507 research outputs found

    DECIGO/BBO as a probe to constrain alternative theories of gravity

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    We calculate how strongly one can constrain the alternative theories of gravity with deci-Hz gravitational wave interferometers such as DECIGO and BBO. Here we discuss Brans-Dicke theory and massive graviton theories as typical examples. We consider the inspiral of compact binaries composed of a neutron star (NS) and an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) for Brans-Dicke (BD) theory and those composed of a super massive black hole (SMBH) and a black hole (SMBH) for massive graviton theories. Using the restricted 2PN waveforms including spin effects and taking the spin precession into account, we perform the Monte Carlo simulations of 10410^4 binaries to estimate the determination accuracy of binary parameters including the Brans-Dicke parameter ωBD\omega_{\mathrm{BD}} and the graviton Compton length λg\lambda_g. Assuming a (1.4,10)M⊙(1.4, 10)M_{\odot} NS/BH binary of SNR=200\sqrt{200}, the constraint on ωBD\omega_{\mathrm{BD}} is obtained as ωBD>2.32×106\omega_{\mathrm{BD}}>2.32\times 10^6, which is 300 times stronger than the estimated constraint from LISA observation. Furthermore, we find that, due to the expected large merger rate of NS/BH binaries of O(104)O(10^4) yr−1^{-1}, a statistical analysis yields ωBD>3.77×108\omega_{\mathrm{BD}}>3.77\times10^8, which is 4 orders of magnitude stronger than the current strongest bound obtained from the solar system experiment. For massive graviton theories, assuming a (106,105)M⊙(10^6, 10^5)M_{\odot} BH/BH binary at 3Gpc, one can put a constraint λg>3.35×1020\lambda_g>3.35\times10^{20}cm, on average. This is three orders of magnitude stronger than the one obtained from the solar system experiment. From these results, it is understood that DECIGO/BBO is a very powerful tool for constraining alternative theories of gravity, too.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; Accepted to Prog. Theor. Phys. Letters; Many interpretations and some references have been added; Some Coding errors being corrected and the final constraints came out stronge

    Particle production in models with helicity-0 graviton ghost in de Sitter spacetime

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    We revisit the problem of the helicity-0 ghost mode of massive graviton in the de Sitter background. In general, the presence of a ghost particle, which has negative energy, drives the vacuum to be unstable through pair production of ghost particles and ordinary particles. In the case that the vacuum state preserves the de Sitter invariance, the number density created by the pair production inevitably diverges due to unsuppressed ultra-violet(UV) contributions. In such cases one can immediately conclude that the model is not viable. However, in the massive gravity theory we cannot construct a vacuum state which respects the de Sitter invariance. Therefore the presence of a ghost does not immediately mean the breakdown of the model. Explicitly estimating the number density and the energy density of particles created by the pair production of two conformal scalar particles and one helicity-0 ghost graviton, we find that these densities both diverge. However, since models with helicity-0 ghost graviton have no de Sitter invariant vacuum state, it is rather natural to consider a UV cutoff scale in the three-dimensional momentum space. Then, even if we take the cutoff scale as large as the Planck scale, the created number density and energy density are well suppressed. In many models the cutoff scale is smaller than the Planck scale. In such models the created number density and the energy density are negligiblly small as long as only the physics below the cutoff scale is concerned.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    No de Sitter invariant vacuum in massive gravity theory with ghost

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    In this letter we point out that the massive gravity theory with a graviton ghost mode in de Sitter background cannot possess a de Sitter invariant vacuum state. In order to avoid a negative norm state, we must associate the creation operator of the ghost mode with a negative-energy mode function instead of a positive-energy one as the mode function. Namely, we have to adopt a different procedure of quantization for a ghost. When a theory has a symmetry mixing a ghost mode with ordinary non-ghost modes, the choice of a ghost mode is not unique. However, quantization of a ghost is impossible without specifying a choice of ghost mode, which breaks the symmetry. For this reason, the vacuum state cannot respect the symmetry. In the massive gravity theory with a graviton ghost mode in de Sitter background, the ghost is the helicity-0 mode of the graviton. This ghost mode is mixed with the other helicity graviton modes under the action of de Sitter symmetry. Therefore, there is no de Sitter invariant vacuum in such models. This leads to an interesting possibility that non-covariant cutoff of the low energy effective theory may naturally arise. As a result, the instability due to the pair production of a ghost and normal non-ghost particles gets much milder and that the model may escape from being rejected.Comment: 5 page

