26 research outputs found

    From SeaDataNet to SeaDataCloud: historical data collections and new data products

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    Temperature and Salinity historical data collections covering the time period 1900-2013/2014 were created for each European marginal sea (Arctic Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea) within the framework of SeaDataNet2 Project and they are available as ODV collections through a web catalog (https://www.seadatanet.org/Products/Aggregated-datasets). Two versions have been published and they represent a snapshot of the SeaDataNet database content at two different times: V1.1 (January 2014) and V2 (March 2015). A Quality Control Strategy (QCS) was developped and continuously refined in order to improve the quality of the database content and create the best data products. The QCS consists of four main phases: 1) data harvesting from the data infrastructure; 2) file and parameter aggregation; 3) secondary quality check analysis; 4) correction of data anomalies. The approach is iterative to facilitate the upgrade of the database content and it allows a versioning of data products. Regional temperature and salinity monthly climatologies have been produced from V1.1 historical data collections and they are also available (https://www.seadatanet.org/Products/Climatologies). Within the new SeaDataCloud Project the release of updated historical data collections and new climatologies is planned. SeaDataCloud novelties are the introduction of decadal climatologies at various resolutions, the development of climatologies for the Global Ocean and a task dedicated to new data products, like Mixed Layer Depth climatologies, Ocean Heat Content estimates, coastal climatologies from HF radar data. All SeaDataCloud products are available through a dedicated web catalogue together with their relative Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and Product Information Document (PIDoc) containing all specifications about product’s generation, quality assessment and technical details to facilitate users’ uptake. The presentation will briefly overview the existing SeaDataNet products and introduce the SeaDataCloud products’ plan, but the main focus will be on the first release (February 2018) of SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity historical data collections, spanning the time period 1900-2017, their characteristics in terms of space-time data distribution and their usability.SeaDataCloud ProjectPublishedVienna4A. Oceanografia e clim

    The mediterranean sea we want

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    open58siThis paper presents major gaps and challenges for implementing the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in the Mediterranean region. The authors make recommendations on the scientific knowledge needs and co-design actions identified during two consultations, part of the Decade preparatory-phase, framing them in the Mediterranean Sea’s unique environmental and socio-economic perspectives. According to the ‘Mediterranean State of the Environment and Development Report 2020’ by the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan and despite notable progress, the Mediterranean region is not on track to achieve and fully implement the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. Key factors are the cumulative effect of multiple human-induced pressures that threaten the ecosystem resources and services in the global change scenario. The basin, identified as a climate change vulnerability hotspot, is exposed to pollution and rising impacts of climate change. This affects mainly the coastal zones, at increasing risk of extreme events and their negative effects of unsustainable management of key economic assets. Transitioning to a sustainable blue economy is the key for the marine environment’s health and the nourishment of future generations. This challenging context, offering the opportunity of enhancing the knowledge to define science-based measures as well as narrowing the gaps between the Northen and Southern shores, calls for a joint (re)action. The paper reviews the state of the art of Mediterranean Sea science knowledge, sets of trends, capacity development needs, specific challenges, and recommendations for each Decade’s societal outcome. In the conclusions, the proposal for a Mediterranean regional programme in the framework of the Ocean Decade is addressed. The core objective relies on integrating and improving the existing ocean-knowledge, Ocean Literacy, and ocean observing capacities building on international cooperation to reach the “Mediterranean Sea that we want”.openCappelletto M.; Santoleri R.; Evangelista L.; Galgani F.; Garces E.; Giorgetti A.; Fava F.; Herut B.; Hilmi K.; Kholeif S.; Lorito S.; Sammari C.; Lianos M.C.; Celussi M.; D'alelio D.; Francocci F.; Giorgi G.; Canu D.M.; Organelli E.; Pomaro A.; Sannino G.; Segou M.; Simoncelli S.; Babeyko A.; Barbanti A.; Chang-Seng D.; Cardin V.; Casotti R.; Drago A.; Asmi S.E.; Eparkhina D.; Fichaut M.; Hema T.; Procaccini G.; Santoro F.; Scoullos M.; Solidoro C.; Trincardi F.; Tunesi L.; Umgiesser G.; Zingone A.; Ballerini T.; Chaffai A.; Coppini G.; Gruber S.; Knezevic J.; Leone G.; Penca J.; Pinardi N.; Petihakis G.; Rio M.-H.; Said M.; Siokouros Z.; Srour A.; Snoussi M.; Tintore J.; Vassilopoulou V.; Zavatarelli M.Cappelletto M.; Santoleri R.; Evangelista L.; Galgani F.; Garces E.; Giorgetti A.; Fava F.; Herut B.; Hilmi K.; Kholeif S.; Lorito S.; Sammari C.; Lianos M.C.; Celussi M.; D'alelio D.; Francocci F.; Giorgi G.; Canu D.M.; Organelli E.; Pomaro A.; Sannino G.; Segou M.; Simoncelli S.; Babeyko A.; Barbanti A.; Chang-Seng D.; Cardin V.; Casotti R.; Drago A.; Asmi S.E.; Eparkhina D.; Fichaut M.; Hema T.; Procaccini G.; Santoro F.; Scoullos M.; Solidoro C.; Trincardi F.; Tunesi L.; Umgiesser G.; Zingone A.; Ballerini T.; Chaffai A.; Coppini G.; Gruber S.; Knezevic J.; Leone G.; Penca J.; Pinardi N.; Petihakis G.; Rio M.-H.; Said M.; Siokouros Z.; Srour A.; Snoussi M.; Tintore J.; Vassilopoulou V.; Zavatarelli M

