41 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of nurse‐led group CBT for hot flushes and night sweats in women with breast cancer: results of the MENOS4 randomised controlled trial

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    Objective Troublesome hot flushes and night sweats (HFNS) are experienced by many women after treatment for breast cancer, impacting significantly on sleep and quality of life. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is known to be effective for the alleviation of HFNS. However, it is not known if it can effectively be delivered by specialist nurses. We investigated whether group CBT delivered by breast care nurses (BCNs) can reduce the impact of HFNS.MethodsWe recruited women with primary breast cancer following primary treatment with seven or more HFNS/week (including 4/10 or above on the HFNS problem rating scale), from six UK hospitals to an open, randomised, phase 3 effectiveness trial. Participants were randomised to Group CBT or usual care (UC). The primary endpoint was HFNS problem rating at 26 weeks post randomisation. Secondary outcomes included sleep, depression, anxiety and quality of life. ResultsBetween 2017-2018, 130 participants were recruited (CBT:63, control:67). We found a 46% (6.9 to 3.7) reduction in the mean HFNS problem rating score from randomisation to 26 weeks in the CBT arm and a 15% (6.5 to 5.5) reduction in the UC arm (adjusted mean difference -1.96, CI -3.68 to -0.23, p=0.039). Secondary outcomes, including frequency of HFNS, sleep, anxiety and depression all improved significantly.ConclusionOur results suggest that specialist nurses can be trained to deliver CBT effectively to alleviate troublesome menopausal hot flushes in women following breast cancer in the NHS setting

    Understanding workflow in telehealth video visits: Observations from the IDEATel project

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    AbstractHome telemedicine is an emerging healthcare paradigm that has the potential to transform the treatment of chronic illness. The purpose of this paper is to: (1) develop a theoretical and methodological framework for studying workflow in telemediated clinician–patient encounters drawing on a distributed cognition approach and (2) employ the framework in an in-depth analysis of workflow in the IDEATel project, a telemedicine program for older adults with diabetes. The methods employed in this research included (a) videotaped observations of 27 nurse–patient encounters and (b) semi-structured interviews with participants. The analyses were used to provide a descriptive analysis of video visits, understand the mediating role of different technologies and to characterize the ways in which artifacts and representations are used to understand the state of the patient. The study revealed barriers to productive use of telehealth technology as well as adaptations that circumvented such limitations. This research has design implications for: (a) improving the coordination of communication and (b) developing tools that better integrate and display information. Although home telemedicine programs will differ in important respects, there are invariant properties across such systems. Explicating these properties can serve as a needs requirement analysis to develop more effective systems and implementation plans

    MENOS4 trial: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a breast care nurse delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention to reduce the impact of hot flushes in women with breast cancer: Study Protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Women who have been treated for breast cancer may identify vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats (HFNS), as a serious problem. HFNS are unpleasant to experience and can have a significant impact on daily life, potentially leading to reduced adherence to life saving adjuvant hormonal therapy. It is known that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is effective for the alleviation of hot flushes in both well women and women who have had breast cancer. Most women with breast cancer will see a breast care nurse and there is evidence that nurses can be trained to deliver psychological treatments to a satisfactory level, whilst also maintaining treatment fidelity. The research team will assess whether breast care nurses can effectively deliver a CBT intervention to alleviate hot flushes in women with breast cancer.METHODS: This study is a multi-centre phase III individually randomised controlled trial of group CBT versus usual care to reduce the impact of hot flushes in women with breast cancer. 120-160 women with primary breast cancer experiencing seven or more problematic HFNS a week will be randomised to receive either treatment as usual (TAU) or participation in the group CBT intervention plus TAU (CBT Group). A process evaluation using May's Normalisation Process Theory will be conducted, as well as practical and organisational issues relating to the implementation of the intervention. Fidelity of implementation of the intervention will be conducted by expert assessment. The cost effectiveness of the intervention will also be assessed.DISCUSSION: There is a need for studies that enable effective interventions to be implemented in practice. There is good evidence that CBT is helpful for women with breast cancer who experience HFNS, yet it is not widely available. It is not yet known whether the intervention can be effectively delivered by breast care nurses or implemented in practice. This study will provide information on both whether the intervention can effectively help women with hot flushes and whether and how it can be translated into routine clinical practice.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN 12824632 . Registered 25-01-2017.</p

