4,525 research outputs found

    Masculinity in Indonesian Popular Culture in the Early Era of the New Order Regime

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    This study aimed to identify the forms of masculinity in the Indonesian popular culture in the beginning of New Order regime. This study was based on the two novels: Cross Mama and Kekasih-Kekasih Gelap, written by Motinggo Busye. The analysis used new historicism theory proposed by Stephen Greenblatt. The analysis also considered various cultural contexts emerged in 1970s. The results show three shared trends in the novels. The first trend shows that the masculinity tends to be represented by both men worshiping patriarchal values such as the myth of woman's virginity and men perceiving woman as a sexual object. The second trend shows that masculinity is stereotyped based on masculinity, power, and male dominance. The third trend shows that masculinity relates to various products of mass culture at the time. This last trend shows that in that era,the ideal male figure is represented as the one who: (1) is sexually active with many women, (2) has a muscular body, (3) has a handsome look, and (4) has a financial capability. Besides the shared three trends, the result also shows that the texts in the novels do not only reflect the cultural situations in the 60's and 70's but also contribute in shaping the social values of the cultural situations

    Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Pegawai pada Kantor Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja

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    Office of Civil Service Police Unit Pangkalpinang formed in order to carry out the duties of government field Enforcing Regulation (Regulation), which is led by a Head of the Office of the Mayor Pangkalpinang jawan held by the Regional Secretary. Office of Civil Service Police Unit Pangkalpinang is located at Jl. Diamond Stone Village Girimaya Pangkalpinang. Office of Civil Service Police Unit Pangkalpinang have some technical areas and sub-sections. Here will be discussed regarding employee data processing system consisting of employee data collection in and out through the process of moving staff, The process of making DP3 (List of Work Implementation Assessment), the process of making a Certificate of Family Allowances To Get Payments (KP4), periodic employee payroll process, the process of recording training and reporting process. All data processing personnel in the Office of Civil Service Police Unit Pangkalpinang relate to the Regional Employment Board and the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management Regional Pangkalpinang

    Aplikasi Computer Assisted Test (CAT) pada Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pagar Alam (STTP)

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    This study aims to develop a valid and practical Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Application. This research is based on a less than optimal test process because it still uses paper sheets and graduation announcement process waiting for a long time. The instrument used in this study is the expert review to test the validity and test of one to one to know the practicality. Based on the Expert Review results of this product is stated valid from the average value of the assessment of media experts, design experts and evaluation experts with a score of 3, 9 so that the product category is valid. Then the practicality of this product was assessed by 3 respondents with an average score of 3.9 with practical criteria. So based on the CAT application product that is valid and practical. Then suggested to the next researcher to be able to research on the Android operating system. Keywords             : Computer Assisted Test (CAT), Validity, Practicalizatio

    Sejarah Mapalus Di Desa Silian Dua Kecamatan Tombatu (Tahun 1978-2006)

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    Penulisan ini mengambil topik tentang Sejarah Mapalus di Desa Silian Dua Kecamatan Tomabatu (1978-2006). Dalam penulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu Heuristik, Kritik Analisa, Interpretasi dan tahap terakhir adalah Historiografi. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis juga menggunakan landasan teori dari W.J.S. Poewadarmita, Tumenggung dan Kalempouw yang membahas tentang mapalus. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa keadaan mapalus di bidang kedukaan, perkawinan dan bangunan rumah di desa Silian Dua kecamatan Tombatu berkembang dengan baik dan sangat berperan aktif dalam menunjang kehidupan masyarakat desa Silian Dua

    Reformasi Pendidikan pada Masa Jepang Meiji: Studi Tentang Peran Politik Kekuasaan dalam Penerapan Pendidikan

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    The Meiji administration issued some new policies on education which were basically carried out socially by transforming the awareness of each citizen on the role of the state. The Japanese during the Tokugawa era were still bound by provincialism, whereas in the Meiji era they were obliged to have a national consciousness based on a nationalistic educational policy. The transformation of the provincial awareness to the nationalistic one is the most significant change carried out by the Meiji administration in the domain of education.&nbsp

    Influence Analysis of Bi Rate, Inflation and Ihsg on Stock Return of Banking Sector Listed on Indonesian Stock

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    This research aims to prove if there is any effect from the change of BI Rate, inflation, and IHSG to the return of banking sector listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. Hypothesis is tested using multiple regression linear with monthly observation period during year 2007 – 2011 towards 12 banking stock return which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research provides empirical evidence that simultaneously BI Rate, inflation and IHSG have effect on 9 stock return of banking sector, whereas partially tested IHSG has the most significant effect on stock return on banking companies compared with BI rate and inflation
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