384 research outputs found

    A survey of current trends and suggested future directions in coral transplantation for reef restoration

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    Coral transplantation has been used in reef restoration for several decades, but information on the type of projects, their scope, scale, and success is mostly limited to published scientific studies and technical reports. Many practitioners do not have the capacity to share their progress in peer-reviewed literature, yet likely have a wealth of information to share on how to improve the efficiency of transplantation efforts. In order to incorporate non-published data on coral transplantation projects and gain an overview of the general features of these projects, we conducted an initial systematic online survey of projects run by various practitioners. Surveyed projects (n = 50) covered most of the tropical belt and ranged in size from a few hundred transplanted corals to >5000 transplants. The most frequent source of coral fragments were corals already broken from some previous impact (“corals of opportunity”; 58% of projects), followed by fragments stored in different types of aquaculture systems (42% of projects). The use of sexual reproduction was very limited. Fast-growing, branching corals were used in 96% of projects, being by far the most common transplanted growth form. About half of the projects mentioned undertaking maintenance of the transplantation plots. The majority of projects undertook subsequent monitoring (80%), yet the available data indicates that duration of monitoring efforts was not adequate to evaluate long-term success. The findings underline that while some general principles for successful coral restoration projects are reasonably well established, others need to be mainstreamed better in order to improve the effectiveness of coral transplantation for reef restoration. This relates in particular to sustainable funding, adequate site assessment, and long-term monitoring using established protocols. Additional information is needed to better understand and address potential challenges with regards to the sourcing of transplants and use of slow-growing species. A better integration of practitioners is necessary to improve the understanding of coral transplantation effectiveness. The results underline a need to develop and use monitoring protocols that allow gauging and comparing the effectiveness of coral transplantation among various projects, as well as for accessible platform(s) to allow the exchange of experiences made in different projects. Regular surveys of restoration projects are recommended to collate and share information among practitioners. We provide a number of recommendations for items to include in future surveys

    Evaluation und Vergleich von zwei immunchromatographischen Kassetten - Triple Tests fĂźr die zeitgleiche Detektion von Cryptosporidium spp.; Giardia lamblia und Entamoeba histolytica / Entamoeba dispar Antigenen in humanen Stuhlproben

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    Der Einsatz von immunchromatographischen Schnelltests in der Med. Parasitologie, zusätzlich zur mikroskopischen Diagnostik, stellt eine einfache, schnelle und sichere Methode für die gleichzeitige Erkennung von Giardia lamblia, E. histolytica/dispar und Cryptosporidium parvum – spezifischen Antigenen in unfixierten Stuhlproben humanen Ursprungs dar. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung erfolgte eine vergleichende, methodische Validierung der Schnelltestsysteme des RIDA® Quick Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba combi der Firma R-Biopharm und des Triage® Micro Parasite Panel der Firma BIOSITE Diagnostics im Hinblick auf den Gebrauch in den mikrobiologischen Einsatzlaboratorien der Bundeswehr. Neben Sensitivität und Spezifität wurden auch Parameter wie Handhabung, Kosten, Haltbarkeit und Praktikabilität unter besonderen Bedingungen bewertet

    Recognising addiction: For addicts‘ relatives and friends

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    Someone close to you has problems due to drinking alcohol or taking drugs, medicines, etc. Or they are acting oddly when it comes to screen time, gaming, shopping or eating. And you are worried about it, but at the same time feel helpless, overwhelmed and afraid. You may know the feeling of calling for help inside, but without anyone hearing you. Or you might feel as if you cannot or should not talk about what you have noticed. The situation this puts you in is unpleasant to you, and you shy away from this topic. Redaktionsschluss: December 2019Eine Ihnen nahestehende Person hat Probleme wegen des Konsums von Alkohol, Drogen, Medikamenten oder anderem. Oder sie zeigt ein auffälliges Verhalten im Umgang mit Medien, beim Spielen, Kaufen oder Essen. Und Sie machen sich deswegen Sorgen, fßhlen sich zugleich hilflos, ßberfordert und haben Angst. Wenn Sie merken, dass Sie an Ihre eigenen Grenzen gelangen oder bereits darßber hinaus gehen, bleiben Sie bitte nicht isoliert. Auch Sie haben das Recht und die MÜglichkeit, Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen oder sich mit anderen Menschen in ähnlicher Lage auszutauschen. Sie sind nicht allein mit diesem Problem und dßrfen darßber sprechen. Redaktionsschluss: Dezember 201

