16 research outputs found

    Unfolding of data from the activation probe as a method to determine energies of ionising radiation in tokamaks

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    katedra fyzik

    Unfolding of energies of fusion products measured by the activation probe at JET

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    Providing a detection method for diagnostic of charged fusion products in tokamaks presents a major challenge, while its absolute calibration with a sufficient accuracy and its capability to withstand harsh fusion reactor environment will be required. A novel type of detector that meets most of these requirements, based on an activation probe, was tested in JET and other European facilities. This probe proved to be extremely robust due to its simple construction. It is equipped with samples of well defined isotopic abundance. The amounts of activated nuclei due to the reactions in these materials could be measured via ultra-low-level gamma spectroscopy. The feasibility of the proton spectrum reconstruction from measured activities is examined in this contribution with the help of the algorithm based on the Tikhonov regularisation constrained by minimum Fisher information. The reliability of the method was previously illustrated using synthetic proton data

    RE beam generation in MGI disruptions on COMPASS.

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    In the experiments with the massive gas injection (MGI) triggered disruptions in the COMPASS tokamak, post-disruptive runaway electron (RE) beams are generated occasionally. In this contribution, a relatively large set of discharges from the recent years is analysed in order to improve our understanding of the processes behind the beam generation. It seems that despite the low toroidal field applied in the discharges (typically 1.15 T) the magnetic perturbations may be small enough to allow the acceleration and confinement of the electrons. The influence of the different components and different sections of the frequency spectrum of the magnetic perturbations on the beam generation and RE beam current is examined. Fast visible camera images are also analysed. The relevance of COMPASS runaway electron experiments for large machines is discussed. Moreover, the potential of less common diagnostic tools (Cherenkov detector, vertical ECE, ...) to clarify the role of the pre-disruption fast electron population and the influence of prompt runaway electron losses in the current quench is discussed using the recent test measurements

    Evaluation of Rock Joint Coefficients

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