15 research outputs found

    Homöopathische Konzepte in der Eutergesundheit

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    In den letzten Jahren wurde der Einsatz von Homöopathie bei Eutererkrankungen in einer Reihe Studien untersucht. Die Autoren geben einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse. Homöopathie kann unter bestimmten Bedingungen vergleichbar erfolgreich wie Allopathie sein und trägt auf jeden Fall deutlich zur Minderung des Antibiotikaeinsatzes bei

    Zielgerichteter Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Eutergesundheit von Biobetrieben - Integration von tiergesundheitlichen Erfordernissen und Biorichtlinien

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    The effect of dry cow recommendations on udder health of cows after calving is investigated in 10 conventional Bavarian dairy farms. Information is based on monthly somatic cell count (SCC) measurements during the last 3 months and the result of quarter milk sample bacteriology and SCC (bovicare laboratory). An udder phase was calculated for every individual cow which could be “GREEN” (normal), “YELLOW” and “ORANGE” (mostly infected cows) or “RED” (mostly cows with low cure risk). Within 7 months, 219 cows had complete data to assess the effect of dry cow means (such as antibiotic treatment, teat sealing or no therapy) on SCC after calving. Farmers followed the recommendations in 80 % of the cases. Use of non-antibiotic therapies were recommended in 53% and applied in 43% of the cases. Effects depended on udder phase prior to drying off. Proportions of “unsuspicious cows” (SCC <100k/ml) were 66%, 60% and 48% for GREEN, YELLOW and ORANGE/RED cows, respectively. Targeted dry cow therapy with antibiotics was successful compared to use of antibiotics against recommendations in cows with phases beyond GREEN. The concept of an information based udder health management connects individual cow data as a basis for adequate therapy recommendations in accordance to organic regulations

    Are homeopathics able to replace antibiotics in the therapy of bovine mastitis? A placebo controlled randomized double-blind trial

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    To evaluate the effects of homeopathics on clinical mastitis cows and herd udder health this investigation was conducted in a Brandenburg bio-dyn herd of about 300 cows in two phases using a randomized doubleblind control trial design. After the first part in July 2002 the results preliminarily were evaluated and then the whole concept due to unsatisfying results was adapted. In Phase 1 a number of 121 clinical mastitis cases with 137 affected quarters matched the including criteria, in Phase 2 the number was 126 cows with 148 quarters. These animals were allocated to a code number which classified the case to Verum (n=65 and n=60) or placebo group (n=56 and n=66). In case of clinical mastitis cows were treated either by the oral dilution contending the required combined homeopathics or placebo. Animals were treated twice a day for 5 to 14 days (Phase 2: 1 to 7 days) depending on development of disease. In case of therapy failure in Phase 1 all animals were treated by an not coded homeopathic preparation and in Phase 2 by antibiotics according to bacteriological findings. Milk samples (double samples) for bacteriological and cell count investigation were taken before treatment (M1), 4 to 5 weeks after treatment termination (M2) and 7 to 8 weeks after treatment termination (M3). To evaluate the herd situation additional samples were taken after calving and before dry off. Healing criteria on the cow level was the clinical cure without secondary therapy and release to production. On quarter level the cure was determined by bacterial findings (BCR) and additional by cytological findings. A quarter was determined as „completely cured“, if no bacteria were found AND the cell count was below 100.000/ml. To assess the reduction of antibiotics within the concept it was hypothetically assumed that the mastitis cows had an average milk yield of 20,5 kg per day, was treated under conventional conditions by antibiotics over 3 days with a mean withdrawal time of 5 days (organic conditions x2). Afterwards, these theoretical values were compared to the extrapolated antibiotics input within our concept. Results While there is no difference between the cows in phase 1, on quarter level the verum group showed a significant higher complete cure rate than placebo group in Phase 2. These results are balanced by additional antibiotics treatment in case of therapy failure in the placebo group. The complete cure rate in the verum group after 8 weeks was 32% compared to 13% in placebo group (p<0.05). The limited cure results in single cows did not lead to an udder health depression of the herd. During the study the mean of somatic cell count could decreased by 100.000 cells/ml while the milk yield increased slightly by 250 kg/cow to 6.500 kg/cow/year. The number of actual antibiotic treatments during observation time compared to the number of mastitis cases which would be treated by antibiotics under conventionel conditions showed a reduction by 75%. The extrapolated reduction of milk loss by withdrawal was 25.000kg and the reduction of contaminated milk during treatment time was 13.100 kg per year for the herd. Discussion and Conclusions The increasing cure rates in the second part of the study are influenced by the enhancement of environmental preconditions in combination with the simplified therapy scheme. The therapists seemed to be more familiar with the fixed combinations of homeopathics so that positive effects of the homeopathics can be seen in this phase. After additional antibiotic treatments in case of therapy failure in specific infections (i.e. streptococci and staph. aureus) the cure rates could be elevated to a satisfying level. This fact shows that the limited and controlled use of antibiotics in organic herds can be helpful in the mastitis control. Regardless the conceptual modification to an antibiotic emergency concept, the massive reduction of antibiotics in combination with an increase of herd udder health justifies the therapy protocol in the second phase of the study. Hypothetically, the self cure of the animals is higher than known. The interaction between farmer or therapist and the cow could be a crucial criterion for the positive development of disease. As a conclusion, the integrated system consisting of preventive herd measures and complementary therapy added by limited antibiotic therapy. The precondition for the success is the attendance to optimize environmental conditions. The therapy system should be transparent, simple and easy to use. However, it is necessary to reflect every single mastitis case as a special one