    Feedback Inhibition in the PhoQ/PhoP Signaling System by a Membrane Peptide

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    The PhoQ/PhoP signaling system responds to low magnesium and the presence of certain cationic antimicrobial peptides. It regulates genes important for growth under these conditions, as well as additional genes important for virulence in many gram-negative pathogens. PhoQ is a sensor kinase that phosphorylates and activates the transcription factor PhoP. Since feedback inhibition is a common theme in stress-response circuits, we hypothesized that some members of the PhoP regulon may play such a role in the PhoQ/PhoP pathway. We therefore screened for PhoP-regulated genes that mediate feedback in this system. We found that deletion of mgrB (yobG), which encodes a 47 amino acid peptide, results in a potent increase in PhoP-regulated transcription. In addition, over-expression of mgrB decreased transcription at both high and low concentrations of magnesium. Localization and bacterial two-hybrid studies suggest that MgrB resides in the inner-membrane and interacts directly with PhoQ. We further show that MgrB homologs from Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia pestis also repress PhoP-regulated transcription in these organisms. In cell regulatory circuits, feedback has been associated with modulating the induction kinetics and/or the cell-to-cell variability in response to stimulus. Interestingly, we found that elimination of MgrB-mediated feedback did not have a significant effect on the kinetics of reporter protein production and did not decrease the variability in expression among cells. Our results indicate MgrB is a broadly conserved membrane peptide that is a critical mediator of negative feedback in the PhoQ/PhoP circuit. This new regulator may function as a point of control that integrates additional input signals to modulate the activity of this important signaling system

    CD44v4 Is a Major E-Selectin Ligand that Mediates Breast Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration

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    BACKGROUND: Endothelial E-selectin has been shown to play a pivotal role in mediating cell-cell interactions between breast cancer cells and endothelial monolayers during tumor cell metastasis. However, the counterreceptor for E-selectin and its role in mediating breast cancer cell transendothelial migration remain unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By assessing migration of various breast cancer cells across TNF-alpha pre-activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), we found that breast cancer cells migrated across HUVEC monolayers differentially and that transmigration was E-selectin dependent. Cell surface labeling with the E-selectin extracellular domain/Fc chimera (exE-selectin/Fc) showed that the transmigration capacity of breast cancer cells was correlated to both the expression level and localization pattern of E-selectin binding protein(s) on the tumor cell surface. The exE-selectin/Fc strongly bound to metastatic MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-468 cells, but not non-metastatic MCF-7 and T47D cells. Binding of exE-selectin/Fc was abolished by removal of tumor cell surface sialyl lewis x (sLe(x)) moieties. Employing an exE-selectin/Fc affinity column, we further purified the counterreceptor of E-selectin from metastatic breast cancer cells. The N-terminal protein sequence and cDNA sequence identified this E-selectin ligand as a approximately 170 kD human CD44 variant 4 (CD44v4). Purified CD44v4 showed a high affinity for E-selectin via sLe(x) moieties and, as expected, MDA-MB-231 cell adhesion to and migration across HUVEC monolayers were significantly reduced by down-regulation of tumor cell CD44v4 via CD44v4-specific siRNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrated, for the first time, that breast cancer cell CD44v4 is a major E-selectin ligand in facilitating tumor cell migration across endothelial monolayers. This finding offers new insights into the molecular basis of E-selectin-dependent adhesive interactions that mediate breast cancer cell transendothelial metastasis

    Development of a transformation system for chlamydia trachomatis: restoration of glycogen biosynthesis by acquisition of a plasmid shuttle vector

