41 research outputs found

    Assistance tactile à la localisation de cibles périphériques pour des personnes à vision tubulaire

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    International audienceLa vision tubulaire est une déficience visuelle dans laquelle seul le champ central de la vision est préservé. Elle génère de grandes difficultés dans la vie quotidienne, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de repérer un objet d’intérêt dans l’environnement. Des informations tactiles, considérées comme discrètes, personnelles et peu invasives, peuvent permettre d’améliorer le comportement de recherche visuelle. Dans cette étude, nous avons conçu quatre techniques tactiles permettant de localiser un point spécifique dans l’espace. Les stimulations tactiles étaient soit un seul stimulus soit un train de stimuli transmis dans un système de coordonnées cartésien ou polaire. Les quatre techniques ont été comparées dans une tâche d’orientation de la tête. La plus efficace des techniques a été évaluée avec une tâche de recherche visuelle dans un environnement virtuel complexe. L’évaluation impliquait dix sujets avec un champ visuel artificiellement restreint à 10°, et un sujet avec une vision tubulaire due à un glaucome. Notre dispositif d’assistance a significativement amélioré l’efficacité de la recherche visuelle d’un facteur trois. Le dispositif pourrait être facilement intégré dans des lunettes intelligentes et détecter des cibles d’intérêt, soit sur demande, soit de façon automatique (par ex. les obstacles potentiels), facilitant ainsi, la recherche visuelle et la perception spatiale de l’environnement

    Direct RNA Nanopore Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Extracted from Critical Material from Swabs

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    In consideration of the increasing prevalence of COVID-19 cases in several countries and the resulting demand for unbiased sequencing approaches, we performed a direct RNA sequencing (direct RNA seq.) experiment using critical oropharyngeal swab samples collected from Italian pa-tients infected with SARS-CoV-2 from the Palermo region in Sicily. Here, we identified the sequences SARS-CoV-2 directly in RNA extracted from critical samples using the Oxford Nanopore MinION technology without prior cDNA retrotranscription. Using an appropriate bioinformatics pipeline, we could identify mutations in the nucleocapsid (N) gene, which have been reported previously in studies conducted in other countries. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, the technique used in this study has not been used for SARS-CoV-2 detection previously owing to the difficulties in the extraction of RNA of sufficient quantity and quality from routine oropharyngeal swabs. Despite these limitations, this approach provides the advantages of true native RNA sequencing and does not include amplification steps that could introduce systematic errors. This study can provide novel information relevant to the current strategies adopted in SARS-CoV-2 next-generation sequencing

    BITS2019: The sixteenth annual meeting of the Italian society of bioinformatics

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    The 16th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society was held in Palermo, Italy, on June 26-28, 2019. More than 80 scientific contributions were presented, including 4 keynote lectures, 31 oral communications and 49 posters. Also, three workshops were organised before and during the meeting. Full papers from some of the works presented in Palermo were submitted for this Supplement of BMC Bioinformatics. Here, we provide an overview of meeting aims and scope. We also shortly introduce selected papers that have been accepted for publication in this Supplement, for a complete presentation of the outcomes of the meeting

    A new SOM Initialization Algorithm for Nonvectorial Data

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    Self Organizing Maps (SOMs) are widely used mapping and clustering algorithms family. It is also well known that the performances of the maps in terms of quality of result and learning speed are strongly dependent from the neuron weights initialization. This drawback is common to all the SOM algorithms, and critical for a new SOM algorithm, the Median SOM (M-SOM), developed in order to map datasets characterized by a dissimilarity matrix. In this paper an initialization technique of M-SOM is proposed and compared to the initialization techniques proposed in the original paper. The results show that the proposed initialization technique assures faster learning and better performance in terms of quantization error

    An Intelligent System for Decision Support in Bioinformatics

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    The enormous array of computational techniques and data available due to today’s use of highthroughput technologies, can be quite overwhelming for researchers investigating biological problems. For any problem, there are many possible models and algorithms giving different results. We present a new Intelligent System that supports the selection, configuration and operation of strategies and tools in the bioinformatics domain

    Knowledge organization for modelling workflows in Taverna environment

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    Today Workflow Management Systems (WFMS), like Taverna and Kepler, have a very important place in the everyday work of the scientist. These tools support the access to computational resources and act as interface for building complex data processing chains. The next step is to support decisions of the researcher on autonomously developing workflow parts guided by requirements of the scientist while she/he is working on the high-level goal of the experiment. To this aim, it is necessary an ontology to store the knowledge related to the experiments and tools used, and to make this knowledge available not only to the scientist, but also to a suitable artificial intelligent system. In this paper we present an ontological approach for knowledge organization in WFMS. The proposed approach is based on a previously developed ontology, called Data-Problem-Solution-to-Experiment (DPS2E); here we aim at matching the abstract workflow obtained by means of our ontology into a concrete set of processes in Taverna environment. As results, we instanced an ontology that uses Taverna components for making two different concrete workflows; then, we make them available in myExperiment repository

    An Ontology Design Methodology for Knowledge-Based Systems with Application to Bioinformatics

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    Ontologies are formal knowledge representation models. Knowledge organization is a fundamental requirement in order to develop Knowledge-Based systems. In this paper we present Data-Problem-Solver (DPS) approach, a new ontological paradigm that allows the knowledge designer to model and represent a Knowledge Base (KB) for expert systems. Our approach clearly distinguishes among the knowledge about a problem to resolve (answering the “what to do” question), the solver method to resolve it (answering the “how to do” question) and the type of input data required (answering the “what I need” question). The main purpose of the proposed paradigm is to facilitate the generalization of the application domain and the modularity and the expandability of the represented knowledge. The proposed DPS ontological approach is applied to the modelling of the knowledge about a bioinformatics application scenario: the protein complex extraction from a protein-protein interaction network