2,600 research outputs found

    Coherent transport through graphene nanoribbons in the presence of edge disorder

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    We simulate electron transport through graphene nanoribbons of experimentally realizable size (length L up to 2 micrometer, width W approximately 40 nm) in the presence of scattering at rough edges. Our numerical approach is based on a modular recursive Green's function technique that features sub-linear scaling with L of the computational effort. We identify the influence of the broken A-B sublattice (or chiral) symmetry and of K-K' scattering by Fourier spectroscopy of individual scattering states. For long ribbons we find Anderson-localized scattering states with a well-defined exponential decay over 10 orders of magnitude in amplitude.Comment: 8 pages, 6 Figure

    Model to Predict Duty of Community Nurses in Promotive and Preventive Care

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    Community nurses had important role in promotive and preventive care in community. Aim of the study was to make model to predict community nurses role in promotive and preventive care based on Health Promotion Model (HPM). Design of the study was used explanatory with cross sectional approach. Sum of participant was 161. This study was conducted in 11 Public Health Center in Banyuwangi at 1 January to 30 January 2018. Methods of data collection was cluster sampling. The data was analysed using smartPLS software.. Inner model: personal factors (t=1.981), interpersonal influences (t=4.036), situational influences (5.720), commitment (t=5.138) had affected to community nurses duty in promotive and preventive care. This model could predict community nurses duty in promotive and preventive care in high level (Q=0.998). That was important to enhance of community nurses duty through modifying commitment of nurses, interpersonal influence factors, personal factors and situational influence factors

    Optimalisasi Kebutuhan Angkutan Umum (Taksi dan Bus) Rute Pontianak-sintang, Pontianak-nanga Pinoh dan Pontianak-putussibau

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    Seiringdengan perkembangan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat baik dalam jumlah maupunperkembangan sosial ekonomi, maka sarana dan prasarana transportasi secarakeseluruhan sangatlah penting. Untuk menunjang atau mendukung perkembangantersebut diperlukan sarana transportasi yang memadai dan dapat dijangkau olehsemua lapisan masyarakat. Hasil perhitungan yang menggunakan metode Try and Error dapat dilihat Jumlah angkutan umum (Taksi) yang optimal untuktrayek Pontianak-Sintang adalah sebanyak26 armada dari 32armada dengan tarif optimal yaitu sebesar Rp. 160.000,00,-, sedangkan untuk angkutan umum (Bus) yang optimal adalah sebanyak 42armada dari 26 armadadengan tarif optimal yaitu sebesar Rp.110.000,00,- jumlah angkutan umum (Taksi) yang optimal untuk trayek Pontianak-NangaPinoh adalah sebanyak 7 armada dari 9 armada dengan tarif optimal yaitu sebesar200.000,00,-, sedangkan untuk angkutan umum(Bus) yang optimal adalah sebanyak 17 armada dari 10 armada dengan tarif optimal yaitu sebesar Rp. 120.000,00,- dan jumlahangkutan umum (Taksi) yang optimal untuk trayek Pontianak-Putussibau adalahsebanyak 12 armada dari 15 armada dengan tarif optimal yaitu sebesar Rp.300.000,00,-. Kata

    Characteristic Soils "Soap" at Site Project of Pekanbaru Mayor\u27s Office

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    Soil characteristic in field did not always meet specifications in planning to carrying out construction works . A good construction such as roads, buildings , and other construction will be able to last long if its supported by a good foundation soil ( Hartosukma , 2005) . One of the site project of Pekanbaru, there are soils are fragile when seen by direct eyes and can cause problems in the construction field. Therefore , the research would take up to study the characteristics of soils “soap” at the site project of Pekanbaru Mayor\u27s Office Development through the physical and mechanical properties of the soil type

    Sistem Informasi Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa Plus (Kum+) Berbasis Web

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    Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa adalah salah satu syarat mahasiswa untuk dapat mengikuti Ujian. Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa Plus (KUM+) merupakan sistem pengambilan kartu berbasis web. Namun, di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri maupun Swasta masih banyak yang belum menggunakan Sistem Informasi pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM+) berbasis web, sehingga pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM) masih dilakukan dengan cara manual. Proses pengambilan KUM dengan cara manual dirasa masih kurang efektif karena mahasiswa harus mengantri dalam waktu yang lama dan juga harus datang ke kampus langsung untuk mengisi form pengambilan kartu ujian mahasiswa. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Sitem Informasi Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM+) Berbasis Web. Sehingga dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses pengambilan kartu ujian mahasiswa tanpa harus datang mengantri di kampus, juga memudahkan bagi pihak kampus dalam menginput jadwal dan tidak lagi mencetak kartu ujian. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan Bahasa pemprograman Processing Hypertext Programming (PHP). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan metode perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)

    Characterization of sialic acid affinity of the binding domain of mistletoe lectin isoform one

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    Sialic acid (Sia) is considered as one of the most important biomolecules of life since its derivatives and terminal orientations on cell membranes and macromolecules play a major role in many biological and pathological processes. To date, there is only a limited number of active molecules that can selectively bind to Sia and this limitation has made the study of this glycan challenging. The lectin superfamily is a well-known family of glycan binding proteins, which encompasses many strong glycan binding peptides with diverse glycan affinities. Mistletoe lectin (ML) is considered one of the most active members of lectin family which was initially classified in early studies as a galactose binding lectin; more recent studies have suggested that the peptide can also actively bind to Sia. However, the details with respect to Sia binding of ML and the domain responsible for this binding are left unanswered because no comprehensive studies have been instigated. In this study, we sought to identify the binding domain responsible for the sialic acid affinity of mistletoe lectin isoform I (MLI) in comparison to the binding activity of elderberry lectin isoform I (SNA), which has long been identified as a potent Sia binding lectin. In order to execute this, we performed computational carbohydrate-protein docking for MLB and SNA with Neu5Ac and β-Galactose. We further analyzed the coding sequence of both lectins and identified their glycan binding domains, which were later cloned upstream and downstream to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). Finally, the glycan affinity of the expressed fusion proteins was assessed by using different biochemical and cell-based assays and the Sia binding domains were identified
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