21 research outputs found


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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis pretende contribuir a la puesta en valor de las variedades tradicionales valencianas de tomate. En primer lugar se aborda la caracterización de una colección de 69 entradas de variedades valencianas de tomate de ocho tipos varietales ('De Borseta', 'Cherry', 'Cor¿, 'De Penjar', 'Plana', 'De Pruna', 'Redona' y 'Valenciana') con 64 descriptores convencionales y 38 características del Tomato Analyzer. Se ha puesto de manifiesto que el uso de forma complementaria de la herramienta fenómica del Tomato Analyzer es una nueva estrategia para la caracterización y clasificación de las variedades locales de tomate, así como para la distinción entre tipos varietales relacionados. A pesar del uso generalizado de los descriptores estandarizados de tomate, hay poca información sobre los efectos ambientales sobre los valores de los descriptores y sobre su herencia. La evaluación de 12 entradas de tomate procedentes de siete tipos varietales en tres ambientes diferentes (cultivo convencional aire libre, cultivo ecológico aire libre e invernadero) mediante el uso de 36 descriptores, ha permitido establecer la influencia del sistema de cultivo sobre estos descriptores, encontrándose una amplia gama de variación, y demostrando su utilidad para describir los materiales de tomate, su diversidad y relaciones. Por otra parte, puede ser muy interesante asociar características saludables como un elevado contenido en vitaminas o sustancias antioxidantes beneficiosas para la salud. El análisis de 69 entradas locales valencianas de tomate procedentes de ocho tipos varietales para caracteres como contenido en distintos azúcares, ácidos y antioxidantes puso de manifiesto diferencias significativas entre los tipos varietales ensayados para la mayoría de las características. Los tipos varietales 'Cherry' y 'De Penjar' presentaban mayor materia seca, contenido de sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, índice de sabor, ß-caroteno, ácido ascórbico, fenólicos totales y actividad antioxidante que los otros grupos. Los resultados obtenidos serán útiles para la diferenciación, mejora y selección de variedades locales de tomate con propiedades organolépticas mejoradas. Los estudios de caracterización y tipificación de las variedades tradicionales de tomate son imprescindibles para detectar factores que dificultan su puesta en valor y fomento de la explotación comercial. En este sentido, dentro de esta tesis se han caracterizado 3 poblaciones de tomate 'Valenciana d'El Perelló'. La menor productividad de las selecciones ensayadas en comparación con el control comercial parece ser debida a una concentración de la producción en los 2-3 primeros ramilletes de la planta. En el programa de selección y mejora del tomate 'Valenciana d¿El Perelló' que se ha realizado se dispone de selecciones con una distribución de cuajado mucho más uniforme. Por otra parte, una forma muy interesante de potenciar su cultivo, es obtener variedades resistentes al ToMV, derivándose un conjunto de linajes de este tomate con el gen Tm22 que confiere resistencia al ToMV. En cuanto a la adaptación a las condiciones agroclimáticas locales de las variedades tradicionales, esta característica es fundamental de este tipo de variedades. Así, las plantas de tomate del tipo 'De Penjar', han sido cultivadas tradicionalmente en la región mediterránea. Estos materiales están adaptados a condiciones de campo abierto bajo condiciones de bajo consumo de recursos. Sin embargo, el cultivo bajo invernadero se está expandiendo debido al aumento de su demanda. La evaluación de 12 variedades (siete entradas tradicionales, tres selecciones y dos híbridos) del tipo 'De Penjar' en cultivo al aire libre y en cultivo bajo invernadero ha revelado un alto impacto del ambiente de cultivo sobre las propiedades morfológicas, agronómicas