    Verminderter Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Therapie klinischer Mastitiden durch eine Erstbehandlung mit Homöopathika

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    The EU regulations 1804/99 on animal husbandry in organic agriculture propose to use complementary veterinary medicine, including homeopathy, in therapy of clinical mastitis, the most frequent disease in dairy farming. The control of dairy cow mastitis is still based on the use of antibiotics. This study should assess the efficacy of a fixed homeopathic combination in curing clinical mastitis in order to minimize the use of antibiotics. The trial was conducted as a double blind placebo controlled study. In a German organic dairy herd of about 300 cows all fresh cases of clinical mastitis received a homeopathic therapy using a predetermined treatment protocol and a certain diagnostic pattern to match right remedies in the sense of the homeopathic remedy pictures. For treatment (HT) of acute mastitis the following remedies were used: Phytolacca D6, Bryonia D6, Echinacea D6 and Belladonna D6. Aconitum D6 was administered additionally in case of fever > 40°C at the beginning of the acute phase. Cases of chronical / subacute mastitis were treated by Echinacea D6, Phytolacca D6 and Hepar sulfuris D8. In cases of no clinical cure within 7 days and in case of infections by Streptococci spp. or S. aureus, after 3 days, resp., the cows received an additional intramammary antibiotic therapy on 3 consecutive days (HT+AT). The different stages of recovery – clinical (CCR), bacteriological (BCR) and total (TCR) - were evaluated by bacteriological findings and somatic cell count (SCC) in quarter foremilksamples on the day of return to production, 5 and 8 weeks after recovery. Because of nearly identical results between both treatment groups only the data of the verum group and the combined treatment regime is shown. 60 cows (70 affected quarters) suffering from clinical mastitis were enrolled in the study. The CCR was 74% immediately and 47% eight weeks after homoeopathic treatment. The CCR in cases with consecutive antibiotic treatment could be increased to 95% and 65% resp. In between the observation period 22 cows had recurrent mastitis (12 same quarter, 10 different quarter). The 53 clinically affected quarters which were infected by major pathogenic bacteria showed along the whole observation period a BCR of about 60%. The TCR was immediately after treatment only 20%, but increased during the 8 week observation up to 40%. Although the use of antibiotics was reduced to 25% compared to the extrapolated value of conventional mastitis therapy, udder health could be increased during the study regarding somatic cell counts and mastitis incidence on herd level. The decreasing input of antibiotics in mastitis therapy lead to a decrease antibiotically loaded milk and resulted in a benefit of additional consumable milk. The results suggests that homoeopathically supported health concepts in organic dairy herds are suitable to decrease the antibiotics input dramatically and can be recommended in organic herds, and possibly in conventional herds as well

