402 research outputs found

    Field-induced suppression of the heavy-fermion state in YbRh_2Si_2

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    We report DC magnetization measurements on YbRh_2Si_2 at temperatures down to 0.04K, magnetic fields B<11.5T and under hydrostatic pressure P<1.3GPa. At ambient pressure a kink at B*=9.9T indicates a new type of field-induced transition from an itinerant to a localized 4f-state. This transition is different from the metamagnetic transition observed in other heavy fermion compounds, as here ferromagnetic rather than antiferromagnetic correlations dominate below B*. Hydrostatic pressure experiments reveal a clear correspondence of B* to the characteristic spin fluctuation temperature determined from specific heat

    Low-temperature thermopower study of YbRh2Si2

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    The heavy-fermion compound YbRh2Si2 exhibits an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition at an extremely low temperature of TN = 70 mK. Upon applying a tiny magnetic field of Bc = 60 mT the AFM ordering is suppressed and the system is driven toward a field-induced quantum critical point (QCP). Here, we present low-temperature thermopower S(T) measurements of high-quality YbRh2Si2 single crystals down to 30 mK. S(T) is found negative with comparably large values in the paramagnetic state. In zero field no Landau-Fermi-liquid (LFL) like behavior is observed within the magnetically ordered phase. However, a sign change from negative to positive appears at lowest temperatures on the magnetic side of the QCP. For higher fields B > Bc a linear extrapolation of S to zero clearly evidences the recovery of LFL regime. The crossover temperature is sharply determined and coincides perfectly with the one derived from resistivity and specific heat investigations.Comment: LT25 conference proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Observation of an optical non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the heavy fermion state of YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2}

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    We report far-infrared optical properties of YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2} for photon energies down to 2 meV and temperatures 0.4 -- 300 K. In the coherent heavy quasiparticle state, a linear dependence of the low-energy scattering rate on both temperature and photon energy was found. We relate this distinct dynamical behavior different from that of Fermi liquid materials to the non-Fermi liquid nature of YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2} which is due to its close vicinity to an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. submitte

    Spin dynamics of YbRh2Si2Yb Rh_2 Si_2 observed by Electron Spin Resonance

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    Below the Kondo temperature TKT_{\rm K} electron spin resonance (ESR) usually is not observable from the Kondo-ion itself because the characteristic spin fluctuation energy results in a huge width of the ESR line. The heavy fermion metal YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2} seems to be an exceptional case where definite ESR spectra show characteristic properties of the Kondo-ion Yb3+^{3+} well \textit{below} TKT_{\rm K}. We found that the spin dynamics of YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2}, as determined by its ESR relaxation, is spatially characterized by an anisotropy of the zero temperature residual relaxation only.Comment: Presented at NanoRes 2004, Kazan; 4 pages, 3 Figure

    Narrow band FLIP for liquid simulations

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    The Fluid Implicit Particle method (FLIP) for liquid simulations uses particles to reduce numerical dissipation and provide important visual cues for events like complex splashes and small-scale features near the liquid surface. Unfortunately, FLIP simulations can be computationally expensive, because they require a dense sampling of particles to fill the entire liquid volume. Furthermore, the vast majority of these FLIP particles contribute nothing to the fluid's visual appearance, especially for larger volumes of liquid. We present a method that only uses FLIP particles within a narrow band of the liquid surface, while efficiently representing the remaining inner volume on a regular grid. We show that a naïve realization of this idea introduces unstable and uncontrollable energy fluctuations, and we propose a novel coupling scheme between FLIP particles and regular grid which overcomes this problem. Our method drastically reduces the particle count and simulation times while yielding results that are nearly indistinguishable from regular FLIP simulations. Our approach is easy to integrate into any existing FLIP implementation

    Electron spin resonance of the Kondo ion in YbRh2Si2

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    By means of electron spin resonance (ESR) we investigated the dynamic magnetic properties of the heavy fermion metal YbRh2Si2. This is the first observation of Yb3+-ESR in YbRh2Si 2 being also the first ESR signal of a Kondo ion in a dense Kondo lattice system. Below T = 25 K strongly anisotropic ESR spectra observed in high-quality single crystals demonstrate the existence of local Yb3+ magnetic moments even below a characteristic spin fluctuation temperature derived from thermodynamic properties. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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