128 research outputs found

    Summary of Terry v. Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club, 130 Nev. Adv. Op. 87

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    The Court adopted the “economic realities” test of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and held as a matter of law that performers at the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club were “employees within the meaning of NRS 608.010, and thus entitled to the minimum wages guaranteed by NRS Chapter 608.

    In re Montierth, 131 Nev. Adv. Op. 55

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    The Court held that the separation of a promissory note, held by a principal, and the deed of trust, held by an agent of the principal, does not render either instrument “void,” or require the reunification of the note and the deed of trust in order to foreclose. The Court further held that, under Nevada law and in the case of a contractual principal-agent relationship, the recordation of an assignment of a deed of trust is a “ministerial act.

    Summary of Fulbrook v. Allstate Ins. Co., 131 Nev. Adv. Op. 33 (Jun. 4, 2015)

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    The Court held that appellant’s counsel’s “technical difficulties,” with regard to e-mails and case files, was an insufficient basis on which to recall remittitur, because the technical difficulties were unrelated to Nevada’s electronic filing system, which exclusively provides required notifications to counsel

    Summary of Hohenstein v. State Emp’t Sec. Div., 131 Nev. Adv. Op. 17 (Apr. 2, 2015)

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    The Court determined that NRS 453.3363 prevents the Nevada Employment Security Division from using a guilty plea for a first-time drug offense, which led to a suspended sentence pending completion of probation, to justify denying unemployment benefits on the grounds of misconduct

    Fall Application of Herbicides for Musk Thistle Control (1992)

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    Effects of corn steep liquor supplementation on performance and herbivory patterns of beef

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    Increased grazing pressure on sericea lespedeza by beef cattle, the most economically relevant herbivore in the region, may slow its spread and facilitate some measure of biological control. Unfortunately, mature plants contain high levels of condensed tannins that decrease protein digestion by beef cattle, and these compounds are potent deterrents to grazing. Supplementing corn steep liquor has been shown to alleviate the negative effects associated with ingestion of condensed tannins when beef cattle are fed prairie hay contaminated with sericea lespedeza. In addition, beef cows supplemented with corn steep liquor did not discriminate between sericea lespedeza-contaminated and sericea lespedeza-free prairie hay in a preference trial. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the effects of supplemental corn steep liquor on herbivory patterns and performance of beef cows grazing native tallgrass rangeland infested with sericea lespedeza

    Impact of Stubble Heights on Native Hay Meadows in Southeast Kansas

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    Management practices affect hay production in native meadows. The objective of this study was to evaluate how stubble heights affect forage yield and quality in a native meadow. Prescribed spring burns contribute to improving forage quality. Setting the stubble height at 3 inches resulted in high forage quality and had a low yield impact

    Yield and Forage Quality on Native Meadows as Affected by Burn and Fertilization Management

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    Native meadows are widely used by producers in southeast Kansas. However, there are few studies about management practices to improve agronomic performance in southeast Kansas. This study evaluated the spring burn effect combined with the application of lime, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on yield and forage quality in native meadows. Yield and forage quality on native meadows were not affected by lime application, or P and K fertilization in the first year of the study. However, N fertilization increased yield, crude protein, and total digestible nutrients when associated with spring burn
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