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Distribution of Deep-Water Gorgonian Corals in Relation to Seabed Topography on the Norwegian Margin

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    Investigating the relationship between deep-water coral distribution and seabed topography is important for understanding the terrain habitat selection of these species and for the development of predictive habitat models. In this study, the distribution of the deep-water gorgonians, Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis, in relation to terrain variables at multiple scales of 30 m, 90 m and 170 m were investigated at Røst Reef, Traena Reef and Sotbakken Reef on the Norwegian margin, with Ecological Niche Factor Analysis applied. To date, there have been few published studies investigating this aspect of gorgonian distribution. A similar correlation between the distribution of P. arborea and P. resedaeformis and each particular terrain variable was found at each study site, but the strength of the correlation between each variable and distribution differed by reef. The terrain variables of bathymetric position index (BPI) and curvature at analysis scales of 90 m or 170 m were most strongly linked to the distribution of both species at the three geographically distinct study sites. Both gorgonian species tended to inhabit local topographic highs across all three sites, particularly at Sotbakken Reef and Traena Reef, with both species observed almost exclusively on such topographic highs. The tendency for observed P. arborea to inhabit ridge crests at Røst Reef was much greater than was indicated for P. resedaeformis. This investigation identifies the terrain variables which most closely correlate with distribution of these two gorgonian species, and analyzes their terrain habitat selection; further development of predictive habitat models may be considered essential for effective management of these species

    Herbivorous fish rise as a destructive fishing practice falls in an Indonesian marine national park

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    Securing ecosystem functions is challenging, yet common priority in conservation efforts. While marine parks aim to meet this challenge by regulating fishing through zoning plans, their effectiveness hinges on compliance levels and may respond to changes in fishing practices. Here we use a speciose assemblage of nominally herbivorous reef fish in Karimunjawa National Park (zoned since 1989) to investigate whether areas subject to a restrictive management regime sustained higher biomass over seven years compared to areas where moderate and permissive regulations apply. Using a trait‐based approach we characterize the functional space of the entire species pool and ask whether changes in biomass translate into changes in functional structure. We track changes in predator biomass, benthic community structure, and fishing practices that could influence herbivore trajectories. Overall herbivore biomass doubled in 2012 compared to 2006–2009 and remained high in 2013 across all management regimes. We found no evidence that this biomass build‐up resulted from predator depletion or increased food availability but suggest it emerged in response to a park‐wide cessation of fishing with large drive nets known as muroami. The biomass increase was accompanied by a modest increase in taxonomic richness and a slight decrease in community‐scale rarity that did not alter functional redundancy levels. Subtle changes in both functional specialization and identity of assemblages emerged as generalist species with low intrinsic vulnerability to fishing recovered sooner than more vulnerable specialists. While this implies a recovery of mechanisms responsible for the grazing of algal turfs and detritus, restoring other facets of herbivory (e.g., macroalgal consumption) may require more time. An increase in the cost‐benefit ratio per journey of muroami fishing facilitated a ban on muroami nets that met minimal resistance. Similar windows of opportunity may emerge elsewhere in which gear‐based regulations can supplement zoning plans, especially when compliance is low. This does not advocate for implementing such regulations once a fishery has become unprofitable. Rather, it underlines their importance for breaking the cycle of resource depletion and low compliance to zoning, thus alleviating the resulting threats to food security and ecosystem integrity

    Positive association between epiphytes and competitiveness of the brown algal genus Lobophora against corals