    Klinische Prüfung von Homöopathika (Nosoden) in der Kontrolle von Mastitiden des Rindes (NoKoM)

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    In einem Milchviehbetrieb (250 Kühe) wurde eine homöopathische Trockenstellprophylaxe unter vollständigem Verzicht von antibiotischen Trockenstellern geprüft. Eine bestandsspezifische Mischnosode D30 wurde im Vergleich zu einem Placebo eingesetzt. Die Tiere wurden in wöchentlichem Abstand viermal vor dem Trockenstellen (TS), zur Abkalbung und eine Woche post partum (p.p.) mit je 5 ml des Studienpräparates peroral behandelt. Der Eutergesundheitszustand wurde zu den Behandlungen, in der 6. Woche und am Ende des 2. und 3. Laktationsmonats durch zytobakteriologische Untersuchungen erfasst. Insgesamt kamen 79 Tiere mit 314 Vierteln in die Auswertung (Verum: n=41/164; Placebo: n=58/150). In beiden Versuchsgruppen traten vergleichbare Neuinfektions-, Heilungs- und Erkrankungsraten auf. Die Neuinfektionsrate p.p. lag in der Verumgruppe bei ca. 20 % und über den Beobachtungszeitraum 5%-20% niedriger als in der Placebogruppe (p>0,05). Zum TS waren 33 Vierteln bakteriologisch positiv. Die Heilungsraten der betroffenen Viertel waren gering, und in den Behandlungsgruppen vergleichbar (p>0,05). Der vollständige Verzicht auf antibiotische Trockensteller führte nicht zur Verschlechterung der Eutergesundheit, sondern u.A. zu einer Zunahme gesunder Euterviertel. Die mittlere Tankzellzahl konnten leicht gesenkt werden. Obwohl während der Studie euterpathogene Erregern auftraten, konnte kein Anstieg an Mastitiserkrankungen festgestellt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Einsatz von antibiotischen Trockenstellern deutlich reduziert werden kann, wenngleich auf ihn, vor allem in Problembetrieben, nicht ganz verzichtet werden kann. Voraussetzung bleibt aber die Optimierung des Umfeldes der Tiere. Das Konzept kann in Verbindung mit dem selektiven Einsatz von Antibiotika zusammen mit einer tierärztlichen Bestandsbetreuung auch in anderen Betrieben umgesetzt werden und liefert somit neue Erkenntnisse für Sicherung der Tiergesundheit im ökologischen Landbau

    Nosoden zum Trockenstellen – eine placebokontrollierte Blindstudie

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    In an organic dairy herd (250 cows) a homeopathic dry cow treatment should be evaluated while an antibiotic dry cow therapy (DCT) was totally abandoned. A ran-domized placebo-controlled double blind study with a herd specific nosode (D30) was conducted. Either 5 ml of the nosode (VG) or a placebo (KG) was orally administered in weekly intervals four times before drying off, at the day of calving and seven days post partum (p.p.). The efficacy of treatment was measured according to quarter foremilk samples at the days of treatment, six weeks p.p. and at the end of the 2nd and 3rd month of lactation. Data of 129 cows with 512 quarters (VG:n=65/260; KG:n=64/252) was evaluable. New intramammary infections (IMIn) cure rates and cases of clinical mastitis in both treatment groups were nearly identical. In the VG 20% of the quarters came along with IMIn. In the KG IMIn were about 5% higher along the observation period (p>0.05). The cure rates of infected quarters were about 40% in both treatment groups (p>0.05). The complete abdication of antibiotics in DCT did not cause an impairment of udder health. Moreover the number of healthy quarters in-creased and the mean bulk milk somatic cell count decreased slightly during the study. The results of the study show that the use of antibiotics can be highly de-creased though a minimal use is indispensable, especially in herds suffering from udder health problems. Still the most essential prophylactic task is to optimize the housing conditions in the dry period and around calving. The presented dry cow man-agement in conjunction with a selective use of antibiotics can be implemented in veterinary herd health programs on other dairy farms

