70 research outputs found

    How find (and where) GIS data

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    These notes are for the sole purpose of describing the GIS data discovery proces

    GIS Decalogue

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    These  points would propose how to to a GIS environment. Any suggestion will be appreciated

    An open source 'approach' for the MoMoWo GIS database

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    Starting from an idea of a participatory stream of knowledge, MoMoWo project has represented the field in which try to share information using free and open source software, tools and databases only. This is why we have created a WEBGIS about Women's creativity using LibreOffice, QGIS and qgis2web. In fact, a WEBGIS system is the best way to publish and share knowledge all around the world

    From "Free Information" to Its (Geo)referencing and Analysis: The "Costs" of Open Source

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    ENG-Is it possible, starting from free data or free information, also available online, to get a representation of them on paper, consequently highlight- ing the real spatial component? How to handle normal address lists and to achieve their transformation into geographic coordinates, expressed in lati- tude and longitude? What difficulties come up against and how can we face and overcome them? This contribution, trying to return an updated image of the current situation, highlights potential and critical points of mecha- nisms and procedures rarely accessible in an effective manner. Finally, it dwells on the opportunities offered by information sharing and knowledge since they facilitate the individual and collective growth, the participatory processes and the social justice. ITA-È possibile, a partire da dati o informazioni libere, disponibili anche in rete, ottenere una loro rappresentazione grafica che ne metta in evidenza la reale dimensione spaziale? Come gestire semplici liste di indirizzi e ottenere la loro trasformazione in coordinate geografiche, espresse in latitudine e longitudine? Quali difficoltà si incontrano e come si possono affrontare e superare? Questo contributo, cercando di offrire un quadro aggiornato della situazione attuale, mette in evidenza le potenzialità e i punti critici di meccanismi e procedure volti a ottenere questi risultati. Infine, vengono sottolineate le opportunità offerte dalla condivisione di informazioni e conoscenze in quanto possono agevolare la crescita individuale e collettiva, i processi di partecipazione e la giustizia social

    From "Free Information" to Its (Geo)referencing and Analysis: The "Costs" of Open Source

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    ENG-Is it possible, starting from free data or free information, also available online, to get a representation of them on paper, consequently highlight- ing the real spatial component? How to handle normal address lists and to achieve their transformation into geographic coordinates, expressed in lati- tude and longitude? What difficulties come up against and how can we face and overcome them? This contribution, trying to return an updated image of the current situation, highlights potential and critical points of mecha- nisms and procedures rarely accessible in an effective manner. Finally, it dwells on the opportunities offered by information sharing and knowledge since they facilitate the individual and collective growth, the participatory processes and the social justice. ITA-È possibile, a partire da dati o informazioni libere, disponibili anche in rete, ottenere una loro rappresentazione grafica che ne metta in evidenza la reale dimensione spaziale? Come gestire semplici liste di indirizzi e ottenere la loro trasformazione in coordinate geografiche, espresse in latitudine e longitudine? Quali difficoltà si incontrano e come si possono affrontare e superare? Questo contributo, cercando di offrire un quadro aggiornato della situazione attuale, mette in evidenza le potenzialità e i punti critici di meccanismi e procedure volti a ottenere questi risultati. Infine, vengono sottolineate le opportunità offerte dalla condivisione di informazioni e conoscenze in quanto possono agevolare la crescita individuale e collettiva, i processi di partecipazione e la giustizia sociale

    Anamorphic Cartograms and Environmental Risk Analysis

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    Both Geography and Statistics use graphical representations. Information Technology has enhanced the visualization of data, beyond the traditional aspects, to such an extent that we can nowadays speak of an “image society”. Traditional thematic mapping also shows transformations of a variable over time, linking the geographical datum to the time variable. For some decades now a number of cartograms have been in use, for which the base area is displaced as a function of a particular factor, these are known as anamorphic cartograms. An anamorphic map is easier to read and may give an overview of a geographic whole

    MoMoWo Symposium 2018

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    The stimulating four-day Symposium of the successful MoMoWo European project, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, and organised by International Coordinators Caterina Franchini (DIST) and Emilia Garda (DISEG) closed at the Campus Lingotto of Politecnico di Torino the 16th June 2018. It has been an outstanding cultural and educational opportunity for international scholars, students as well as for professional architects and engineers. After almost 19 months of a large variety project activities, this Symposium continued to increase the visibility of creative women, to foster in Europe and beyond, interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the study of the built environment and to facilitate the exchange of research results and professional practices in the different fields of architecture, civil engineering and design

    Statistical Building Energy Model from Data Collection, Place-Based Assessment to Sustainable Scenarios for the City of Milan

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    Building energy modeling plays an important role in analyzing the energy efficiency of the existing building stock, helping in enhancing it by testing possible retrofit scenarios. This work presents an urban scale and place-based approach that utilizes energy performance certificates to develop a statistical energy model. The objective is to describe the energy modeling methodology for evaluating the energy performance of residential buildings in Milan; in addition, a comprehensive reference dataset for input data from available open databases in Italy is provided a critical step in assessing energy consumption and production at territorial scale. The study employs open-source software QGIS 3.28.8 to model and calculate various energy-related variables for the prediction of space heating, domestic hot water consumptions, and potential solar production. By analyzing demand/supply profiles, the research aims to increase energy self-consumption and self-sufficiency in the urban context using solar technologies. The presented methodology is validated by comparing simulation results with measured data, achieving a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 5.2%, which is acceptable, especially considering city-scale modeling. The analysis sheds light on key parameters affecting building energy consumption/production, such as type of user, volume, surface-to-volume ratio, construction period, systems’ efficiency, solar exposition and roof area. Additionally, this assessment attempts to evaluate the spatial distribution of energy-use and production within urban environments, contributing to the planning and realization of smart cities

    MoMoWo Symposium 2018. Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception. Programme and Abstract of the International Conference

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    Il volume raccoglie gli abstract e contiene il programma del Convegno Internazionale finale MoMoWo organizzato dalle curatrici stesse. I contributi, selezionati dal Comitato Scientifico internazionale di MoMoWo, sono l’esito di una call for paper che ha visto la partecipazione di 203 autori, afferenti a 135 istituzioni di 35 Paesi, per un totale di 152 contributi, ripartiti su 7 Topic (A-G)