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    Conventional radiography has long been used since 1895. With the development of technology, the radiology department has also developed with the use of digital radiography to facilitating patient service. Digital radiography is profitable for new hospitals or dentists because the maintenance costs will be cheaper. Also has a low cost of film making because the hospital does not require a fee for solutions for processing. Digital Radiography also reducing the need for space, because the hospital does not need space to process the film. Furthermore, The staff needed to run the service are also fewer. However, the existence of digital radiography has not completely replaced conventional radiography. Due to the large cost needed in the procurement. Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (RSGM) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) is one hospital that is developing digital radiographs in its services. The acceptance of this technology by the user needs to be known because the use of digital radiography users are less than conventional radiography. User acceptance is the desire of a group of users to utilize information technology designed to help their work. To predict user acceptance of information systems, researchers create models that can describe user acceptance. One model of technology acceptance is the Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2). The aim of this study was to find out the co-assistent acceptance of new technology, namely digital radiography. This study use an analytical cross sectional design with quantitative method. The survey was administered to a sample of 104 co-assistent randomly selected from RSGM Unsoed who have already used radiography digital. All data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result is only subjective norm that had significant effect to perceived of usefulness. Other variable are rejected. young dentists are still under the supervision of the DPJP [17]. Meanwhile, DPJP RSGM Unsoed is not familiar with digital radiography, and often uses conventional radiography. Keywords: Digital Radiography, TAM 2, Co-Assistent, Acceptance, Technolog