7,200 research outputs found

    Ecology of anthocorid (Hemipt.: Anthocoridae) predators of the pear psylla (Homopt.: Psyllidae) in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia

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    The supposition is not valid that the disappearance of the native <i>Anthocoris melanocerus</i> from pear orchards late in the summer is because of competitive displacement by the introduced <i>A. nemoralis</i>. It is because <i>A. melanocerus</i> migrates to where prey are most abundant whereas <i>A. nemoralis</i> remains on pear. <i>A. melanocerus</i> is concentrated on willows in the spring, moves to pear when <i>Psylla pyricola</i> becomes abundant, and moves to cottonwood when aphids on it become abundant and the numbers of <i>P. pyricola</i> on pear have become low

    Residents' annoyance responses to aircraft noise events

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    In a study conducted in the vicinity of Salt Lake City International Airport, community residents reported their annoyance with individual aircraft flyovers during rating sessions conducted in their homes. Annoyance ratings were obtained at different times of the day. Aircraft noise levels were measured, and other characteristics of the aircraft were noted by trained observers. Metrics commonly used for assessing aircraft noise were compared, but none performed significantly better than A-weighted sound pressure level. A significant difference was found between the ratings of commercial jet aircraft and general aviation propeller aircraft, with the latter being judged less annoying. After the effects of noise level were accounted for, no significant differences were found between the ratings of landings and takeoffs. Aircraft noise annoyance reactions are stronger in lowered ambient noise conditions. This is consistent with the theory that reduced nighttime and evening ambient levels could create different reactions at different times of day. After controlling for ambient noise in a multiple regression analysis, no significant differences were found between the ratings of single events obtained during the three time periods: morning, afternoon, and evenings

    A Simple Model for r-Process Scatter and Halo Evolution

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    Recent observations of heavy elements produced by rapid neutron capture (r-process) in the halo have shown a striking and unexpected behavior: within a single star, the relative abundances of r-process elements heavier than Eu are the same as the same as those of solar system matter, while across stars with similar metallicity Fe/H, the r/Fe ratio varies over two orders of magnitude. In this paper we present a simple analytic model which describes a star's abundances in terms of its ``ancestry,'' i.e., the number of nucleosynthesis events (e.g., supernova explosions) which contributed to the star's composition. This model leads to a very simple analytic expression for the abundance scatter versus Fe/H, which is in good agreement with the data and with more sophisticated numerical models. We investigate two classes of scenarios for r-process nucleosynthesis, one in which r-process synthesis events occur in only \sim 4% of supernovae but iron synthesis is ubiquitous, and one in which iron nucleosynthesis occurs in only about 9% of supernovae. (the Wasserburg- Qian model). We find that the predictions in these scenarios are similar for [Fe/H] \ga -2.5, but that these models can be readily distinguished observationally by measuring the dispersion in r/Fe at [Fe/H] \la -3.Comment: AASTeX, 21 pages, includes 4 figure

    Synoptic Sky Surveys and the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background: Removing Astrophysical Uncertainties and Revealing Invisible Supernovae

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    The cumulative (anti)neutrino production from all core-collapse supernovae within our cosmic horizon gives rise to the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB), which is on the verge of detectability. The observed flux depends on supernova physics, but also on the cosmic history of supernova explosions; currently, the cosmic supernova rate introduces a substantial (+/-40%) uncertainty, largely through its absolute normalization. However, a new class of wide-field, repeated-scan (synoptic) optical sky surveys is coming online, and will map the sky in the time domain with unprecedented depth, completeness, and dynamic range. We show that these surveys will obtain the cosmic supernova rate by direct counting, in an unbiased way and with high statistics, and thus will allow for precise predictions of the DSNB. Upcoming sky surveys will substantially reduce the uncertainties in the DSNB source history to an anticipated +/-5% that is dominated by systematics, so that the observed high-energy flux thus will test supernova neutrino physics. The portion of the universe (z < 1) accessible to upcoming sky surveys includes the progenitors of a large fraction (~ 87%) of the expected 10-26 MeV DSNB event rate. We show that precision determination of the (optically detected) cosmic supernova history will also make the DSNB into a strong probe of an extra flux of neutrinos from optically invisible supernovae, which may be unseen either due to unexpected large dust obscuration in host galaxies, or because some core-collapse events proceed directly to black hole formation and fail to give an optical outburst.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Autoionization of very-high-n strontium Rydberg atoms

