8,129 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap between the Interest Rate and Price Level Approaches in the AD-AS Model: The Role of the Loanable Funds Market

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    There are two generally accepted ways of plotting the aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) curves in the goods market. One puts the price level on the vertical axis (the P - y approach); the other plots the real interest rate on the vertical axis (the r - y approach). This paper develops the theoretical connections between these two approaches that permit one to tell a coherent dynamic story with the AD-AS model and also explores the conditions under which one approach or the other yields greater insight into the working of the model.Interest Rates; Interest; Price Level; Prices; Supply

    Cryogenic seal remains leaktight during thermal displacement

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    Cryogenic seals protect the surfaces of a plastic member in a low-pressure system subjected to extreme temperature changes. The outer seal is an aluminum expansion ring bonded to the lens outer surface and the inner seal consists of a resin-filled aluminum U-ring bonded to the inner surface

    Spatial and Temporal Variation in Rosy Rockfish (Sebastes Rosaceus) Life History Traits

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    Spatial and temporal variability in environmental conditions and fishing pressure across a species’ geographic range may result in differences in life history traits, population demography, and abundance of marine species. Understanding spatial and temporal patterns of life history and demographic differences is essential for sustainable fisheries management because stock assessment models are sensitive to differences in stock productivity. The Rosy Rockfish (Sebastes rosaceus) is a small, commonly encountered, and ecologically important species in California whose life history and biological traits are only partially understood. I used central California collections of Rosy Rockfish from 2001-14 and data from the 1980s to revise outdated growth models, determine if changes in growth rates, longevity and survivorship have occurred over the past four decades, identify sex-specific differences in growth, and determine the spatial scale of Rosy Rockfish life history trait variations. Break and burn otolith analysis techniques indicated that Rosy Rockfish live at least 30 years (yr) – over twice as long as previously reported – though validation of age structures is still needed. Mean lengths of Rosy Rockfish collected from 1980-83 (246 mm) were greater than those collected from 2012-14 (209 mm). The asymptotic length of Rosy Rockfish collected in central California from 1980-83 was 31 mm greater than Rosy Rockfish collected during 2012-14 (256 mm vs. 225 mm). Maximum ages estimated for the 1980-83 and 2012-14 periods were 32 and 30 yr, respectively. Total mortality (Z) was reduced and survivorship was greater in the 1980s compared to the 2010s collections. These changes are especially interesting because fisheries do not directly target Rosy Rockfish. Male and female Rosy Rockfish exhibited different life history traits. Collections in central California from 2012-14 were comprised of a greater proportion of smaller females than males, and male Rosy Rockfish were larger than females in Half Moon Bay (2012-14) and Santa Cruz (2001-05). Longevity was greater in male Rosy Rockfish; females had greater mortality and reduced survivorship with age. Age and length at 50% maturity was similar between the sexes as both matured at age 8 and 171 mm and male and female growth parameters (Linf and K) were not significantly different. Central California Rosy Rockfish exhibited greater longevity and maximum age compared to southern California Rosy Rockfish, despite similar sample sizes and sampling techniques. Total mortality was reduced and survivorship was greater in southern California compared with central California, indicating potential differences in predation or fishing pressure between areas. Surprisingly, asymptotic size (Linf) was smaller in central California (225 mm) than in southern California (232 mm). A greater portion of midsized fishes in the southern California sample may explain some of these differences. The use of whole otoliths in previous age and growth studies resulted in age estimates that significantly underestimated the oldest age classes in Rosy Rockfish and future stock assessments should revise growth parameters to reflect new age estimates. Using the break and burn technique, there were significant changes in mean length, longevity, survivorship and growth parameters between the 1980s and 2010s samples. The differences in life history and population demography characteristics are consistent with increased mortality from direct fishing removals or indirect, density-dependent effects of competition and predation. Climate conditions were favorable for rockfish over the lifespan of fishes I collected and were probably not responsible for the temporal patterns observed. Likewise, recreational and commercial removals for Rosy Rockfish steadily declined since the mid 1990s, giving Rosy Rockfish populations nearly 20 years of relief from intense fishing pressure. Changes in Rosy Rockfish life history traits are most likely due to the indirect effect of community level changes caused by intense historical fishing pressure on larger rockfish and the subsequent recovery of many species and their predators including lingcod and pinnipeds. Increases in rocky reef population abundances may have increased density-dependent interactions with Rosy Rockfish such as predation and competition leading to increased total mortality. Small species like Rosy Rockfish are susceptible to changing ecosystems; this study highlights the need to account for changes in life histories and population demography within fisheries management

    The Rhetorical Discourse Surrounding Female Intersex Athletes

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    For decades, female intersex athletes have been ostracized by professional sport organizations due to their androgynous or masculine physiques. These athletes have experienced backlash from sports fans and competitors due to the assumption that they are men masquerading as women, or that they have gained unfair advantages in competition through the use of testosterone (Schweinbenz & Cronk, 2010). Negative media coverage has led to some of these athletes being required to undergo sex verification tests and/or suspensions by the International Olympic Committee (IOC; Elsas et al., 2000). This study explores the rhetorical discourse surrounding female intersex athletes in professional athletic settings, using a case study analysis of a number of professional athletes. The study will examine the derogatory and harmful rhetoric used against female intersex athletes and discuss how these messages have affected their professional image and impacted the public’s perception of intersex athletes in international competition

    Analytical Models for the Energetics of Cosmic Accretion Shocks, their Cosmological Evolution, and the Effect of Environment

