improvement programs. This paper explores the impact of integrated marketing communications (IMC) programs in enhancing manager and employee performance and so productivity. From a managerial context, response to this apparently cluttered and amorphous marketing environment has led many organizations to desirable integration of their communications efforts under the umbrella of one strategic marketing communications function - namely integrated marketing communications. The logic of this strategic move would seem to rest partly on assumptions concerning the desire for organizational influence of consumer perceptions. Manager performance and development is possibly an overlooked part of an IMC program. Effective marketing departments and advertising agencies must develop pipelines of new, talented creatives, media buyers, promotions managers, database Web masters, and others in order to succeed in the long term. Also, new people must be trained and prepared for promotions for more important roles over time. Employee performance attitudes reflect morale within the marketing department and also relations with other departments and groups. An effective IMC plan consists of building bridges with other internal departments so that everyone is aware of the thrust and theme of the program. Satisfied and positive employees are more likely to help the firm promote its image.Integrated Marketing Communications Programs, Manager and Employee Performance

    Effects of Social Media on Adolescents

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    Kaiser’s 2010 report, a study on media in the lives of young people between the ages of eight and 18, ignited afirestorm of worries about the amount young people consume, with social media being the newest and fastest-growingmedium. With teens consuming more than 7-12 hours of media a day, Nielsen found in 2011 that social networks werethe most visited sites on the web. And in 2014, Browser Media, Socialnomics, MacWorld discovered that nearly aquarter of all teens log on to Facebook over 10 times a day. Slowly but surely, the research is confirming what we knowto be true anecdotally: young people love social media (Simon, 2014). Young people today become consumers at anearlier age than their parents. (Ahava and Palojoki, 2004). In Turkey, 27% of the population is between the ages 10-14and 17% of the population is between the ages 15-17. In April 2015, the proportion of households with Internet access ingeneral was 69.5%. Such a young national population creates a powerful demand for marketing. (www.tuik.gov.tr). Thepurpose of this study is to report the findings of a descriptive study conducted to investigate the perception of adolescentson social media advertisements

    Classes of analytic univalent functions defined by convolution

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    Bu çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, çalışmanın ilerleyen kısımlarında kullanılacak olan bazı kavramlar ve teoremler verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, E={z:|z|1} da analitik, ünivalent fonksiyonlar için alan teoremi ve bu teorem yardımıyla S deki fonksiyonların ikinci katsayısı için kesin bir üst sınır elde edildi. Çalışmanın esas kısmını oluşturan son bölümde de Konvolusyon(Hadamard Çarpımı) ile tanımlanan analitik, yalınkat fonksiyon sınıfları tanıtıldı. Ayrıca katsayı bağıntıları, distorsiyon teoremleri, ekstrem noktaları verildi.This work consist of three chapters. In the first chapter, some of concepts which will be used later are introduced. In the second chapter, basic properties of the class S of normalized functions by f(0)=f^' (0)-1=0 on E and of convex and starlike function classes which are the subclasses of S are, where E={z:|z|1} and a sharp upper bound for the second coefficient on S is obtained. In the last chapter, which consist of the main part of our study, on class of analytic, univalent functions defined by Convolution are introduced. In addition coefficient estimates, distortion theorems, extreme points are given

    Consumer Behavior of Smartphone Users in Turkey: A Qualitative Research on Baby Boomers

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    Over the last few years, millions of users have switched from regular phones to smartphones. Smartphone usage varies considerably between different users, ranging from a couple of hours to 14 hours per day. Various features of smartphones make them good candidates for the delivery of behavioral interventions. First, as portable devices thatare highly valued by individuals, they tend to be switched on and remain with the owner throughout the day. The literature on smartphone app feasibility and acceptability is encouraging. The exploration of user viewpoints has often been limited and fairly superficial. There is little in depth, qualitative research allowing users to describe their experiences, views, and usage patterns. Several important areas are inadequately addressed by previous research. First, there is an absence of research on how older adults perceive and use apps for behavior change. Few reports exist discussing the development of interventions for this population. Given the lack of knowledge about smartphone addiction, the use of a qualitative method was deemed appropriate. We adopted an inductive strategy to investigate the antecedents, behaviors and outcomes associated with smartphone addictive use. A total of 12 participants were recruited. All participants completed a brief questionnaire providing demographic, lifestyle, and smartphone-related data. Participants comprised of 6 females and 6 males. Each session was guided by aninterview schedule adapted from the Questionnaire of Vaghefi et al. (2016) to assess more objectively the level of smartphone dependence of our interviewees. The coding was validated by two researchers. A consensus approach was used to resolve discrepancies. From our data analysis, we identified some patterns and could distinguish profiles of smartphone users