    Wissenstandsanalyse zur Tiergesundheit aller Nutztierarten im Ökologischen Landbau und 100% Biofütterung

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    In einer Wissensstandanalyse zum Thema 100 % Biofütterung Monogastrier und Tiergesundheit aller Nutztierarten im Ökologischen Landbau wurde der Forschungsbedarf zu den beiden Themen zusammengetragen. Die Projektkoordination und -leitung lag bei der Bioland Beratung GmbH. Projektpartner war das Institut für ökologischen Landbau des Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Instituts (vTI). Das Projekt wurde vom Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau und andere Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft (BÖLN) gefördert (FKZ 10OE088 und 10OE089). Nach einer kurzen Bestandsaufnahme der Tiergesundheitssituation bzw. im Falle der 100 % Biofütterung einer Status Quo Analyse für den Bereich der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, die die maßgeblichen Akteursgruppen Landwirte, Berater, Futtermittelwirtschaft und einschlägige Wissenschaft einbezog, und einer ausführlichen vom vTI Institut für ökologischen Landbau durchgeführten Literaturrecherche ging es darum, in einem zweitägigen Workshop mit 40 ausgewählten Teilnehmern den Umsetzungsstand zu den Themen Biofütterung Monogastrier und Tiergesundheit für die Nutztierarten Rind, Schwein, Geflügel, Schafe und Ziegen kritisch zu begutachten und in der Folge den Forschungs- und Handlungsbedarf zu formulieren. Als Ergebnis kann festgestellt werden, dass a) in einer ganzen Reihe von veterinärmedizinischen und agrarwissenschaftlichen Fragen rund um die Biofütterung von Schweinen und Geflügel und zur Tiergesundheit aller relevanten Nutztierarten ökolandbauspezifischer Forschungsbedarf besteht, b) wesentliche Umsetzungslücken und Schwachstellen aus mangelnder Verknüpfung der Wertschöpfungskette und der beteiligten Akteursgruppen resultieren, aus denen Forschungsfragen im Bereich des Wissenstransfers, der Kommunikations- und Systemforschung generiert werden können, c) ein entscheidender Wissensbedarf im Bereich der umfassenden Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung aktueller und zukünftiger Verfahrenskompartimente, insbesondere der Entwicklung von dazugehörigen Leitindikatoren besteht und d) nicht zuletzt „Systemfehler“ innerhalb der Rechtsvorschriften zum ökologischen Landbau zu konstatieren sind, die eine den Erwägungsgründen angepasste und prinzipiengerechte Umsetzung in der Praxis aufgrund konkurrierender Rechtsvorschriften oder „innerer“ Widersprüche nicht ermöglichen. Insgesamt konnte mit dem Projekt gezeigt werden, dass über den eigentlichen Forschungsbedarf hinaus, Reformbedarf bei den Rahmenbedingungen der Tierhaltung im ökologischen Landbau besteht, wenn diese über den Status einer kleinen lukrativen Marktnische hinausgehend den Kriterien der Zukunftsfähigkeit im umfassenden Sinne gerecht werden sollen

    A Real-Time Thermal Sensor System for Quantifying the Inhibitory Effect of Antimicrobial Peptides on Bacterial Adhesion and Biofilm Formation