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    We present an analytical description of the energetics of the population of cosmic accretion shocks, for a concordance cosmology. We calculate how the shock-processed accretion power and mass current are distributed among different shock Mach numbers, and how they evolve with cosmic time. We calculate the cumulative energy input of cosmic accretion shocks of any Mach number to the intergalactic medium as a function of redshift, and we compare it with the energy output of supernova explosions as well as with the energy input required to reionize the universe. In addition, we investigate and quantify the effect of environmental factors, such as local clustering properties and filament preheating on the statistical properties of these shocks. We find that the energy processed by accretion shocks is higher than the supernova energy output for z<3 and that it becomes more than an order of magnitude higher in the local universe. The energy processed by accretion shocks alone becomes comparable to the energy required to reionize the universe by z~3.5. Finally, we establish both qualitative and quantitatively that both local clustering as well as filament compression and preheating are important factors in determining the statistical properties of the cosmic accretion shock population.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, emulateap

    Residents' annoyance responses to aircraft noise events

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    In a study conducted in the vicinity of Salt Lake City International Airport, community residents reported their annoyance with individual aircraft flyovers during rating sessions conducted in their homes. Annoyance ratings were obtained at different times of the day. Aircraft noise levels were measured, and other characteristics of the aircraft were noted by trained observers. Metrics commonly used for assessing aircraft noise were compared, but none performed significantly better than A-weighted sound pressure level. A significant difference was found between the ratings of commercial jet aircraft and general aviation propeller aircraft, with the latter being judged less annoying. After the effects of noise level were accounted for, no significant differences were found between the ratings of landings and takeoffs. Aircraft noise annoyance reactions are stronger in lowered ambient noise conditions. This is consistent with the theory that reduced nighttime and evening ambient levels could create different reactions at different times of day. After controlling for ambient noise in a multiple regression analysis, no significant differences were found between the ratings of single events obtained during the three time periods: morning, afternoon, and evenings

    Interhemispheric comparison of atmospheric circulation features as evaluated from Nimbus satellite data

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    A relationship is established between relative geostrophic vorticity on an isobaric surface and the Laplacian of the underlying layer-mean temperature. This relationship is used to investigate the distribution of vorticity and baroclinicity in a jet-stream model which is constantly recurrent in the winter troposphere. The investigation shows that the baroclinic and vorticity fields of the extratropical troposphere must be bifurcated with two extrema in the middle and subpolar latitudes. This pattern is present in daily tropospheric meridional cross-sections. The reasons for the disappearance of bifurcation in the time-and-longitude averaged distributions are discussed


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    College students have difficulty in written communication, despite attempts by universities to place English courses in the “core curriculum.” Although many companies indicate that writing is an expected competency, and many companies consider writing when they promote, students still enter the workforce with poor grammar skills. Clear and concise communication is especially important in the health professions, where life-and-death decisions may be made based on written communication. Instructors in a large southwestern university used the concept of “selection” to provide more opportunities for students to practice their writing skills. Students could self-select up to 19 written assignments throughout the semester, with papers being 1-3 pages in length. An assignment was due each week, which required more student planning. From a grading perspective, the pilot project seemed to indicate that the more assignments that students submitted, the better their writing became. Despite this, students gave negative feedback about the assignments. In addition, the instructors found the pilot to be labor-intensive, averaging 20 hours per week for grading, and does not recommend the activity for tenure-track faculty

    Sources of Income Variation in Colombia: Personal and Regional Effects

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    A sample of 860,000 individuals from the 1973 Colombia Census Population is used to study income determinants and income inequality. Men and women are analyzed separately, as are employees and employer. Within these groups, education, age, region, and rural/urban differences in income are distinguished using a variety of procedures including simple cross tabulations and decompositions of the log variance of income by analysis of variance and by regression techniques. By standard statistical conventions, the four way classification by educational attainment is much the most important determinant of the logarithm of monthly income, while the seven age categories are generally somewhat more significant than the six regions. The fourteen parameters used to model these main effects account for a third of the log variance in income of employees and a quarter of that of employers. Each year of schooling is on the average associated with about 20 percent more income for male employees and employers. The restricted specification of a conventional earnings function increases the standard error of estimate by only .1 percent. Within education and age classes relative dispersions of incomes across regions are larger for the less educated, and for the very young and old.Fields224_Sources_of_income_variation.pdf: 432 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Regional Inequality and Other Sources of Income Variation in Colombia

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    [Excerpt] Regional inequality is of interest for a variety of reasons: planning development policies aimed at alleviating poverty and reducing personal inequality, gauging the degree of a country\u27s labor market integration, understanding patterns of population movement in general and labor force migration in particular, predicting future urbanization, and characterizing the poor. Policymakers often aim development programs at particular target groups such as those living in certain regions of a country. In this paper we analyze the determinants of incomes and income inequality in one less developed country, Colombia, examining both personal and regional aspects. The results help clarify the potential of a development strategy emphasizing the poorest regions of the country. Our specific objectives are to measure the relative importance of personal and regional effects on income variation in Colombia and to determine within relatively homogeneous segments of the labor force how place of residence is associated with personal income levels and dispersion. In Section II we explore income differences across a number of dimensions (education, sex, age, type of employment, and region) with particular reference to regional inequality. We then turn, in Section III, to more formal procedures (analysis of variance and regression) for systematically analyzing the relationship between income and age, education, type of employment, and region, and for quantifying these effects. The paper concludes with some implications of the empirical findings
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