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    Observations of coral–algal competition can provide valuable information about the state of coral reef ecosystems. Here, we report contact rates and apparent competition states for six shallow lagoonal reefs in Fiji. A total of 81.4% of examined coral perimeters were found to be in contact with algae, with turf algae (54.7%) and macroalgae of the genus Lobophora (16.8%) representing the most frequently observed contacts. Turf algae competitiveness was low, with 21.8% of coral–turf contacts being won by the algae (i.e. overgrowth or bleaching of coral tissue). In contrast, Lobophora competitiveness against corals was high, with 62.5% of contacts being won by the alga. The presence of epiphytic algae on Lobophora was associated with significantly greater algal competitiveness against corals, with 75.8% and 21.1% of interactions recorded as algal wins in the presence and absence of epiphytes, respectively. Sedimentation rate, herbivorous fish biomass, and coral colony size did not have a significant effect on Lobophora–coral interactions. This research indicates a novel and important role of epiphytes in driving the outcome of coral–algal contacts

    Length-weight relationship, movement rates, and in situ spawning observations of Holothuria scabra (sandfish) in Fiji

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    This study investigated the length-weight relationship and movement rates of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra, and reports on two in situ H. scabra spawning events at a site with relatively healthy stocks in Vanua Levu, Fiji. A length-weight equation was established − weight = 0.1878 × length2.5807 − which explained 90% of the variance for H. scabra of length 5−24 cm. H. scabra moved at a rate of 40 cm h-1 ± 3.40 SE and appeared active for 10 h day-1, displayed a home-ranging behaviour, and therefore are considered mobile within a limited range. Spawning occurred during October and December, coincided with spring tides, and was only observed around enclosures that were stocked with high densities (ca. 350 g m-2) of H. scabra. The animals aggregated around high-density enclosures prior to spawning, suggesting that spawning is density dependent. Observations during spawning indicate the length at first maturity is ca. 15 cm

    Suchtgefahren thematisieren: Angebote fĂźr die Arbeit mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen

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    Suchtprävention ist keineswegs mit einer einzigen organisierten Schul- oder Betriebsveranstaltung abgehandelt, sie verlangt vielmehr ein komplexes Herangehen und gehÜrt in den Alltag. Dies zu leisten, dafßr stehen in Dresden zahlreiche Partner bereit. Sie bieten Workshops, Seminare, Weiterbildungen, zielgruppenspezifische Programme, thematische Veranstaltungen, Elternabende, betriebliche Suchtprävention, langfristige gemeinsame Projektarbeiten und vieles mehr an. Die Broschßre weist den Weg zu den Unterstßtzern in Dresden und ihren Angeboten. Der schnellen Orientierung dienen die Symbole im Heft. Es empfiehlt sich, frßhzeitig direkten Kontakt zu den Partnern aufzunehmen, um die Einzelheiten der Zusammenarbeit abzuklären und auch weil die Kapazitäten teils begrenzt sind. Redaktionsschluss: 21. September 201

    Handreichung Kulturjahr Sucht: Kommunale Suchtprävention auf kreativen Pfaden

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    Die Idee zu dem hier beschriebenen Kulturjahr Sucht entstand bereits im Jahr 2016. Durch die Zuwendung der BZgA in den Jahren 2016 bis 2020 konnte der Ansatz inklusive der Konzeption von Kunstprojekten im öffentlichen Raum weiterentwickelt und gestaltet werden. In diesem Kapitel wird der gesamte Prozess beschrieben, den das Dresdner Modellprojekt durchlief – von der Ausschreibung bis hin zur Beauftragung und Umsetzung von Kunstprojekten. Auch auf grundlegende Überlegungen zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit wird eingegangen. Zu Beginn wird ein Blick auf die Voraussetzungen und Netzwerke geworfen, die günstig sind, um ein solches Projekt erfolgreich durchzuführen. Redaktionsschluss: September 202
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