54 research outputs found

    Whole home exercise intervention for depression in older care home residents (the OPERA study) : a process evaluation

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    Background: The ‘Older People’s Exercise intervention in Residential and nursing Accommodation’ (OPERA) cluster randomised trial evaluated the impact of training for care home staff together with twice-weekly, physiotherapist-led exercise classes on depressive symptoms in care home residents, but found no effect. We report a process evaluation exploring potential explanations for the lack of effect. Methods: The OPERA trial included over 1,000 residents in 78 care homes in the UK. We used a mixed methods approach including quantitative data collected from all homes. In eight case study homes, we carried out repeated periods of observation and interviews with residents, care staff and managers. At the end of the intervention, we held focus groups with OPERA research staff. We reported our first findings before the trial outcome was known. Results: Homes showed large variations in activity at baseline and throughout the trial. Overall attendance rate at the group exercise sessions was low (50%). We considered two issues that might explain the negative outcome: whether the intervention changed the culture of the homes, and whether the residents engaged with the intervention. We found low levels of staff training, few home champions for the intervention and a culture that prioritised protecting residents from harm over encouraging activity. The trial team delivered 3,191 exercise groups but only 36% of participants attended at least 1 group per week and depressed residents attended significantly fewer groups than those who were not depressed. Residents were very frail and therefore most groups only included seated exercises. Conclusions: The intervention did not change the culture of the homes and, in the case study homes, activity levels did not change outside the exercise groups. Residents did not engage in the exercise groups at a sufficient level, and this was particularly true for those with depressive symptoms at baseline. The physical and mental frailty of care home residents may make it impossible to deliver a sufficiently intense exercise intervention to impact on depressive symptoms

    Mitochondrial Genetic Background Modulates Bioenergetics and Susceptibility to Acute Cardiac Volume Overload

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    Dysfunctional bioenergetics has emerged as a key feature in many chronic pathologies such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This has led to the mitochondrial paradigm in which it has been proposed that mtDNA sequence variation contributes to disease susceptibility. In the present study we show a novel animal model of mtDNA polymorphisms, the MNX (mitochondrial–nuclear exchange) mouse, in which the mtDNA from the C3H/HeN mouse has been inserted on to the C57/BL6 nuclear background and vice versa to test this concept. Our data show a major contribution of the C57/BL6 mtDNA to the susceptibility to the pathological stress of cardiac volume overload which is independent of the nuclear background. Mitochondria harbouring the C57/BL6J mtDNA generate more ROS (reactive oxygen species) and have a higher mitochondrial membrane potential relative to those with C3H/HeN mtDNA, independent of nuclear background. We propose this is the primary mechanism associated with increased bioenergetic dysfunction in response to volume overload. In summary, these studies support the ‘mitochondrial paradigm’ for the development of disease susceptibility, and show that the mtDNA modulates cellular bioenergetics, mitochondrial ROS generation and susceptibility to cardiac stress

    Duration comparison: relative stimulus differences stimulus age, and stimulus predictiveness.

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    Under a psychophysical trials procedure, pigeons were presented with a red light of one duration followed by a green light of a second duration. Eight geometrically spaced base durations were paired with one of four shorter and four longer durations as the alternate member of a duration pair, with different pairs randomly intermixed. One choice was reinforced if red had lasted longer than green, and a second choice was reinforced if green had lasted longer. Performance was compared when all the base durations and their pair members were included (entire-range condition) or when only the four longest base durations and their comparison durations (restricted-range condition) were used. Discrimination sensitivity decreased for longer duration pairs under both conditions, supporting a memory-based account. Sensitivity was lower under the restricted-range condition. Under both conditions, a bias to report "green as longer" increased as the second green duration increased. Bias changed as a matching function of the green-duration predictiveness of the correct choice. The results are related to a quantitative model of timing and remembering proposed by Staddon

    Short-term memory for responses: the "choose-small" effect.

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    Pigeons' short-term memory for fixed-ratio requirements was assessed using a delayed symbolic matching-to-sample procedure. Different choices were reinforced after fixed-ratio 10 and fixed-ratio 40 requirements, and delays of 0, 5, or 20 s were sometimes placed between sample ratios and choice. All birds made disproportionate numbers of responses to the small-ratio choice alternative when delays were interposed between ratios and choice, and this bias increased as a function of delay. Preference for the small fixed-ratio alternative was also observed on "no-sample" trials, during which the choice alternatives were presented without a prior sample ratio. This "choose-small" bias is analogous to results obtained by Spetch and Wilkie (1983) with event duration as the discriminative stimulus. The choose-small bias was attenuated when the houselight was turned on during delays, but overall accuracy was not influenced systematically by the houselight manipulation