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    The increasing rate of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in pathogenic bacteria is a global threat to human and veterinary medicine. Beyond antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) might be an alternative to inhibit the growth of bacteria, including AMR pathogens, on different surfaces. Biofilm formation, which starts out as bacterial adhesion, poses additional challenges for antibiotics targeting bacterial cells. The objective of this study was to establish a real-time method for the monitoring of the inhibition of (a) bacterial adhesion to a defined substrate and (b) biofilm formation by AMPs using an innovative thermal sensor. We provide evidence that the thermal sensor enables continuous monitoring of the effect of two potent AMPs, protamine and OH-CATH-30, on surface colonization of bovine mastitis-associated Escherichia (E.) coli and Staphylococcus (S.) aureus. The bacteria were grown under static conditions on the surface of the sensor membrane, on which temperature oscillations generated by a heater structure were detected by an amorphous germanium thermistor. Bacterial adhesion, which was confirmed by white light interferometry, caused a detectable amplitude change and phase shift. To our knowledge, the thermal measurement system has never been used to assess the effect of AMPs on bacterial adhesion in real time before. The system could be used to screen and evaluate bacterial adhesion inhibition of both known and novel AMPs

    The main purpose of the study was to investigate the feasibility to affect health and fertility of dairy cows on an organic farm by prophylactic administration of homeopathic remedies

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    Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Lebenslauf 1\. Einleitung 2\. Literaturübersicht 3\. Material, Methoden und Tiere 4\. Ergebnisse 5\. Diskussion 6\. Zusammenfassung 7\. Summary 8\. Anhang LiteraturverzeichnisDie Studie beschreibt ein Prophylaxeprogramm mit homöopathischen Komplexpräparaten in einem organisch-biologischen Betrieb in Brandenburg mit 200 Milchkühen. Die hauptsächliche Wirkungsrichtung der organo- und funktiotropen Arzneimittel sollte die Stabilisierung des Leberstoffwechsels, die Regulierung von Geburtsschwierigkeiten, eine Unterstützung der Rückbildung des Uterus und ein beschleunigtes Wiedereinsetzten der zyklischen Aktivität post partum sein. Die Studie wurde als randomisierter Doppelblindversuch konzipiert. Am Tag des Trockenstellens erfolgte für jedes Studientier eine komplette Datenerhebung bezüglich Milchleistung und Milchinhaltsstoffen der vergangenen Laktationsperiode. Zusätzlich erfolgte hier eine Beurteilung der Körperkondition und es wurde eine Blutprobe zur Ermittlung des Status von AST, AP, Bilirubin, Harnstoff, Calcium, Phosphor sowie Magnesium abgenommen. Die Behandlung der Tiere erfolgte zum Trockenstellen, unmittelbar nach der Kalbung sowie an den Tagen 7 und 14 post partum. An den Behandlungstagen erfolgte vor der subcutanen Applikation der Homöopathika eine klinische Untersuchung und eine Blutprobenentnahme. Die klinische Untersuchung sowie die Blutprobenentnahmen wurden wöchentlich bis zum Tag 35 p.p. fortgesetzt. Tiere, die bis zum Tag 60 p.p. noch nicht wieder besamt waren wurden zu diesem Zeitpunkt einer abschließenden Untersuchung unterzogen. Die Effekte der Behandlung wurden anhand der klinischen Befunde an Uterus und Ovarien, Blut- und Milchparametern, Krankheitsinzidenzen, Fruchtbarkeit (Rastzeit, Güstzeit, Konzeptionsraten) und der Entwicklung der Körperkondition ermittelt. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden erzielt: Die Milchleistung der Tiere konnte im Vergleich zur vorausgegangenen Laktation gesteigert werden, es konnten aber keine Unterschiede zwischen der Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe festgestellt werden. Der Beginn der zyklischen Ovaraktivität war in der Behandlungsgruppe etwas früher. Signifikante Unterschiede des beginnenden Zyklus zwischen den beiden Behandlungsgruppen konnte ermittelt werden, wenn die Höhe der Milchleistung in der Vorlaktation miteinbezogen wurde. Trotz des früher einsetzenden ovariellen Zyklus war die Rastzeit in der Versuchsgruppe verlängert, was einem mangelhaften Brunst- und Besamungsmanagement zugeschrieben werden könnte. Tiere mit erhöhten Leberwerten zum Trockenstellen wiesen in der homöopathisch behandelten Gruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe niedrigere Leberwerte nach der Kalbung auf.In a dairy herd of 200 cows in Brandenburg, Germany, a prophylactic program using homeopathic complex remedies was applied. The goal functions of the organo- and functiotropical remedies were stabilization of liver metabolism, regulation of partus, promotion of uterine involution and an earlier return tom cyclicity after calving, respectively. A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study design was performed. At drying off, for every animal in the study a complete anamneses was recorded including milk yield and metabolic milk parameters (fat, protein, somatic cell count) over the entire last lactation. On the day of drying off, after evaluation of body condition a blood sample was obtained for determination of the following parameters: AST, AP, Bilirubin, Urea, Ca, P, Mg. The treatment started at drying off, and was repeated at calving, 7 days p.p. and 14 days p.p.. On all treatment days, before subcutaneous injection, a clinical examination as well as blood sampling was performed. Examination and sampling was continued after treatment in weekly intervals until day 35 p.p.. Animals not inseminated until day 60 p.p. underwent a final examination and sampling. The effect of the treatment was measured by clinical findings of uterus and ovaries, blood and milk parameters, disease incidence, fertility (days to first service, days open, conception rates), and development of body condition. Some of the results were: The milk yield of the animals could be increased compared to the lactation before, however there was no difference between both treatment groups. The onset of cyclicity p.p. was slightly earlier in the treatment group. Significant differences of the onset of cyclic activity between treatment and control group were obtained when the average daily milk yield prior to lactation was additionally considered. Despite the earlier onset of cyclical activity the treatment group had more days to first service, which could be caused by faulty insemination management. Cows in the treatment group with increased AST, AP, Bilirubin or Urea at the day of drying off showed lower values after calving

