7 research outputs found

    Nitro-fatty acids in plant signaling: Nitro-linolenic acid induces the molecular chaperone network in Arabidopsis

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    Nitro-fatty acids (NO-FAs) are the product of the reaction between reactive nitrogen species derived of nitric oxide (NO) and unsaturated fatty acids. In animal systems, NO-FAs are considered novel signaling mediators of cell function based on a proven antiinflammatory response. Nevertheless, the interaction of NO with fatty acids in plant systems has scarcely been studied. Here, we examine the endogenous occurrence of nitro-linolenic acid (NO-Ln) in Arabidopsis and the modulation of NO-Ln levels throughout this plant’s development by mass spectrometry. The observed levels of this NO-FA at picomolar concentrations suggested its role as a signaling effector of cell function. In fact, a transcriptomic analysis by RNA-seq technology established a clear signaling role for this molecule, demonstrating that NO-Ln was involved in plant defense response against different abiotic-stress conditions, mainly by inducing heat shock proteins and supporting a conserved mechanism of action in both animal and plant defense processes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that NO-Ln was also involved in the response to oxidative stress conditions, mainly depicted by HO, reactive oxygen species, and oxygen-containing compound responses, with a high induction of ascorbate peroxidase expression. Closely related to these results, NO-Ln levels significantly rose under several abiotic-stress conditions such as wounding or exposure to salinity, cadmium, and low temperature, thus validating the outcomes found by RNA-seq technology. Jointly, to our knowledge, these are the first results showing the endogenous presence of NO-Ln in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and supporting the strong signaling role of these molecules in the defense mechanism against different abiotic-stress situations.C.M.-P. thanks the University of Jaén for funding the Ph.D. fellowship. LC-MS/MS analyses were carried out at the Technical Services Department of the University of Granada, Spain. ACSCs were kindly provided by Dr. Juan Bautista Arellano from the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology (IRNASA-CSIC, Salamanca, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Cepa de trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos

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    Cepa de trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos. La invención se refiere a una nueva cepa de hongos perteneciente a la especie Trichoderma harzianum resistente a cobre capaz de inhibir el crecimiento de otros microorganismos, preferiblemente hongos, fitopatógenos. Por ello, se propone su uso como fertilizante y para la prevención y/o tratamiento de infecciones de plantas y/o suelos provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos, preferiblemente por los patotipos defoliante o no defoliante de Verticillium dahliae, agente causante de la verticilosis del olivo. Además, debido a su capacidad de resistencia a cobre, la cepa de la invención puede ser utilizada en un método de prevención y/o tratamiento de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos, preferiblemente hongos, fitopatógenos en combinación con otros agentes antifúngicos.Españ

    Mejora genética de levaduras implicadas en la elaboración de vinos tipo Fino

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido: 1. La mejora de las propiedades organolépticas en los vinos sometidos a crianza biológica mediante la obtención de cepas fermentativas superproductoras de L-fenilalanina y/o que sobreexpresan los genes ATF1 y ATF2

    Cepa de trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por hongos pertenecientes al género verticillium

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    Cepa de Trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por hongos pertenecientes al género Verticillium. La invención se refiere al uso de la cepa de hongos Trichoderma atroviride IMI 206040 para la prevención y/o tratamiento de infecciones de plantas y/o suelos provocadas por hongos fitopatógenos pertenecientes al género Verticillium, preferiblemente por los patotipos defoliante o no defoliante de Verticillium dahliae, agente causante de la verticilosis del olivo. Además, la invención propone el uso de esta cepa de hongos en combinación con otros hongos del género Trichoderma.Peer reviewedUniversidad de Jaén, Nutesca S.L., Fundación Citoliva, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universidad de SevillaA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Biological control of Verticillium wilt of olive by Trichoderma harzianum

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    Trabajo presentado en la XIII Meeting of the IOBC Working Group "Biological Control of Fungal and Bacterial Plant Pathogens", celebrada en Uppsala del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.Verticillium wilt of olive tree (Olea europaea L.) (VWO), ca u sed by the soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae Kleb., is considered one ofthe most devastatíng diseases affecting this crop in many areas. Preventive measures su eh as the treatment of the root systems at the nursery stage with microbial antagonists emerges as a promising altemative. Species ofthe soil-borne fungus Trichoderma ha ve been widely described as biocontrol agents (BCAs) of severa[ phytopathogenic fungi by means of different mechanisms. In this study we aimed to evaluate the potential of T harzianum CECT 2413 as effective BCA of VWO. Strain CECT 2413 was shown to in vitro overgrow both the bighly-virulent, defoliating (D) and the midly-virulent, non-defoliating (ND) V. dah!iae pathotypes infecting olive. Inhibition of V dahliae growth in cHituring media where strain CECT 2413 had previously grown showed that this ability might be dueto excretion of secondary metabolites or cell wall degrading enzymes. Wben a suspension of conidia of T harzianum CECT 2413 were applied by irrigation to roots of nursery-propagated, three-month-old olives (cv. Picual) prior to the treatment with a D isolate ofthe pathogen, disease symptoms were significantly reduced compared to that observcd in control plants. M oreo ver, increase in the number and size of lea ves in plants treated \vith Trichoderrna was also reported. Biofonnulations ofthis BCA, alone or in combination with other Trichoderma spp. strains, have been recently patented and licensed.Supported by ERDF-­cofinanced grants (AGR-­‐6038, AGR-­‐5948, Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucía, Spain, and NUTESCA S.L. (Jaén, Spain).N