7 research outputs found

    Ectodermal dysplasias: Classification and organization by phenotype, genotype and molecular pathway

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    An international advisory group met at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland in 2017, to discuss a new classification system for the ectodermal dysplasias (EDs) that would integrate both clinical and molecular information. We propose the following, a working definition of the EDs building on previous classification systems and incorporating current approaches to diagnosis: EDs are genetic conditions affecting the development and/or homeostasis of two or more ectodermal derivatives, including hair, teeth, nails, and certain glands. Genetic variations in genes known to be associated with EDs that affect only one derivative of the ectoderm (attenuated phenotype) will be grouped as non‐syndromic traits of the causative gene (e.g., non‐syndromic hypodontia or missing teeth associated with pathogenic variants of EDA “ectodysplasin”). Information for categorization and cataloging includes the phenotypic features, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man number, mode of inheritance, genetic alteration, major developmental pathways involved (e.g., EDA, WNT “wingless‐type,” TP63 “tumor protein p63”) or the components of complex molecular structures (e.g., connexins, keratins, cadherins)

    Molecular pathway-based classification of ectodermal dysplasias: first five-yearly update

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    To keep pace with the rapid advancements in molecular genetics and rare diseases research, we have updated the list of ectodermal dysplasias based on the latest classification approach that was adopted in 2017 by an international panel of experts. For this purpose, we searched the databases PubMed and OMIM for the term “ectodermal dysplasia”, referring mainly to changes in the last 5 years. We also tried to obtain information about those diseases on which the last scientific report appeared more than 15 years ago by contacting the authors of the most recent publication. A group of experts, composed of researchers who attended the 8th International Conference on Ectodermal Dysplasias and additional members of the previous classification panel, reviewed the proposed amendments and agreed on a final table listing all 49 currently known ectodermal dysplasias for which the molecular genetic basis has been clarified, including 15 new entities. A newly reported ectodermal dysplasia, linked to the gene LRP6, is described here in more detail. These ectodermal dysplasias, in the strict sense, should be distinguished from syndromes with features of ectodermal dysplasia that are related to genes extraneous to the currently known pathways involved in ectodermal development. The latter group consists of 34 syndromes which had been placed on the previous list of ectodermal dysplasias, but most if not all of them could actually be classified elsewhere. This update should streamline the classification of ectodermal dysplasias, provide guidance to the correct diagnosis of rare disease entities, and facilitate the identification of individuals who could benefit from novel treatment options

    Psychoeducational Characteristics of Children with Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia

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    Objective. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is an X-linked hereditary disorder characterized by hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, and anomalous dentition. Estimates of up to 50% of affected children having intellectual disability are controversial. Method. In a cross-sectional study, 45 youth with HED (77% males, mean age 9.75 years) and 59 matched unaffected controls (70% males, mean age 9.79 years) were administered the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, and their parents completed standardized neurodevelopmental and behavioral measures, educational, and health-related information regarding their child, as well as standardized and nonstandardized data regarding socioeconomic information for their family. Results. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in intelligence quotient composite and educational achievement scores, suggesting absence of learning disability in either group. No gender differences within or between groups were found on any performance measures. Among affected youth, parental education level correlated positively with (1) cognitive vocabulary scores and cognitive composite scores; (2) educational achievement for mathematics, reading, and composite scores. Conclusion. Youth affected with HED and unaffected matched peers have similar profiles on standardized measures of cognition, educational achievement, and adaptive functioning although children with HED may be at increased risk for ADHD