    Magmatologie de la Montagne Pelee (Martinique)

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    CNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc

    SEANOE, a publisher of scientific data in the field of marine sciences

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    SeaDataNet: What’s up in the cloud?

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    The presentation gives an overview of the overall setting and background of the SeaDataNet infrastructure, the partnership and relations with other projects and insists more particularly on the new challenges and the technical progress that have been achieved since the start of SeaDataCloud project, involving different partners of the Technical Task Grou

    From SeaDataNet II to SeadataCloud

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    The presentation highlight the present status and achievements of the SeaDataNet infrastructure and look forward to innovations and further developments that are proposed for the coming years

    Guide principes FAIR

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    Le pĂŽle de donnĂ©es et de services pour l’ocĂ©an Odatis[1] (IR Data Terra[2]) a pour objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de promouvoir et faciliter l’utilisation des donnĂ©es d'observations rĂ©alisĂ©es dans l’ocĂ©an, Ă  partir de mesures in situ et de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection pour rĂ©pondre Ă  l'enjeu scientifique et sociĂ©tal de dĂ©crire, quantifier et comprendre l’ocĂ©an dans sa globalitĂ© ou Ă  son interface avec les autres milieux. Dans le respect des dispositions lĂ©gales rĂ©gissant l’accessibilitĂ© aux donnĂ©es de la recherche (Open Data) et des sciences ouvertes (Open Science), les principes de FAIR (Wilkinson, Dumontier, & Aalbersberg, 2016) recouvrent les maniĂšres de construire, stocker, prĂ©senter ou publier des donnĂ©es pour permettre que la donnĂ©e soit « trouvable, accessible, interopĂ©rable et rĂ©utilisable » (en anglais : Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, d’oĂč l’acronyme « FAIR »). Cela nĂ©cessite des infrastructures interopĂ©rables permettant d'assurer la diffusion, le partage, la sauvegarde et l’usage intelligent et transversal des donnĂ©es. Le dĂ©veloppement de la science ouverte, la mise en Ɠuvre des principes FAIR et la certification des entrepĂŽts de donnĂ©es offrent un cadre et une ligne directrice pour la mise en Ɠuvre d'une telle politique de gestion des donnĂ©es au sein du pĂŽle Odatis. Le prĂ©sent guide est produit dans le cadre du projet ANR COPiLOtE. Ce projet, financĂ© dans le cadre de l’AO ANR Flash Science Ouverte 2019, s'intĂ©resse Ă  la certification des Centres de DonnĂ©es et de Services (CDS) avec deux principaux objectifs: - Harmoniser l’implĂ©mentation des principes FAIR Ă  l’ensemble des CDS Odatis, - AmĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es et services proposĂ©s par les CDS Odatis, pour atteindre les exigences Ă©dictĂ©es par la RDA en vue d’une certification Core Trust Seal (CTS)

    SeaDataNet, an enhanced ocean data infrastructure giving services to scientists and society

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    Access to reliable and harmonised, large quantity of data has become a key topic in different fields, especially in the oceanographic sector where the cost of data sampling is very high. A huge amount of high quality marine data not only provides a basis for estimating the likelihood of occurrence of various kinds of environmental problems, but also helps to make relevant decisions about potential uses of the oceans such as renewable-energy development, aquaculture, etc. Thus, it is important to collect and make available high quality and interoperable ocean and marine observations, both at local and at global scale over several years, this is the main objective of the SeaDataNet e-infrastructure

    Processing and quality checks of shipboard ADCP data

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    SeaDataNet – Second phase achievements and technical highlights

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    This is an overall presentation of the SeaDataNet infrastructure implemented during the second phase of the European Seadatanet project, the objectives and the achievements at mid-term of the second phase of the project, as well as future plans at short and long terms are presented. Cooperation with other European and international initiatives is also highlighted.Présentation générale de l'infrastructure SeaDataNet développée pendant la deuxiÚme phase du projet européen FP7 SeaDataNet. Les nouveaux développements effectués pendant cette deuxiÚme phase ainsi que les plans futurs à court et long termes sont présentés. La coopération avec d'autres initiatives européennes et internationales est également décrite