31 research outputs found

    Penciptaan Motif Batik sebagai Ikon Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Batik Indonesia is one of the works of the ancestral heritage of Indonesia. Batik art is the art of drawing on the fabric for clothing which became one of the cultural keluaga Indonesian kings of old. The development of batik motif with the character of an area is one of the potential development of a new motif (contemporary) through the development of regional motifs, almost all regions to develop the potential of batik owned. However, there are still some areas that are still in the stage of exploring the potential of batik to bring creativity and innovation strive to create unique on batik motifs, as well as a characteristic of their region. Lumajang is one of the areas that do not have an icon that symbolizes motif characteristic of the region. a lot of potential that can be developed in Lumajang to be iconic motif, such as from natural resources such as mountain semeru, semeru sand and the great banana. Therefore it is necessary for creation motif Lumajang accordance with local characteristics in an effort to promote local region Lumajang through media batik. Design done by observation, interviews, in-depth interviews, and literature studies using qualitative descriptive analysis and supported by the analysis of keyword searches to determine the design concepts used in the overall design. The concept of natural grandeur implemented on the icon motif Lumajang district. The concept of natural grandeur is a form of abundant natural resources that exist in Lumajang, this area has its own characteristics compared to other surrounding areas such as the results of the great banana plantations, namely, of the results of that sand mining and mountain tourism semeru. This concept was then applied to the creation of the motif as icons Lumajang

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Kualitas Informasi Website terhadap Kuaitas Webste E-commerce Menggunakan Metode Webqual

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    E-Commerce is often called an online trading is the process of deployment, purchasing, sales, marketing goods and services via the Internet between the consumer to consumer (C2C), or an agency to consumers (B2C). E-commerce increasingly widespread popular Indonesian society, a variety of emerging e-commerce led to competition between e-commerce becomes very tight. For an e-commerce website can survive in the competition, or in order to become a popular e-commerce websites, each e-commerce website should be able to have a quality website. Quality website will result in the increase of sales transactions of the e-commerce. This research was conducted to determine an e-commerce website that is qualified with the goal to analyze the influencerof thesquality of service and quality of website information on the quality of e-commerce websites. This study uses data collection techniques such as questionnaires and had obtained a sampled of 110 respondents. The process of analysisx usedt in this study is the beginning of the validity and reliability, followed by a multiplez regressiont analysish. The resultsk of thishstudy indicatemthat thed variable Service Quality does not affect the variable Website Quality whereas Information Quality significant and positive impact on the e-commerce Website Quality

    Penciptaan Buku Ilustrasi Pakaian Adat Bregada Hadiningrat Kraton YOGYAKARTA sebagai Upaya Pengenalan Pakaian Tradisional Kepada Anak-anak

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    Indonesia has a very diverse cultural treasures ranging from customs artwork. In addition, Indonesia consists of several tribes that have cultural distinctiveness. Traditional Indonesian clothing is one of the cultural property owned by the Indonesian state and recognized by other countries. One of them is the Kasultanan Hadiningrat Yogyakarta which still preserve or perform ritual customs. One of the works of art and culture, one of which is still done until now is wearing traditional clothing. Traditional clothes of Yogyakarta is not only owned by the descendants of the royal nobles, but also owned by the courtiers and royal soldiers. To introduce custom clothing bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta then carried creation illustrated book as an attempt to introduce traditional clothing to children. To make this illustrated book uses several methods that begins with the collection of data from observation, interview and getting the data needed, and proceed with the creation of graphic design elements. From this process resulted in an illustrated book that can describe the character of bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta. Illustration Book is needed here is a illustration book using 2-dimensional concept that is able to attract the attention of the public to have characteristics of bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta itself. This is shown as an effort to support the introduction of the traditional clothing to the people, especially children