88 research outputs found

    The Gaussian Plasma Lens in Astrophysics. Refraction

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    We consider the geometrical optics for refraction of a distant radio source by an interstellar plasma lens, with application to a lens with a Gaussian electron column density profile. The refractive properties of the lens are specified completely by a dimensionless parameter, alpha, which is a function of the wavelength of observation, the lens' electron column density, the lens-observer distance, and the transverse diameter of the lens. Relative motion of the observer and lens produces modulations in the source's light curve. Plasma lenses are diverging so the light curve displays a minimum, when the lens is on-axis, surrounded by enhancements above the unlensed flux density. Lensing can also produce caustics, multiple imaging, and angular position wander of the background source. If caustics are formed, the separation of the outer caustics can constrain alpha, while the separation of the inner caustics can constrain the size of the lens. We apply our analysis to 0954+654, a source for which we can identify caustics in its light curve, and 1741-038, for which polarization observations were obtained during and after the scattering event. We find general agreement between modelled and observed light curves at 2.25 GHz, but poor agreement at 8.1 GHz. The discrepancies may result from a combination of lens substructure or anisotropic shape, a lens that only grazes the source, or unresolved source substructure. Our analysis places the following constraints on the lenses: Toward 0954+654 (1741-038) the lens was 0.38 AU (0.065 AU) in diameter, with a peak column density of 0.24 pc cm^{-3} (1E-4 pc cm^{-3}) and an electron density of 1E5 cm^{-3} (300 cm^{-3}). The angular wander caused by the lens was 250 mas (0.4 mas) at 2.25 GHz. For 1741-038, we place an upper limit of 100 mG on the lens' magnetic field.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX2e using AASTeX macro aaspp4, 11 PostScript figures; to be published in Ap

    USNO Analysis Center for Source Structure Report

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    This report summarizes the activities of the United States Naval Observatory Analysis Center for Source Structure for the 2012 calendar year and the activities planned for the year 2013

    CRF Network Simulations for the South

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    In order to monitor and improve the CRF in both the Southern Hemisphere and along the ecliptic, we perform various simulations using station networks based mostly on the Australian AuScope network, New Zealand s Warkworth antenna, and several Chinese antennas. The effect of other stations such as HartRAO and Kokee Park to enhance the East-West baseline coverage is also considered. It is anticipated that the simulation results will help IVS to decide on the composition of the CRF sessions of the IVS to be run from 2011 onward

    The Position/Structure Stability of Four ICRF2 Sources

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    Four compact radio sources in the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF2) catalog were observed using phase referencing with the VLBA at 43, 23, and 8.6-GHz, and with VERA at 23-GHz over a one-year period. The goal was to determine the stability of the radio cores and to assess structure effects associated with positions in the ICRF2. Conclusions are: (1) 43-GHz VLBI high-resolution observations are often needed to determine the location of the radio core. (2) Over the observing period, the relative positions among the four radio cores were constant to 0.02 mas, suggesting that once the true radio core is identified, it remains stationary in the sky to this accuracy. (3) The emission in 0556+238, one of the four sources investigated and one of the 295 ICRF2 defining sources, was dominated by a strong component near the core and moved 0.1 mas during the year. (4) Comparison of the VLBA images at 43, 23, and 8.6-GHz with the ICRF2 positions suggests that the 8-GHz structure is often dominated by a bright non-core component. The measured ICRF2 position can be displaced more than 0.5 mas from the radio core and partake in the motion of the bright jet component

    Angular Broadening of Intraday Variable AGN. II. Interstellar and Intergalactic Scattering

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    We analyze a sample of 58 multi-wavelength, Very Long Baseline Array observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN) to determine their scattering properties. Approximately 75% of the sample consists of AGN that exhibit centimeter-wavelength intraday variability (interstellar scintillation) while the other 25% do not show intraday variability. We find that interstellar scattering is measurable for most of these AGN, and the typical broadening diameter is 2 mas at 1 GHz. We find that the scintillating AGN are typically at lower Galactic latitudes than the non-scintillating AGN, consistent with the scenario that intraday variability is a propagation effect from the Galactic interstellar medium. The magnitude of the inferred interstellar broadening measured toward the scintillating AGN, when scaled to higher frequencies, is comparable to the diameters inferred from analyses of the light curves for the more well-known intraday variable sources. However, we find no difference in the amount of scattering measured toward the scintillating versus non-scintillating AGN. A consistent picture is one in which the scintillation results from localized regions ("clumps") distributed throughout the Galactic disk, but which individually make little contribution to the angular broadening. Of the 58 AGN observed, 37 (64%) have measured redshifts. At best, a marginal trend is found for scintillating (non-scintillating) AGN to have smaller (larger) angular diameters at higher redshifts. We also use our observations to try to constrain the possibility of intergalactic scattering. While broadly consistent with the scenario of a highly turbulent intergalactic medium, our observations do not place significant constraints on its properties.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; AASTeX format; ApJ in pres