y químicas de variedades de tomate 'De Penjar'y sugiere la necesidad de desarrollar variedade[CA] El treball realitzat en la present tesi pretén contribuir a la posada en valor de les varietats tradicionals valencianes de tomàquet. En primer lloc s'aborda la caracterització d'una col·lecció de 69 entrades de varietats valencianes de tomàquet de vuit tipus varietals ( 'De Borseta', 'Cherry', 'Cor',' De penjar ',' Plana ',' De Pruna ', 'Redona' i 'Valenciana') amb 64 descriptors convencionals i 38 característiques del Tomato Analyzer. S'ha posat de manifest que l'ús de forma complementària de l'eina fenómica del Tomato Analyzer és una nova estratègia per a la caracterització i classificació de les varietats locals de tomàquet, així com per la distinció entre tipus varietals relacionats. Malgrat l'ús generalitzat dels descriptors estandarditzats de tomàquet, hi ha poca informació sobre els efectes ambientals sobre els valors dels descriptors i sobre la seva herència. L'avaluació de 12 entrades de tomàquet procedents de set tipus varietals en tres ambients diferents (cultiu convencional aire lliure, cultiu ecològic aire lliure i hivernacle) mitjançant l'ús de 36 descriptors, ha permès establir la influència del sistema de cultiu sobre aquests descriptors, trobant una àmplia gamma de variació, i demostrant la seva utilitat per descriure els materials de tomàquet, la seva diversitat i relacions. D'altra banda, pot ser molt interessant associar característiques saludables com un elevat contingut en vitamines o substàncies antioxidants beneficioses per a la salut. L'anàlisi de 69 entrades locals valencianes de tomàquet procedents de vuit tipus varietals per a caràcters com a contingut en diferents sucres, àcids i antioxidants va posar de manifest diferències significatives entre els tipus varietals assajats per a la majoria de les característiques. Els tipus varietals 'Cherry' i 'De penjar' presentaven major matèria seca, contingut de sòlids solubles, acidesa, índex de gust, ß-carotè, àcid ascòrbic, fenòlics totals i activitat antioxidant que els altres grups. Els resultats obtinguts seran útils per a la diferenciació, millora i selecció de varietats locals de tomàquet amb propietats organolèptiques millorades. Els estudis de caracterització i tipificació de les varietats tradicionals de tomàquet són imprescindibles per detectar factors que en dificulten la posada en valor i foment de l'explotació comercial. En aquest sentit, dins d'aquesta tesi s'han caracteritzat març poblacions de tomàquet 'Valenciana d'El Perelló'. La menor productivitat de les seleccions assajades en comparació amb el control comercial sembla ser deguda a una concentració de la producció en els 2-3 primers ramells de la planta. En el programa de selecció i millora del tomàquet 'Valenciana d'El Perelló' que s'ha realitzat es disposa de seleccions amb una distribució de quallat molt més uniforme. D'altra banda, una forma molt interessant de potenciar el seu cultiu, és obtenir varietats resistents al ToMV, derivant un conjunt de llinatges d'aquest tomàquet amb el gen Tm22 que confereix resistència al ToMV. Pel que fa a l'adaptació a les condicions agroclimàtiques locals de les varietats tradicionals, aquesta característica és fonamental d'aquest tipus de varietats. Així, les plantes de tomàquet del tipus 'De penjar', han estat cultivades tradicionalment a la regió mediterrània. Aquests materials estan adaptats a condicions de camp obert sota condicions de baix consum de recursos. No obstant això, el cultiu sota hivernacle s'està expandint causa de l'augment de la seva demanda. L'avaluació de 12 varietats (set entrades tradicionals, 3 seleccions i dues híbrids) del tipus 'De penjar' en cultiu a l'aire lliure i en cultiu sota hivernacle ha revelat un alt impacte de l'ambient de cultiu sobre les propietats morfològiques, agronòmiques i químiques de varietats de tomàquet 'De Penjar'y suggereix la necessitat de desenvolupar varietats