    A dual lagrangian for non-Abelian tensor gauge fields

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    For non-Abelian tensor gauge fields of the lower rank we have found an alternative expression for the field strength tensors, which transform homogeneously with respect to the complementary gauge transformations and allow us to construct the dual Lagrangian.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex fil

    Infinite spin particles

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    We show that Wigner's infinite spin particle classically is described by a reparametrization invariant higher order geometrical Lagrangian. The model exhibit unconventional features like tachyonic behaviour and momenta proportional to light-like accelerations. A simple higher order superversion for half-odd integer particles is also derived. Interaction with external vector fields and curved spacetimes are analyzed with negative results except for (anti)de Sitter spacetimes. We quantize the free theories covariantly and show that the resulting wave functions are fields containing arbitrary large spins. Closely related infinite spin particle models are also analyzed.Comment: 43 pages, Late

    Probing Strong-Field Scalar-Tensor Gravity with Gravitational Wave Asteroseismology

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    We present an alternative way of tracing the existence of a scalar field based on the analysis of the gravitational wave spectrum of a vibrating neutron star. Scalar-tensor theories in strong-field gravity can potentially introduce much greater differences in the parameters of a neutron star than the uncertainties introduced by the various equations of state. The detection of gravitational waves from neutron stars can set constraints on the existence and the strength of scalar fields. We show that the oscillation spectrum is dramatically affected by the presence of a scalar field, and can provide unique confirmation of its existence.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Yang-Mills gravity in flat space-time and effective curved space-time for motions of classical objects

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    Yang-Mills gravity with translational gauge group T(4) in flat space-time implies a simple self-coupling of gravitons and a truly conserved energy-momentum tensor. Its consistency with experiments crucially depends on an interesting property that an `effective Riemannian metric tensor' emerges in and only in the geometric-optics limit of the photon and particle wave equations. We obtain Feynman rules for a coupled graviton-fermion system, including a general graviton propagator with two gauge parameters and the interaction of ghost particles. The equation of motion of macroscopic objects, as an N-body system, is demonstrated as the geometric-optics limit of the fermion wave equation. We discuss a relativistic Hamilton-Jacobi equation with an `effective Riemann metric tensor' for the classical particles.Comment: 20 pages, to be published in "The European Physical Journal - Plus"(2011). The final publication is available at http://www.epj.or

    On the Energy-Momentum Tensor of the Scalar Field in Scalar--Tensor Theories of Gravity

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    We study the dynamical description of gravity, the appropriate definition of the scalar field energy-momentum tensor, and the interrelation between them in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. We show that the quantity which one would naively identify as the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar field is not appropriate because it is spoiled by a part of the dynamical description of gravity. A new connection can be defined in terms of which the full dynamical description of gravity is explicit, and the correct scalar field energy-momentum tensor can be immediately identified. Certain inequalities must be imposed on the two free functions (the coupling function and the potential) that define a particular scalar-tensor theory, to ensure that the scalar field energy density never becomes negative. The correct dynamical description leads naturally to the Einstein frame formulation of scalar-tensor gravity which is also studied in detail.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev D15, 10 pages. Uses ReVTeX macro

    The Accelerated Universe and the Moon

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    Cosmologically motivated theories that explain small acceleration rate of the Universe via modification of gravity at very large, horizon or super-horizon distances, can be tested by precision gravitational measurements at much shorter scales, such as the Earth-Moon distance. Contrary to the naive expectation the predicted corrections to the Einsteinian metric near gravitating sources are so significant that fall within sensitivity of the proposed Lunar Ranging experiments. The key reason for such corrections is the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity present in linearized versions of all such theories, and its subsequent absence at the non-linear level ala Vainshtein

    Massive graviton as a testable cold dark matter candidate

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    We construct a consistent model of gravity where the tensor graviton mode is massive, while linearized equations for scalar and vector metric perturbations are not modified. The Friedmann equation acquires an extra dark-energy component leading to accelerated expansion. The mass of the graviton can be as large as ∼(1015cm)−1\sim (10^{15}{cm})^{-1}, being constrained by the pulsar timing measurements. We argue that non-relativistic gravitational waves can comprise the cold dark matter and may be detected by the future gravitational wave searches.Comment: 4 pages, final version to appear in PR
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