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    Chlamydia trachomatis remains one of the few major human pathogens for which there is no transformation system. C. trachomatis has a unique obligate intracellular developmental cycle. The extracellular infectious elementary body (EB) is an infectious, electron-dense structure that, following host cell infection, differentiates into a non-infectious replicative form known as a reticulate body (RB). Host cells infected by C. trachomatis that are treated with penicillin are not lysed because this antibiotic prevents the maturation of RBs into EBs. Instead the RBs fail to divide although DNA replication continues. We have exploited these observations to develop a transformation protocol based on expression of ?-lactamase that utilizes rescue from the penicillin-induced phenotype. We constructed a vector which carries both the chlamydial endogenous plasmid and an E.coli plasmid origin of replication so that it can shuttle between these two bacterial recipients. The vector, when introduced into C. trachomatis L2 under selection conditions, cures the endogenous chlamydial plasmid. We have shown that foreign promoters operate in vivo in C. trachomatis and that active ?-lactamase and chloramphenicol acetyl transferase are expressed. To demonstrate the technology we have isolated chlamydial transformants that express the green fluorescent protein (GFP). As proof of principle, we have shown that manipulation of chlamydial biochemistry is possible by transformation of a plasmid-free C. trachomatis recipient strain. The acquisition of the plasmid restores the ability of the plasmid-free C. trachomatis to synthesise and accumulate glycogen within inclusions. These findings pave the way for a comprehensive genetic study on chlamydial gene function that has hitherto not been possible. Application of this technology avoids the use of therapeutic antibiotics and therefore the procedures do not require high level containment and will allow the analysis of genome function by complementatio

    Development, qualification, validation and application of the Ames test using a VITROCELL® VC10® smoke exposure system

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    The Ames test has established use in the assessment of potential mutagenicity of tobacco products but has generally been performed using partitioned exposures (e.g. total particulate matter [TPM], gas vapor phase [GVP]) rather than whole smoke (WS). The VITROCELL®VC10® smoke exposure system offers multiple platforms for air liquid interface (ALI), or air agar interface (AAI) in the case of the Ames test exposure to mimic in vivo-like conditions for assessing the toxicological impact of fresh WS in in vitro assays.The goals of this study were to 1) qualify the VITROCELL®VC10® to demonstrate functionality of the system, 2) develop and validate the Ames test following WS exposure with the VITROCELL®VC10® and 3) assess the ability of the Ames test to differentiate between a reference combustible product (3R4F Kentucky reference cigarette) and a primarily tobacco heating product (Eclipse). Based on critical function assessments, the VITROCELL®VC10® was demonstrated to be fit for the purpose of consistent generation of WS. Assay validation was conducted for 5 bacterial strains (TA97, TA98, TA100, TA1535 and TA102) and reproducible exposure–related changes in revertants were observed for TA98 and TA100 in the presence of rat liver S-9 following exposure to 3R4F WS. In the comparative studies, exposure-related changes in in vitro mutagenicity following exposure of TA98 and TA100 in the presence of S9 to both 3R4F and Eclipse WS were observed, with the response for Eclipse being significantly less than that for 3R4F (p < 0.001) which is consistent with the fewer chemical constituents liberated by primarily-heating the product. Keywords: Whole smoke, Smoke exposure system, Ames test, 3R4F, Eclipse, Mutagenicity, Tobacco heating produc

    2016–2017 CARLI Commercial Products Committee Annual Project: A Review of Journal Cancellation Approaches and Practices

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    The committee members of the [CARLI] Commercial Products Committee decided that as an annual project a review of journal cancellation approaches and practices would be beneficial to other CARLI libraries faced with the need to address budget issues. This is an all-too-common problem facing libraries of all types and sizes. Committee members summarized their libraries’ experiences with having to cancel journals or other resources. The responses were summarized in order to suggest best practices for handling this issue and the individual responses were then anonymized and provided as case studies for those wishing for greater detail. A bibliography of selected resources is also included

    2016–2017 CARLI Commercial Products Committee Annual Project: A Review of Journal Cancellation Approaches and Practices

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    The committee members of the [CARLI] Commercial Products Committee decided that as an annual project a review of journal cancellation approaches and practices would be beneficial to other CARLI libraries faced with the need to address budget issues. This is an all-too-common problem facing libraries of all types and sizes. Committee members summarized their libraries’ experiences with having to cancel journals or other resources. The responses were summarized in order to suggest best practices for handling this issue and the individual responses were then anonymized and provided as case studies for those wishing for greater detail. A bibliography of selected resources is also included