específiques adaptades a cultiu baix hivernacle[EN] The work carried out in this thesis aims to contribute to the valorisation of the traditional Valencian tomato varieties. First, the characterization of a collection of 69 entries of Valencian tomato varieties of eight varietal types ('De Borseta', 'Cherry', 'Cor',' De Penjar ',' Plana ',' De Pruna ', 'Redona' and 'Valenciana') with 64 conventional descriptors and 38 characteristics of the Tomato Analyzer. It has been shown that the complementary use of the Tomato Analyzer's phenomic tool is a new strategy for the characterization and classification of local tomato varieties, as well as for the distinction between related varietal types. Despite the widespread use of standardized tomato descriptors, there is little information about the environmental effects on the values of the descriptors and their inheritance. The evaluation of 12 entries of tomato from seven varietal types in three different environments (conventional open air cultivation, open air ecological cultivation and greenhouse) through the use of 36 descriptors, has allowed to establish the influence of the cultivation system on these descriptors, being a wide range of variation, and demonstrating its usefulness to describe tomato materials, their diversity and relationships. On the other hand, it can be very interesting to associate healthy characteristics such as a high content of vitamins or antioxidant substances beneficial to health. The analysis of 69 Valencian local tomato entries from eight varietal types for characters as content in different sugars, acids and antioxidants revealed significant differences between the varietal types tested for most of the characteristics. The varietal types 'Cherry' and 'De Penjar' had higher dry matter, content of soluble solids, acidity, flavor index, ß-carotene, ascorbic acid, total phenolic and antioxidant activity than the other groups. The results obtained will be useful for the differentiation, improvement and selection of local tomato varieties with improved organoleptic properties. Characterization and typification studies of traditional tomato varieties are essential to detect factors that make it difficult to value and promote commercial exploitation. In this sense, within this thesis 3 populations of tomato 'Valenciana d'El Perelló' have been characterized. The lower productivity of the selections tested compared to the commercial control seems to be due to a concentration of the production in the first 2-3 bunches of the plant. In the program of selection and improvement of the tomato 'Valenciana d'El Perelló' that has been made, selections are available with a much more uniform fruit set distribution. On the other hand, a very interesting way to enhance their crop is to obtain varieties resistant to ToMV, deriving a set of lineages of this tomato with the Tm22 gene that confers resistance to ToMV. Regarding the adaptation to the local agroclimatic conditions of the traditional varieties, this characteristic is fundamental of this type of varieties. Thus, tomato plants of the 'De Penjar' type have traditionally been grown in the Mediterranean region. These materials are adapted to open field conditions under conditions of low resource consumption. However, greenhouse cultivation is expanding due to the increase in demand. The evaluation of 12 varieties (seven traditional entrances, three selections and two hybrids) of the 'De Penjar' type in outdoor cultivation and in greenhouse cultivation has revealed a high impact of the cultivation environment on the morphological, agronomic and chemical properties of varieties of tomato 'De Penjar' and suggests the need to develop specific varieties adapted to greenhouse cultivation.Figás Moreno, MDR. (2019). CARACTERIZACIÓN, TIPIFICACIÓN, SELECCIÓN Y MEJORA GENÉTICA DE VARIEDADES VALENCIANAS DE TOMATE [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/119449TESISCompendi