    Recent experiences in application of homeopathy in farm animals

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    Objectives This RCCT should assess the efficacy of a fixed homeopathic combination for therapy of bovine clinical mastitis in order to minimize the use of antibiotics. Methods In a German organic dairy herd of about 300 cows cases of clinical mastitis received a homeopathic therapy using a predetermined treatment protocol and a certain diagnostic pattern. For treatment of acute mastitis the following remedies were used: Phytolacca, Bryonia, Echinacea and Belladonna or Aconitum depending on body temperature. Chronic mastitis were treated by Echinacea, Phytolacca and Hepar sulfuris. While at first antibiotics were totally banned, in the second period therapy failures received an additional intramammary antibiotic therapy. Clinical (CCR), bacteriological (BACCR) and bacteriocytological (TOTCR) cure rates were evaluated by quarter foremilksamples on the day of return to production, 5 and 8 weeks after recovery. Results In the study 126 cows (Verum:n=60/ Placebo:n=66) were enrolled. Cure rates in both treatment groups were nearly identical. CCR was 73% immediately and 47% eight weeks after treatment. The 107 quarters bacteriological infected did not show differences in BACCR (p>0.05) but in TOTCR in favour of homeopathy. The TOTCR after 8 weeks was 32 % compared to 13% (p<0.05). The consecutive antibiotic therapy increased cure rates in both groups between 10%-20% on time of evaluation and stage of recovery. Although antibiotics were decreased to 27% compared to conventional mastitis therapy, udder health could be increased. Conclusion The results suggest that homoeopathically supported health concepts in organic dairy herds are suitable to decrease the antibiotics input dramatically without impairment of udder health