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    The autoionization of high n, n~280-430, strontium Rydberg states through excitation of the 5s 2S1/2→5p 2P1/2 transition in the core ion is investigated. The autoionization rates decrease rapidly as L is increased paving the way for production of long-lived two-electron-excited planetary atoms

    Analysis of Offshore Wind Energy Leasing Areas for the Rhode Island/Massachusetts Wind Energy Area

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    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), under an interagency agreement with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), is providing technical assistance to BOEM on the identification and delineation of offshore leasing areas for offshore wind energy development within the Atlantic Coast Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) established by BOEM in 2012. This report focuses on NREL's evaluation of BOEM's Rhode Island/Massachusetts (RIMA) WEA leasing areas. The objective of the NREL evaluation was to assess the proposed delineation of the two leasing areas and determine if the division is reasonable and technically sound. Additionally, the evaluation aimed to identify any deficiencies in the delineation. As part of the review, NREL performed the following tasks: 1. Performed a limited review of relevant literature and RIMA call nominations. 2. Executed a quantitative analysis and comparison of the two proposed leasing areas 3. Conducted interviews with University of Rhode Island (URI) staff involved with the URI Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) 4. Prepared this draft report summarizing the key findings

    Testing the Relation Between the Local and Cosmic Star Formation Histories

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    Recently, there has been great progress toward observationally determining the mean star formation history of the universe. When accurately known, the cosmic star formation rate could provide much information about Galactic evolution, if the Milky Way's star formation rate is representative of the average cosmic star formation history. A simple hypothesis is that our local star formation rate is proportional to the cosmic mean. In addition, to specify a star formation history, one must also adopt an initial mass function (IMF); typically it is assumed that the IMF is a smooth function which is constant in time. We show how to test directly the compatibility of all these assumptions, by making use of the local (solar neighborhood) star formation record encoded in the present-day stellar mass function. Present data suggests that at least one of the following is false: (1) the local IMF is constant in time; (2) the local IMF is a smooth (unimodal) function; and/or (3) star formation in the Galactic disk was representative of the cosmic mean. We briefly discuss how to determine which of these assumptions fail, and improvements in observations which will sharpen this test.Comment: 14 pages in LaTeX (uses aaspp4.sty). 5 postscript figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Double Distribution of Dark Matter Halos with respect to Mass and Local Overdensity

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    We present a double distribution function of dark matter halos, with respect to both object mass and local over- (or under-) density. This analytical tool provides a statistical treatment of the properties of matter surrounding collapsed objects, and can be used to study environmental effects on hierarchical structure formation. The size of the "local environment" of a collapsed object is defined to depend on the mass of the object. The Press-Schechter mass function is recovered by integration of our double distribution over the density contrast. We also present a detailed treatment of the evolution of overdensities and underdensities in Einstein-deSitter and flat LCDM universes, according to the spherical evolution model. We explicitly distinguish between true and linearly extrapolated overdensities and provide conversion relations between the two quantities.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, comments welcom

    The Paluxy River Footprints Revisited

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    Field research by the authors at various times between 1982 and 1989 helped expose some of the elongate impressions imbedded in alleged 108 million year old Cretaceous ledges along the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas. These human-like footprints were exposed in the same horizon with theropod dinosaur ichnites, as have prints in river itself over the decades, as reported by the local residents (I, 2). In order to thoroughly document such significant discoveries, several excavations were initiated since the 1986 ICC proceedings in the search for pristine ichnites. The results of these excavations plus the observable results of many previous excavations and the aspect ratio studies of many of the footprints strongly support the hypothesis that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. Furthermore, when radiocarbon dating results are combined with the paleoanthropological studies, the most logical conclusions are that: dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago is a myth; the long ages for sedimentary rock strata formation are non-existent; dinosaur extinction could have been caused by a major worldwide catastrophe happening perhaps only thousands of years ago
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