    I Congrés de la tomaca valenciana. La tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló

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    La organización del I CONGRES DE LA TOMACA VALENCIANA: LA TOMACA VALENCIANA D'EL PERELLÓ nace con el objetivo de poner en común los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta la producción de este tipo varietal de tomate, como un producto alimentario de alta calidad. Esta puesta en común permitirá el diseño de soluciones para los factores limitantes de la rentabilidad de la "Tomaca Valenciana" más importantes en la actualidad.Soler Aleixandre, S.; Figás Moreno, MDR.; Prohens Tomás, J. (2017). I Congrés de la tomaca valenciana. La tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/81890EDITORIA

    Screening of pepino (Solanum muricatum) and wild relatives against four major tomato diseases threatening its expansion in the Mediterranean region

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pacheco, J, Soler, S, Figàs, MR, San Bautista, A, Prohens, J, Gramazio, P. Screening of pepino (Solanum muricatum) and wild relatives against four major tomato diseases threatening its expansion in the Mediterranean region. Ann Appl Biol. 2021; 179: 288¿ 301, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12698. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The pepino (Solanum muricatum) is an Andean vegetable crop closely related to tomato. In the last decades, it has been introduced in the Mediterranean region and other parts of the world as a potential new crop. However, several tomato major pathogens may threaten the expansion of pepino cultivation. We identified Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL), Verticillium dahliae (VE), pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) and tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) as four of the most likely pathogens to cause damage to pepino crops in Mediterranean climates. In order to evaluate the response of the pepino genepool against these pathogens, as well as to identify sources of tolerance, we inoculated six accessions of cultivated pepino, nine accessions of seven pepino wild relatives, and one interspecific hybrid with FOL, VE, PepMV and ToMV and followed its symptomatology for 30 days (FOL and VE) or 60 days (PepMV and ToMV). ELISA tests were also performed for PepMV and ToMV. Susceptible tomato materials were used as controls. The pepino genepool displayed fewer symptoms than susceptible tomato controls after inoculation with FOL, with most accessions being tolerant or resistant. Regarding VE, a wide variation of values for the symptoms index (SI) was observed, with three cultivated pepino accessions displaying tolerance. For PepMV a wide variation for SI was also observed, with one accession of S. caripense being resistant, and several accessions of pepino and other wild relatives displaying different degrees of tolerance. PepMV absorbance values obtained by ELISA tests followed a pattern similar to that of SI. For ToMV no resistances were found, although two wild accessions and the interspecific hybrid displayed low values for the SI and were considered as moderately tolerant. ELISA tests against ToMV revealed that the virus replicated well in all materials. None of the accessions evaluated displayed resistance or high levels of tolerance to the four pathogens, but some of them were complementary for resistance or high levels of toler- ance. Although the interspecific hybrid tested was not resistant to any of the pathogens, it was tolerant to FOL and PepMV and moderately tolerant to VE and ToMV. A multivariate hierarchical clustering revealed similar patterns among accessions in the response to the two fungal diseases (FOL and VE) on one side and to the two viral ones (PepMV and ToMV) on the other. The information generated in this study has allowed identifying materials within the pepino genepool for the development of multi-resistant pepino cultivars to major diseases threatening its expansion in the Mediterranean region.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant/Award Numbers: FY2019, P19105; Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Grant/Award Number: 20200268Pacheco, J.; Soler Aleixandre, S.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.; San Bautista Primo, A.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Gramazio, P. (2021). Screening of pepino (Solanum muricatum) and wild relatives against four major tomato diseases threatening its expansion in the Mediterranean region. Annals of Applied Biology. 179(3):288-301. https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12698S288301179

    Genotypic and environmental effects on morpho-physiological and agronomic performances of a tomato diversity panel in relation to nitrogen and water stress under organic farming

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    [EN] The agricultural scenario of the upcoming decades will face major challenges for the increased and sustainable agricultural production and the optimization of the efficiency of water and fertilizer inputs. Considering the current and foreseen water scarcity in several marginal and arid areas and the need for a more sustainable farming production, the selection and development of cultivars suitable to grow under low-input conditions is an urgent need. In this study, we assayed 42 tomato genotypes for thirty-two morphophysiological and agronomic traits related to plant, fruit, and root characteristics under standard (control) and no-nitrogen fertilization or water deficit (30% of the amount given to non-stressed trials) treatments in two sites (environments), which corresponded to organic farms located in Italy and Spain. A broad range of variation was found for all traits, with significant differences between the applied treatments and the cultivation sites. Dissection of genotypic (0), environmental (E), and treatment (T) factors revealed that the three main factors were highly significant for many traits, although G was the main source of variation in most cases. G x E interactions were also important, while G x T and E x T were less relevant. Only fruit weight and blossom end rot were highly significant for the triple interaction (G x E x T). Reduction of water supply significantly increased the soluble solid content in both locations, whereas both nitrogen and water stress led to a general decrease in fruit weight and total yield. Despite so, several accessions exhibited better performances than the control when cultivated under stress. Among the accessions evaluated, hybrids were promising in terms of yield performance, while overall landraces and heirlooms exhibited a better quality. This suggests the possibility of exploiting both the variation within ancient varieties and the heterosis for yield of hybrids to select and breed new varieties with better adaptation to organic farming conditions, both under optimal and suboptimal conditions. The results shed light on the strategies to develop novel varieties for organic farming, giving hints into the management of inputs to adopt for a more sustainable tomato cultivation.This work has been funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 774244 (Breeding for resilient, efficient and sustainable organic vegetable production; BRESOV).Tripodi, P.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Leteo, F.; Soler Aleixandre, S.; Díez Niclós, MJTDJ.; Campanelli, G.; Cardi, T.... (2022). Genotypic and environmental effects on morpho-physiological and agronomic performances of a tomato diversity panel in relation to nitrogen and water stress under organic farming. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:1-19. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.9365961191

