19 research outputs found

    Sinkhole monitoring and early warning: An experimental and successful GB-InSAR application

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    AbstractSinkholes represent a natural risk that may hit catastrophically without clearly detectible precursors. However, they are often overlooked by people and administrators. Therefore sinkhole monitoring and associated early warnings constitute important research topics but, currently, only a few papers about sinkhole prediction can be found. In this paper an experience of sinkhole monitoring and early warning with GB-InSAR is described. The latter is a highly precise instrument that is able to produce displacement maps with metric spatial resolution. The described activities were carried out on Elba Island (central Italy), where karstified limestone set off the occurrence of nine sinkholes since 2008, all within less than 3000m2, causing major damage to an important road and many indirect losses. In 1year of monitoring two deforming areas were detected, and the point where a sinkhole was about to propagate to the street level was predicted, thus permitting the preventive closure of the road. The deformation area was larger than the hole generated by the sinkhole, thus showing a subsidence that continued for a prolonged time even after the cavity was filled up. The occurrence of a 1.5-m-wide sinkhole, undetected by the GB-InSAR, also showed the lower detection limit of the instrument

    Big data managing in a landslide early warning system: Experience from a ground-based interferometric radar application

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    A big challenge in terms or landslide risk mitigation is represented by increasing the resiliency of society exposed to the risk. Among the possible strategies with which to reach this goal, there is the implementation of early warning systems. This paper describes a procedure to improve early warning activities in areas affected by high landslide risk, such as those classified as critical infrastructures for their central role in society. This research is part of the project LEWIS (Landslides Early Warning Integrated System): An Integrated System for Landslide Monitoring, Early Warning and Risk Mitigation along Lifelines. LEWIS is composed of a susceptibility assessment methodology providing information for single points and areal monitoring systems, a data transmission network and a data collecting and processing center (DCPC), where readings from all monitoring systems and mathematical models converge and which sets the basis for warning and intervention activities. The aim of this paper is to show how logistic issues linked to advanced monitoring techniques, such as big data transfer and storing, can be dealt with compatibly with an early warning system. Therefore, we focus on the interaction between an areal monitoring tool (a ground-based interferometric radar) and the DCPC. By converting complex data into ASCII strings and through appropriate data cropping and average, and by implementing an algorithm for line-of-sight correction, we managed to reduce the data daily output without compromising the capability for performing

    Integrating sedimentological and palaeopedological data for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction: Examples from the Plio-Pleistocene Upper Valdarno Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The study of palaeosols, coupled with the classical methods of process sedimentology, is increasingly becoming a powerful tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The intrinsic complementarity of these two methods, which record the effects of processes developing over different periods of time, allows to improve the detail of facies analysis. This type of approach has actually never been adopted for the Upper Valdarno Basin, which is one of the best-known continental Plio-Pleistocene basins of the Northern Apennines. The aim of this paper is to document the existence of pedogenized intervals within the Upper Valdarno basin fill and to describe and charac - terize them in terms of sedimentary and pedogenic processes. Thus we tested this approach on four stratigraphic intervals, selected within the whole succession because of their particular significance in the basin history. Deposits have been described and interpreted in terms of sedimentary facies and pedologic characteristics, with particular attention on the inferred relative temporal relationships between sedimentary and pedogenic processes. This led to several considerations about landscape stability and evolution, accommodation and sedimentation rates, which are not commonly possible with the analysis of single-event deposits. © Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2013

    Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Upper Valdarno Basin: new insights from the lacustrine S. Barbara Basin

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    We describe stratigraphic, structural and kinematic data from the sediments of the Upper Pliocene Santa Barbara Basin and from its substratum. The results shed light on the relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the larger Late Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene Upper Valdarno Basin of which the Santa Barbara Basin is considered a precursor. The sediments filling up the Santa Barbara Basin are made up of alluvial to deltaic and lacustrine deposits, grouped in the Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni (CSB) Synthem, related to Late Pliocene. This synthem was deposited in a tectonic depression reasonably delimited to the East by a west-dipping normal fault system and delimited to the North and to the South by left-lateral trans-tensional shear zones, which controlled the main directions of the alluvial drainage. During Early Pleistocene, a new master normal fault system (Trappola fault system) developed further to the East, determining the widening of the previous tectonic depression, now delimited to the North and to the South by the regional Piombino-Faenza and Arbia-Val Marecchia transfer zones, respectively. In this new tectonic depression, with a dominant axial drainage direction, alluvial, fluvio-aeolian and fluvial sediments (Montevarchi Synthem, VRC) deposited during Early Pleistocene. The VRC Synthem, being located in the hanging-wall of the Trappola normal fault system, is slightly tilted to the NE. Finally, during Early-Middle Pleistocene, axial fluvial deposits (Torrente Ciuffenna Synthem, UFF), sealed the previously formed brittle structures. Our kinematic and structural data allow us to confirm the interpretation that the Santa Barbara Basin is the precursor of the Upper Valdarno Basin and that both basins developed in structural depressions formed by the interplay between normal and transfer faults, framed in the extensional tectonics which characterizes Tuscany since Miocene

    Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Upper Valdarno Basin: new insights from the lacustrine S. Barbara Basin

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    We describe stratigraphic, structural and kinematic data from the sediments of the Upper Pliocene Santa Barbara Basin and from its substratum. The results shed light on the relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the larger Late Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene Upper Valdarno Basin of which the Santa Barbara Basin is considered a precursor. The sediments filling up the Santa Bar- bara Basin are made up of alluvial to deltaic and lacustrine deposits, grouped in the Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni (CSB) Synthem, related to Late Pliocene. This synthem was deposited in a tectonic depression reasonably delimited to the East by a west-dipping normal fault sys- tem and delimited to the North and to the South by left-lateral trans- tensional shear zones, which controlled the main directions of the alluvial drainage. During Early Pleistocene, a new master normal fault system (Trappola fault system) developed further to the East, determining the widening of the previous tectonic depression, now delimited to the North and to the South by the regional Piombino- Faenza and Arbia-Val Marecchia transfer zones, respectively. In this new tectonic depression, with a dominant axial drainage direction, alluvial, fluvio-aeolian and fluvial sediments (Montevarchi Synthem, VRC) deposited during Early Pleistocene. The VRC Synthem, being located in the hanging-wall of the Trappola normal fault system, is slightly tilted to the NE. Finally, during Early-Middle Pleistocene, axial fluvial deposits (Torrente Ciuffenna Synthem, UFF), sealed the previously formed brittle structures. Our kinematic and structural data allow us to confirm the interpretation that the Santa Barbara Basin is the precursor of the Upper Valdarno Basin and that both basins developed in structural depressions formed by the interplay between normal and transfer faults, framed in the extensional tectonics which characterizes Tuscany since Miocene

    Geomorphology of the Rotolon landslide (Veneto Region, Italy)

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    In this paper a geomorphological map of the Rotolon landslide is presented. This cartographic product was obtained using a combination of accurate field surveys together with airborne Lidar analysis, aerial photo interpretation and thermographic field surveys within a GIS. The map was prepared in order to analyze the morphological features of the landslide and therefore improve interpretation of the GB-InSAR data. This monitoring device was installed on the site after the detachment of a debris mass of 225,000 m3 on 4 November 2010. The main purpose of the post-event activities, including the geomorphological characterization, was to detect the processes acting on the landslide, evaluate the hazard related to each phenomenon, understand the landslide kinematics and define the residual risk for the area.The geomorphological map suggests that debris production and detachment are hazardous phenomena that involve the surficial detrital cover of a bigger and more complex landslide. The latter has the typical characteristics of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation. The distinction between secondary processes, which appear to be the most hazardous in the short-term, and deep seated ones, demonstrates that accurate mapping provides important information for local administrations and decision makers, allowing them to prepare landslide susceptibility and hazard models

    Geomorphological characterization, monitoring and modeling of the Monte Rotolon complex landslide (Recoaro Terme, Italy)

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    The Rotolon landslide, located in the upper Agno River valley (Vicenza, Italy), has threatened the valley for centuries. During November 2010, after 637 mm of rainfall in 12 days, a debris mass of about 225,000 m3 collapsed from the lowermost portion of the landslide and evolved into a debris flow that channeled in the Rotolon Creek riverbed, damaging the villages of Maltaure and Parlati in the Recoaro Terme municipality. On December 8th, 2010 the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Firenze started a real-time monitoring using a GB-InSAR radar interferometer. The radar data are elaborated to obtain weekly, monthly and total cumulated 3D displacement maps and displacement time series of ten control points selected on the landslide mass. Accurate field surveys were carried out to analyze the landslide physiographic features and to validate the ground deformation retrieved from the radar data. The geomorphological features, supported by the radar data, led to an interpretation of the complex Rotolon landslide as a Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation, whose detrital cover is often affected by detachments triggering debris flows. The November 2010 detachment area was modeled in order to: (i) calculate the main geotechnical properties of the collapsed material by means of a back analysis; (ii) define the residual risk; (iii) simulate new critical scenarios for the new topographic slope surface

