169 research outputs found

    Thermal fluctuations and longitudinal relaxation of single-domain magnetic particles at elevated temperatures

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    We present numerical and analytical results for the swiching times of magnetic nanoparticles with uniaxial anisotropy at elevated temperatures, including the vicinity of T_c. The consideration is based in the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation that includes the relaxation of the magnetization magnitude M. The resulting switching times are shorter than those following from the naive Landau-Lifshitz equation due to (i) additional barrier lowering because of the reduction of M at the barrier and (ii) critical divergence of the damping parameters.Comment: 4 PR pages, 1 figur

    The use of microarrays for the identification of the origin of genes of avian influenza viruses in wild birds

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    Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowls’ feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses, as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants, were analyzed by microarrays. The microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray helps to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons in the reading frame of PB1-F2 as well as the N66S substitution in the PB1-F2 viral protein; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of the H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3, and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild birds’ isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of the ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos and were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms.Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowls’ feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses, as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants, were analyzed by microarrays. The microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray helps to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons in the reading frame of PB1-F2 as well as the N66S substitution in the PB1-F2 viral protein; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of the H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3, and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild birds’ isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of the ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos and were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms

    Моделюючий вплив Селену на організм курчат-бройлерів

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    In recent years, based on new scientific data, many countries worldwide have been revising the existing standards for introducing trace elements in mixed feed for highly productive broiler chicken crosses. This also applies to selenium, which is recognized as an indispensable biotic ultramicroelement with a wide range of biological action according to modern classification. However, some aspects of the selenium effects on poultry have not been elucidated yet. We have conducted comprehensive research to deepen and expand modern ideas about the biological role of selenium, its impact on the interior and productive qualities of broiler chickens in the post-embryonic period of ontogenesis. One of the tasks was to study the causal relationship between the level of selenium consumption by broiler chickens and the studied indicators. The research was conducted on broiler chickens of the Cobb 500 cross. During the rearing period, the feeding of broiler chickens of all groups was carried out with dry full-fledged mixed feeds following the existing norms. The poultry of the first control group did not receive selenium supplementation. The poultry of the second experimental group was additionally injected with Selenium at the rate of 0.2 mg/kg, the third of 0.3, and the fourth of 0.4 mg/kg. When conducting a correlation analysis of the obtained experimental data, it was found that there are different levels and directions of relationship between internal and economically valuable features included in the study, which may vary depending on the selenium content in mixed feed for broiler chickens. A scheme of modeling the effect of selenium on broiler chickens’ bodies is proposed.Останніми роками у багатьох країнах світу переглядаються, із урахуванням нових наукових даних уже існуючі норми введення мікроелементів у комбікорми для високопродуктивних кросів курчат-бройлерів. Це стосується і Селену, який, згідно з сучасною класифікацією, визнаний незамінним біотичним ультрамікроелементом з широким спектром біологічної дії. Проте деякі аспекти впливу Селену на організм птиці ще остаточно не з’ясовані. З метою поглиблення і розширення сучасних уявлень про біологічну роль Селену, його вплив на інтер’єр та продуктивні якості курчат-бройлерів у постембріональний період онтогенезу нами були проведені комплексні наукові дослідження. Одним із завдань було вивчення причинно-наслідкового взаємозв’язку між рівнем споживання курчатами-бройлерами Селену та досліджуваними показниками. Дослідження проводилися на курчатах-бройлерах кросу СОВВ 500. Годівля курчат-бройлерів усіх груп упродовж періоду вирощування здійснювалася сухими повнораціонними комбікормами відповідно до існуючих норм. Птиця першої контрольної групи добавку селену не одержували. Птиці другої дослідної групи у комбікорми додатково вводили Селен із розрахунку 0,2 мг/кг, третьої – 0,3 та четвертої – 0,4 мг/кг. При проведенні кореляційного аналізу одержаних експериментальних даних встановлено, що між інтер’єрними та господарсько корисними ознаками, що входили в аналіз, мають місце різні рівні й напрями взаємозв’язку, які можуть змінюватися залежно від вмісту Селену в комбікормах для курчат-бройлерів. Запропоновано схему моделюючого впливу селену на організм курчат-бройлерів