    Genetic structure of Cannabis sativa var. indica cultivars based on genomic SSR (gSSR) markers: implications for breeding and germplasm management

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    [EN] Cannabis saliva L. is cultivated for its fiber or seeds (var. saliva; hemp), or for its high content in cannabinoids (var. indica; marijuana). Knowledge of the genetic structure of C. sativa var. indica is important for selection and breeding of cultivars with medicinal interest. We used six genomic SSRs (gSSRs) for genotyping 154 individual plants of 20 cultivars of C. sativa var. indica, plus two cultivars of C. sativa var. sativa. A very high polymorphism was observed, with an average of 17 alleles and 23.8 genotypes per locus. Expected (H-e) and observed (H-o) heterozygosities were high, with average values of 0.753 and 0.429, respectively. In some cultivars H-e and H-o presented similar values, while in others H-e was considerably higher than H-o suggesting that consanguinity and fixation had taken place during its development. In addition, some cultivars had a reduced number of alleles per locus (in some cases only two) indicating that a genetic bottleneck had taken place during its development. Gene flow (Nm) between both botanical varieties was high, with Nm = 1.736. The molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) revealed that only 31.94% of the molecular variation observed was caused by differences among cultivars, while the variation among plants of the same cultivar was of 37.11%, and within individual variation, due to heterozygosity, was of 30.96%. This indicates that a large variation exists within cultivars, which can be exploited for selection, but also complicates germplasm management and regeneration. The population structure analysis identified 14 genetic clusters, with most individuals of a single cultivar clustering together. This analysis, together with UPGMA cluster analysis shows that the two C. saliva var. saliva cultivars studied are differentiated from C. sativa var. indica, and that some cultivars of C. saliva var. indica seem to represent different selections from a common original cultivar. Our results represent the first comprehensive study of intra-varietal diversity in C. sativa var. indica and provide information of relevance for selection, breeding, and germplasm conservation, as well as for forensic studies in this crop.Soler Aleixandre, S.; Gramazio, P.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Rosa-Martínez, E.; Llosa, ER.; Borràs-Palomares, D.... (2017). Genetic structure of Cannabis sativa var. indica cultivars based on genomic SSR (gSSR) markers: implications for breeding and germplasm management. Industrial Crops and Products. 104:171-178. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.04.043S17117810

    Estudi de la distribució de quallat en distintes seleccions masals de la "tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló"

