265 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Functional Condition of Respiratory Muscles of Patients with a Complicated Bronchial Asthma Pathology and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

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    The aim of the research was to study the functional state of respiratory muscles and neuro-respiratory drive in patients with a combined pathology of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.The functional condition of the respiratory muscles and the tone of the respiratory centre were determined with the help of a device for occlusion spirometry. Also, the patient was observed with a spirometry, a general plethysmography of the body.Materials and methods.140 patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology, 34 patients with asthma and 17 patients with COPD were examined. Spirometry, general plethysmography of the body and occlusion spirometry were provided for all patients.Results show a decrease in muscle strength of breath in all categories of patients with broncho-obstructive diseases, especially expressed in patients with bronchial asthma and asthma-COPD intersection. The muscle strength of breath was maintained with a significant increase in COPD patients compared with those with bronchial asthma. With increasing broncho-obstruction in patients with asthma-COPD intersection, there was a progressive and reliable decrease in muscle strength for breath and expiration, as well as a tendency to increase neuron respiratory drive. In patients with asthma-COPD intersection with more expressed symptoms revealed a significant and reliable weakening of muscle strength for breath and increased neuro-respiratory drive. During the work were obtained reliable links of the parameters of respiratory muscle strength not only with the parameters of pulmonary volume and bronchial patency, but also with the degree of neutrophilic inflammation in this category of patients.Conclusions The obtained data on failure of the functional state of the respiratory muscles and the neuro-respiratory drive can be used in the development of rehabilitation programs for the management of patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology


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    The aim of the research was to study the functional state of respiratory muscles and neuro-respiratory drive in patients with a combined pathology of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.The functional condition of the respiratory muscles and the tone of the respiratory centre were determined with the help of a device for occlusion spirometry. Also, the patient was observed with a spirometry, a general plethysmography of the body.Materials and methods.140 patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology, 34 patients with asthma and 17 patients with COPD were examined. Spirometry, general plethysmography of the body and occlusion spirometry were provided for all patients.Results show a decrease in muscle strength of breath in all categories of patients with broncho-obstructive diseases, especially expressed in patients with bronchial asthma and asthma-COPD intersection. The muscle strength of breath was maintained with a significant increase in COPD patients compared with those with bronchial asthma. With increasing broncho-obstruction in patients with asthma-COPD intersection, there was a progressive and reliable decrease in muscle strength for breath and expiration, as well as a tendency to increase neuron respiratory drive. In patients with asthma-COPD intersection with more expressed symptoms revealed a significant and reliable weakening of muscle strength for breath and increased neuro-respiratory drive. During the work were obtained reliable links of the parameters of respiratory muscle strength not only with the parameters of pulmonary volume and bronchial patency, but also with the degree of neutrophilic inflammation in this category of patients.Conclusions The obtained data on failure of the functional state of the respiratory muscles and the neuro-respiratory drive can be used in the development of rehabilitation programs for the management of patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology


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    The aim of the research was to study the functional state of respiratory muscles and neuro-respiratory drive in patients with a combined pathology of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The functional condition of the respiratory muscles and the tone of the respiratory centre were determined with the help of a device for occlusion spirometry. Also, the patient was observed with a spirometry, a general plethysmography of the body. Materials and methods. 140 patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology, 34 patients with asthma and 17 patients with COPD were examined. Spirometry, general plethysmography of the body and occlusion spirometry were provided for all patients. Results show a decrease in muscle strength of breath in all categories of patients with broncho-obstructive diseases, especially expressed in patients with bronchial asthma and asthma-COPD intersection. The muscle strength of breath was maintained with a significant increase in COPD patients compared with those with bronchial asthma. With increasing broncho-obstruction in patients with asthma-COPD intersection, there was a progressive and reliable decrease in muscle strength for breath and expiration, as well as a tendency to increase neuron respiratory drive. In patients with asthma-COPD intersection with more expressed symptoms revealed a significant and reliable weakening of muscle strength for breath and increased neuro-respiratory drive. During the work were obtained reliable links of the parameters of respiratory muscle strength not only with the parameters of pulmonary volume and bronchial patency, but also with the degree of neutrophilic inflammation in this category of patients. Conclusions The obtained data on failure of the functional state of the respiratory muscles and the neuro-respiratory drive can be used in the development of rehabilitation programs for the management of patients with combined broncho-obstructive pathology

    The use of letrozolein ovulation inductionand ovarian hyperstimulation

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    The fertility of a couple depends upon several factors in both the male and female. Ovulation induction involves the use of medication to stimulate development of one or more mature follicles in the ovaries of women who have anovulation and infertility. Letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, has been demonstrated to be effective as an ovulation induction and controlled ovarian hyperstimulation agent

    Трансформація предметного поля досліджень дисципліни «Сучасні економічні теорії» в умовах становлення постнекласичної науки

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    У статті розглянуто науково-теоретичні підходи до розуміння змісту поняття «сучасні економічні теорії» та предметного поля досліджень даної навчальної дисципліни. Обгрунтовано сутність і чинники його трансформації в епоху становлення постнекласичної науки.The article discusses the scientific and theoretical approaches to understanding the meaning of «modern economic theories» and subject field studies of this discipline. The essence and the factors of its transformation in an era becoming post-non-classical science are considered in the paper.В статье рассмотрены научно-теоретические подходы к пониманию содержания понятия «современные экономические теории» и предметного поля исследований данной учебной дисциплины. Обоснованы сущность и факторы его трансформации в период становления постнеклассической науки

    Идеи немецкой исторической школы в обосновании рыночной трансформации хозяйства украинской экономической мыслью (последняя треть ХІХ – начало ХХ ст.)

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    Проаналізовано питання сприйняття та розвитку ідей німецької історичної школи представниками української економічної думки в процесі осмислення шляхів, форм та механізмів формування ринкового господарства на національних теренах.The paper analyzes the issues of perception and the development of ideas of the German historical school by the representatives of the Ukrainian economic thought in the process of understanding the ways, forms and mechanisms of formation of market economy on a national basis.Проанализированы вопросы восприятия и развития идей немецкой исторической школы представителями украинской экономической мысли в процессе осмысления путей, форм и механизмов формирования рыночного хозяйства на национальной почве

    Сучасні економічні теорії: концептуальні витоки, критерії та перспективи розвитку

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    У статті обґрунтовано критерії визначення поняття «сучасні економічні теорії», проаналізовано основні концептуальні джерела сучасної економічної думки та їхній зв’язок з провідними економічними напрямами сучасності, розглянуто перспективи розвитку економічної теорії в ХХІ ст.The criteria of determination of concept «Modern economic theories» are grounded in the article, the basic conceptual sources of modern economic idea and their connection are analysed with the leading contemporary economic trends, the prospects of the development of economic theory in ХХІ age are considered in the work.В статье обоснованы критерии определения понятия «современные экономические теории», проанализированы основные концептуальные истоки современной экономической мысли и их связь с ведущими экономическими направлениями современности, рассмотрены перспективы развития экономической теории в ХХІ веке

    Transverse Profile Monitor using Ion Probe Beams

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    A profile monitor is described that makes use of a low-intensity and low-energy ion beam to measure the transverse profile of a dense proton beam of small dimensions. Three tehcniques are considered based on the use of ion beams having a pencil, curtain, or cylindrical shape. The detector is almost non-interceptive for the proton beam and does not introduce disturbances in the machine environment. The theroretical aspects of the techniques used, together with experimental results obtained at the CERN SPS and Linac, are presented