    X-ray emission during the muonic cascade in hydrogen

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    We report our investigations of X rays emitted during the muonic cascade in hydrogen employing charge coupled devices as X-ray detectors. The density dependence of the relative X-ray yields for the muonic hydrogen lines (K_alpha, K_beta, K_gamma) has been measured at densities between 0.00115 and 0.97 of liquid hydrogen density. In this density region collisional processes dominate the cascade down to low energy levels. A comparison with recent calculations is given in order to demonstrate the influence of Coulomb deexcitation.Comment: 5 pages, Tex, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Применение микрочипов для идентификации происхождения генов вирусов гриппа диких птиц

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    Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowl’s feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants were analyzed by microarrays. The used microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray allows to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons and substitution N66S in the reading frame of the viral protein PB1-F2; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3 and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild bird’s isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos, were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms.В черте города Москвы из фекалий диких водоплавающих птиц изолировали 42 штамма вируса гриппа птиц и проанализировали их на микрочипах «Биогрипп», которые содержат 176 зондов к различным участкам генома вирусов гриппа. Микрочип позволяет определять: 1) субтип поверхностных белков гемагглютинина и нейраминидазы; 2) структуру С-концевой последовательности вирусного белка NS1, влияющую на степень ингибирования транскрипции клеточных хозяйских генов, в том числе ответственных за синтез интерферона; 3) наличие стоп-кодонов и мутацию N66S в рамке считывания вирусного белка PB1-F2, 4) наличие полиосновного сайта протеолитического расщепления гемагглютинина. Среди изолятов от диких птиц идентифицированы вирусы гриппа субтипов H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3 и H11N9. Все они содержали последовательность ESEV на С-конце белка NS1, полноразмерную рамку считывания для белка PB1-F2. Замена N66S в PB1-F2 обнаружена у шести штаммов. Однако такие маркеры патогенности, как последовательность ESEV (лиганд PDZ-домена) в вирусном белке NS1 и замена N66S PB1-F2 в контексте генома вирусов гриппа диких уток, не делали вирус патогенным для мышей. Все изоляты были высокоурожайны в куриных эмбрионах, инфекционны и иммуногенны для мышей, но не вызывали у этих животных клинических симптомов заболевания

    De novo sequencing and characterization of floral transcriptome in two species of buckwheat (Fagopyrum)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transcriptome sequencing data has become an integral component of modern genetics, genomics and evolutionary biology. However, despite advances in the technologies of DNA sequencing, such data are lacking for many groups of living organisms, in particular, many plant taxa. We present here the results of transcriptome sequencing for two closely related plant species. These species, <it>Fagopyrum esculentum </it>and <it>F. tataricum</it>, belong to the order Caryophyllales - a large group of flowering plants with uncertain evolutionary relationships. <it>F. esculentum </it>(common buckwheat) is also an important food crop. Despite these practical and evolutionary considerations <it>Fagopyrum </it>species have not been the subject of large-scale sequencing projects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Normalized cDNA corresponding to genes expressed in flowers and inflorescences of <it>F. esculentum </it>and <it>F. tataricum </it>was sequenced using the 454 pyrosequencing technology. This resulted in 267 (for <it>F. esculentum</it>) and 229 (<it>F. tataricum</it>) thousands of reads with average length of 341-349 nucleotides. <it>De novo </it>assembly of the reads produced about 25 thousands of contigs for each species, with 7.5-8.2× coverage. Comparative analysis of two transcriptomes demonstrated their overall similarity but also revealed genes that are presumably differentially expressed. Among them are retrotransposon genes and genes involved in sugar biosynthesis and metabolism. Thirteen single-copy genes were used for phylogenetic analysis; the resulting trees are largely consistent with those inferred from multigenic plastid datasets. The sister relationships of the Caryophyllales and asterids now gained high support from nuclear gene sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>454 transcriptome sequencing and <it>de novo </it>assembly was performed for two congeneric flowering plant species, <it>F. esculentum </it>and <it>F. tataricum</it>. As a result, a large set of cDNA sequences that represent orthologs of known plant genes as well as potential new genes was generated.</p

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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