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    [CA] En els últims anys, ha cobrat importància l'interès pel cultiu de les varietats tradicionals d’hortalisses. No obstant això, aquestes presenten una falta de estudis de caracterització i tipificació. Aquests són imprescindibles per detectar factors que dificulten la seua explotació, així com per emprendre programes de millora de les mateixes per augmentar la seva competitivitat i rendibilitat. En aquest treball s'han caracteritzat 3 poblacions de tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’. L'objectiu ha estat obtenir informació fenotípica de rellevància en aquest tipus de tomaca. Aquesta informació està sent molt útil per a la seua millora genètica. Així, hem pogut constatar que les poblacions emprades de tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ es caracteritzen per presentar fruits del tipus “masclet” amb una freqüència elevada i un nivell productiu molt acceptable. La menor productivitat de les seleccions assajades en comparació amb el control comercial pareix ser deguda a una concentració de la producció en els 2-3 primers pomells de la planta; i una caiguda dràstica del quallat en els pomells superiors. No obstant, en el programa de selecció i millora de la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ que s’està realitzant es disposa de seleccions amb una freqüència de masclets molta elevada y una distribució de quallat molt més uniforme.[EN] In recent years, has taken important interest in the cultivation of traditional varieties of vegetables. However, these studies show a lack of characterization and classification. These are essential to identify factors that hinder their operation, as well as to undertake programs to improve them to increase their competitiveness and profitability. In this work we have characterized three populations of ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ tomato. The aim has been phenotypic information relevant in this type of tomato. This information has been very useful for their breeding. Thus, we have found that the populations used for ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ tomato are characterized by fruits such as "Masclet" with a high frequency and very productive level acceptable. The lower productivity of the teams tested compared to commercial control seems to be due to a concentration of production in the first 2-3 Pomells plant; and a drastic fall in mincemeat Pomells superiors. However, the program of selection and improvement of the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ being made available to teams with a much higher frequency masclets and distribution of more uniform fruit set.Este treball ha sido financiat por la Cooperativa Valenciana Unió Protectora d’El Perelló y por el programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea a través del contrato No. 634561 (TRADITOM)Figás Moreno, MDR.; Martín Hernández, MDLD.; Casanova Calancha, C.; Soler Calabuig, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Soler Aleixandre, S. (2020). Estudi de la distribució de quallat en distintes seleccions masals de la "tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló". En I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 73-83. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6523OCS738

    Millora genètica de la tomaca "valenciana d'El Perelló" per a resistència al virus del mosaic de la tomaca (Tomato mosaic virus, ToMV)

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    [CA] La tomaca tradicional valenciana és apreciada per les seues propietats organolèptiques que li atorguen un elevat interès comercial. En concret la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ és cada vegada més apreciada en les superfícies comercials. Aquesta tomaca presenta diferents trets morfològics, agronòmics i de qualitat que la fan atractiva per al llaurador i per al consumidor. No obstant, de vegades presenta problemes d’uniformitat de producció, així com d’altres característiques importants. D’altra banda, aquesta varietat presenta una elevada susceptibilitat a malalties com la causada pel virus del mosaic de la tomaca (ToMV). Així, una forma molt interessant de potenciar aquest cultiu tan valencià, és obtenir varietats més uniformes així com resistents al ToMV. En aquest treball és du a terme tant un programa de selecció així como un programa de millora genètica de la resistència al ToMV de la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’. Es pretén per una banda augmentar la uniformitat de producció i la presencia de trets característics d’aquesta varietat, a la vegada que s’introgressa el gen Tm22 de resistència al ToMV.[EN] Tomato traditional Valencian is appreciated for its organoleptic properties that confer a high commercial interest. In particular the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ is increasingly appreciated in the stores. This tomato has different morphological, agronomic and quality traits that make it attractive to the farmer and the consumer. However, sometimes presents problems of uniformity of production, as well as other important features. Moreover, this variety has a high susceptibility to diseases such as caused by the Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). Thus, a very interesting way of promoting this Valencian crop, is to achieve more uniform and varieties resistant ToMV. In this work is carried out both a program selection as well as a program of genetic improvement of resistance to ToMV of the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’. It is intended on the one hand to increase production and uniformity of the characteristics of this variety, while incorporating Tm22 resistance gene ToMV.Aquest treball ha sigut financiat per la Cooperativa Valenciana Unió Protectora d’El Perelló i per el programa d’investigació e innovació Horizonte 2020 de la Unió Europea a través del contrat No. 634561 (TRADITOM)Figás Moreno, MDR.; Martín Hernández, MDLD.; Casanova Calancha, C.; Soler Calabuig, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Soler Aleixandre, S. (2020). Millora genètica de la tomaca "valenciana d'El Perelló" per a resistència al virus del mosaic de la tomaca (Tomato mosaic virus, ToMV). En I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 115-127. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6525OCS11512

    Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Font San Ambrosio, MI.; Borràs Palomares, D.; Casanova-Calancha, C.; Hurtado Ricart, M.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.... (2017). Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods. Annals of Applied Biology. 170(3):405-414. doi:10.1111/aab.12344, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12344. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The disease caused by Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), which is naturally transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, causes important economic losses in cucurbit crops. The availability of simple and efficient inoculation protocols and detection methods is necessary for screening varieties and germplasm collections as well as for breeding populations. We evaluated the infectivity of ToLCNDV inocula prepared using three different buffers for mechanical sap inoculation in a susceptible variety of zucchini. We found that inoculum prepared with buffer III, which contains polyvinylpyrrolidone, is highly efficient for mechanical inoculation, with 100% of plants displaying severe symptoms 21 days post-inoculation. Using this buffer, we mechanically inoculated 19 commercial varieties of cucurbit crops (six of cucumber, six of melon and seven of zucchini), evaluated the evolution of symptoms and diagnosed infection using nine different ToLCNDV detection methods (four based on serology, four based on molecular hybridization and one based on PCR detection). The results revealed that all varieties are susceptible, although cucumber varieties display less severe symptoms than those of melon or zucchini. All detection methods were highly efficient (more than 85% of plants testing positive) in melon and zucchini, but in cucumber, the percentage of positive plants detected with serology and molecular hybridization methods ranged from 20.4% with Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) antiserum, to 78.5% with DNA extract hybridization. Overall, the best detection results were obtained with PCR, with 92.6%, 92.4% and 98.4% cucumber, melon and zucchini plants, respectively, testing positive. When considering the overall results in the three crops, the best serology and molecular hybridization methods were those using Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) antiserum and DNA extract, respectively. The inoculation methodology developed and the information on detection methods are of great relevance for the selection and breeding of varieties of cucurbit crops that are tolerant or resistant to ToLCNDV.Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Font San Ambrosio, MI.; Borràs Palomares, D.; Casanova-Calancha, C.; Hurtado Ricart, M.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.... (2017). Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods. Annals of Applied Biology. 170(3):405-414. doi:10.1111/aab.12344S405414170

    Fruit composition profile of pepper, tomato and eggplant varieties grown under uniform conditions

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    [EN] The study of the diversity within and between major Solanaceae crops (pepper, tomato, eggplant) is of interest for the selection and development of balanced diets. We have measured thirty-six major fruit composition traits, encompassing sugars, organic acids, antioxidants and minerals, in a set of 10 accessions per crop for pepper, tomato and eggplant, grown under the same cultivation conditions. The aim was to evaluate the diversity within species and to provide an accurate comparison of fruit composition among species by reducing to a minimum the environmental effect. Pepper, tomato and eggplant had a clearly distinct composition profile. Pepper showed the highest average content in total sugars and organic acids. Fructose and glucose were the major sugar compounds in the three species, although in pepper and tomato sucrose was present only in trace amounts. Citric acid was the major organic acid in pepper and tomato, while in eggplant it was malic acid. Pepper and eggplant had the highest total antioxidant activity. Vitamin C content was much higher in pepper than in tomato and eggplant, while eggplant accumulated high concentrations of chlorogenic acid. Furthermore, eggplant was the species with higher content in most minerals, particularly for K, Mg and Cu, while pepper was the richest in Fe. Due to their complementary nutritional profiles, a combined regular consumption of the three vegetables would supply more than 20% of the Dietary Reference Intake of several of the analysed phytochemicals. The large diversity within each species is of interest for selecting varieties with better nutritional and organoleptic profiles, as well as for breeding new cultivars.This work has been funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 677379 (Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Sola-naceous crops; G2PSOL) . Elena RosaMartinez is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad for a pre-doctoral grant (BES2016077482)Rosa-Martínez, E.; García-Martínez, MD.; Adalid-Martinez, AM.; Pereira-Días, L.; Casanova-Calancha, C.; Soler-Calabuig, E.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.... (2021). Fruit composition profile of pepper, tomato and eggplant varieties grown under uniform conditions. Food Research International. 147:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110531S11314