    Enhancing the resilience of local communities threated by natural disaster: the experience of the Project "Shkoder", (Albania)

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    The vulnerability of Albanian population to natural disasters is due to poverty, inadequate infrastructures (e.g. communication network, basic public facilities and works of soil protection), an uncontrollable building boom and a range of environmental factors, both geomorphological and geological. The greatest disaster threats in Albania are those related to severe earthquakes and large-scale riverine floods. Geohazards assessment is a crucial point for Albania, which has been subject to a rapid development after the recent political changes, resulting in a general land degradation. Also the rate of migration from rural areas to the most urbanized areas currently represents a major problem for the National Civil Protection, since the urban sprawl in the suburbs are often located in high-risk areas, particularly vulnerable to natural hazards. The National Civil Protection system, in terms of subsidiary institutional and volunteer components, is relatively young in Albania. The progressive decentralization of the administrative competences triggered by the recent political changes is accompanied by the acquisition of new territorial information and the development of specific protocols for the emergency management, as well as the risk reduction. The management of natural disasters demands not only an early response to the criticalities, but also a correct mapping of the damage and the development of emergency plans for future events in order to protect lives, properties and the environment and moreover to spread the risk awareness in the population and to prepare it for such circumstances. The main purposes of the Pilot Project “Shkoder” is to enhance the resilience of a little community, located 9 kilometers south-west of Shkodra (Northern Albania), to flooding and earthquakes and to promote the subsidiarity principle by means of: a) demonstrating how basic information for the disaster planning (collected with a real demonstrative field survey) and the risk scenarios can be obtained using relatively simple and low-cost technologies and methods, whose easy accessibility is fundamental for government and academic institutions of poorly developed countries; b) training of the local community (public administrations and volunteers) on the themes of natural risk, disaster prevention and emergency management; c) creating an efficient Civil Protection volunteer system, able to cooperate with the local governmental and scientific institutions in case of natural disasters. The evaluation of the flooding risk in the study area has been carried out by means of HEC-RAS software, while the seismic vulnerability of strategic buildings has been estimated by microtremors analysis. A two-days course has been performed to expose the main results of the field survey and to train the beneficiaries on local vulnerabilities, emergency behaviours and roles. Finally the local authorities and the volunteers, by working together under the supervision of the Italian institutions (National Civil Protection Department and University of Firenze), promoted and realized the first national civil protection relief drill in Albania

    From hot rocks to glowing avalanches: Numerical modelling of gravity-induced pyroclastic density currents and hazard maps at the Stromboli volcano (Italy)

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    Gravity-induced pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) can be produced by the collapse of volcanic crater rims or due to the gravitational instability of materials deposited in proximal areas during explosive activity. These types of PDCs, which are also known as “glowing avalanches”, have been directly observed, and their deposits have been widely identified on the flanks of several volcanoes that are fed by mafic to intermediate magmas. In this research, the suitability of landslide numerical models for simulating gravity-induced PDCs to provide hazard assessments was tested. This work also presents the results of a back-analysis of three events that occurred in 1906, 1930 and 1944 at the Stromboli volcano by applying a depth-averaged 3D numerical code named DAN-3D. The model assumes a frictional internal rheology and a variable basal rheology (i.e., frictional, Voellmy and plastic). The numerical modelling was able to reproduce the gravity-induced PDCs' extension and deposit thicknesses to an order of magnitude of that reported in the literature. The best results when compared with field data were obtained using a Voellmy model with a frictional coefficient of f = 0.19 and a turbulence parameter Ο = 1000 m s− 1. The results highlight the suitability of this numerical code, which is generally used for landslides, to reproduce the destructive potential of these events in volcanic environments and to obtain information on hazards connected with explosive-related, mass-wasting phenomena in Stromboli Island and at volcanic systems characterized by similar phenomena