    Detection, molecular characterisation and aspects involving the transmission of tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid in eggplant

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Gramazio P, Lerma MD, Villanueva G, et al. Detection, molecular characterisation and aspects involving the transmission of tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid in eggplant. Ann Appl Biol. 2019;175:172 183. https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12527, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12527. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd) is a pospiviroid that causes severe disease symptoms in tomato. TCDVd is also naturally found in other crops and plants, in most occasions being asymptomatic. Apart from the natural hosts reported up to now, artificial inoculations have revealed that TCDVd can infect other plants, including eggplant (Solanum melongena). In a screening of seedlings of eggplant from a breeding programme we detected a pospiviroid, which we identified as TCDVd, representing the first report of natural infection of eggplant by TCDVd. The new TCDVd isolate of eggplant was detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT¿PCR) using primers TG21/CT20, initially designed to detect potato spindle tuber viroid. The new isolate sequence is close to a Brugmansia sanguinea isolate of TCDVd from the Netherlands, and most of the nucleotidic changes with respect to this isolate and to the reference genome sequence of TCDVd are found in the TR region. Naturally infected plants of eggplant with this TCDVd isolate did not display any disease symptoms. We demonstrated that in eggplant TCDVd is mechanically transmitted with low to moderate efficiency with cultivation practices, but not by plant¿to¿plant contact. Tomato plants artificially inoculated with the eggplant isolate of TCDVd tested positive for the presence of the viroid at 50¿days after inoculation, but did not display any disease symptoms. Seed transmission to germinated seedlings of eggplant was variable among progenies from infected plants, ranging from 7.7% to 100.0%. Disinfection of seeds with chemical treatments with sodium hypochlorite and trisodium phosphate solutions plus thermotherapy at 80°C for 24¿hr or 90°C for 6 hr was ineffective in reducing the rate of transmission by seed. We did not find evidence of horizontal transmission of TCDVd by pollen, but vertical transmission was highly efficient when healthy eggplant plants were pollinated with infected pollen. Our results indicate that asymptomatic infection of eggplant by TCDVd and high seed and pollen transmission rates may contribute to the spread of this viroid. The information we obtained is useful in order to implement measures for the prevention, control and eradication of TCDVd in eggplant crops, as well as to avoid their transmission to other hosts.P.G. is grateful to Universitat Politècnica de València and to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for their respective postdoctoral grants (PAID-10-18 and FY2019 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan [Standard]). A.A. and D.A. are grateful to Universitat Politècnica de València for their respective predoctoral (PAID-01-18 and PAID-01-16) contracts within the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo initiative. E.G.-F. is grateful to Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario for a predoctoral grant (FPU17/02389). G.M. is grateful to Generalitat Valenciana for a predoctoral grant within the Santiago Grisolía programme (GRISOLIAP/2016/012). M.P. is grateful to Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo for a postdoctoral grant (APOSTD/2018/014).Gramazio, P.; Lerma Lerma, MD.; Villanueva-Párraga, G.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; García-Fortea, E.; Mangino, G.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.... (2019). Detection, molecular characterisation and aspects involving the transmission of tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid in eggplant. Annals of Applied Biology. 175(2):172-183. https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12527S1721831752Bakker, D., Bruinsma, M., Dekter, R. W., Toonen, M. A. J., Verhoeven, J. T. J., & Koenraadt, H. M. S. (2015). Detection of PSTVd and TCDVd in seeds of tomato using real-time RT-PCR. EPPO Bulletin, 45(1), 14-21. doi:10.1111/epp.12195Barba, M., & James, D. (2017). Quarantine and Certification for Viroids and Viroid Diseases. Viroids and Satellites, 415-424. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-801498-1.00039-5Broadbent, L. (1976). Epidemiology and Control of Tomato Mosaic Virus. 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