16 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Karet Pada Sistem Peremajaan Bertahap

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    Peremajaan di perkebunan rakyat adalah terbatasnya modal petani dan kekhawatiran petani kehilangan pendapatan selama peremajaan. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan sistem peremajaan yang lebih murah dan efisien, serta menjamin kesinambungan pendapatan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan Januari 2012 – Juni 2014 di Kecamatan Way Tuba, Kabupaten Way Kanan, Lampung. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan 8 sistem peremajaan, yaitu (1) 30%-30%-40% + jagung, (2) 30%-30%-40% + kacang tanah, (3) 50%-50% + jagung, (4) 50%-50% + kacang tanah, (5) 70%-30% + jagung, (6) 70%-30% + kacang tanah, (7) 100% + jagung, (8) 100% + kacang tanah. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi penerimaan dari hasil penjualan lump tanaman karet tua, penjualan kayu tanaman karet yang ditebang, penjualan produksi tanaman sela selama dua kali musim tanam/tahun, biaya USAha tani dan pendapatan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model peremajaan tebang 100% memberikan pendapatan yang terbesar pada umur karet TBM, namun memerlukan biaya tunai yang juga lebih besar. Jumlah pendapatan atas biaya tunai selama 3 tahun dari model peremajaan 100% antara Rp46.412.000,00 (R/C=3,83)–Rp55.080.000,00 (R/C=3,83). Berdasarkan nilai R/C yang diperoleh maka alternatif model peremajaan dipilih model peremajaan 70%-30% atau 50%-50%. Jumlah pendapatan biaya tunai yang diperoleh dari model peremajaan 70%-30% sebesar Rp45.035.000,00 (R/C=4,88)–Rp52.144.000,00 (R/C=4,87), sedangkan model peremajaan 50%-50%, sebesar Rp44.213.000,00 (R/C=5,07)–Rp50.944.000,00 (R/C=4,90). Pada peremajaan karet rakyat, peran tenaga kerja dalam keluarga sangat penting, selain mempercepat pekerjaan juga lebih hemat

    Pengaruh Panjang Entres Terhadap Keberhasilan Sambung Pucuk Dan Pertumbuhan Benih Jambu Mete

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    The research was to obtain proper length of upper stem to the success rate of grafting and grwoth of the seedling cashew nut plants have been conducted in the Garden Experiments Cikampek, Karawang regency, West Java. Soil types was rocky laterite andesite, type C climate and altitude of 50 meters above sea level. The research was conducted in August 2009 until April 2010. While the materials used cashew seed type B 02 for both rootstock and to the upper stem. Grafting was done after 3 months old seedlings with seedlings about 60 cm high and 0.6 cm diameter stems of seedlings. Experiments prepared following the randomized block design was repeated three times that consisting of 10 plants. The treatments were tested namely long scion 10, 15 and 20 cm. Plants grew in polybags with size 15 x 25 cm. The indicators were observed covering the base of the cuttings scion diameter, cutting the base color of entres, the percentage of shoots continued success, increased plant height, leaf number and stem diameter of the seed.The results showed that the length of entres effect on continued success grafting of seedling cashew. Scion length was 20 cm which gave the highest grafting success is as much as 78%

    Pengaruh Jarak Tanam dan Jenis Tanaman Sela terhadap Pertumbuhan Lada Perdu Serta Hasil Tanaman Sela

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    Penanaman tanaman sela di antara tanaman lada perdu merupakan salah satu strategi dalam upaya mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumberdaya pertanian dan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan pendapatan USAhatani. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Cahaya Negeri, Lampung Utara, mulai tahun 2010 sampai 2011. Tujuannya adalah memperoleh kombinasi jarak tanam lada perdu dengan jenis tanaman sela yang sesuai untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman lada sebagai tanaman pokok serta meningkatkan hasil dan pendapataan tanaman sela. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok pola faktorial dua faktor dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jarak tanam lada (J) yang terdiri dari 4 taraf : (J1) 1 x 3 meter, (J2) 1 x 4 meter (J3) 2 x 3 meter, dan (J4) 2 x 4 meter. Faktor kedua adalah jenis tanaman sela (S) yang terdiri dari : (S1) tanaman kacang tanah, dan (S2) tanaman sela kacang hijau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) jarak tanam lada perdu 1 x 3 m cukup sesuai untuk ditanami tanaman sela kacang tanah maupun kacang hijau karena dengan jarak tanam tersebut dapat mendukung bagi pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif lada serta dapat memaksimalkan hasil dan pendapatan tanaman sela, dan (2) penanaman tanaman sela kacang tanah dan kacang hijau di antara lada perdu sebaiknya dilakukan secara rotasi, kacang tanah ditanam pada fase vegetatif, sedangkan kacang hijau ditanam pada fase generatif tanaman lada. Effect of Plant Spacing and Intercrops on The Growth of Pepper and Yield of Intercrop

    Prospek Pengolahan Hasil Samping Buah Kelapa

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    Prospect of Coconut By-Product ProcessingCoconut meat is the main component of coconut, while the coconut husk, shell, and water are considered as by-product. With the coconut production in Indonesia at average of 15.5 billion coconuts per year, the total by-product is accumulated to 3.75 million tons coconut water, 0.75 million tons shell charcoal, 1.8 million tons coconut fiber, and 3.3 million tons coir dust. Business in coconut by-product processing is condidered to be prospective as long as it is planned and managed properly. Based on the financial analysis in 2004, the B/C and IRR of coconut husk processing into coconut fiber and coir dust for 10 years were 3.58 and 76%, coconut shell into shell charcoal for 5 years was 1.11 and 23%; and coconut water into nata de coco for 5 years was 1.32 and 32%. The industry of coconut by-product processing should be supported by technical feasibilty, mainly the raw material availability, market, and appropriate coconut husk machinery. To provide sufficient raw material for coconut husk processing, it needs about 300 ha of coconut plantation. Furthermore, to abtain additional farmer's income the coconut husk processing should be integrated with coir dust processing into compost, so that it can earn additional income. To produce one ton of coconut fiber will produce 5 tons of coir dust. It suggested that the location of coconut by-product processing is better closed to the raw material source, and to secure the continuity of rawmaterial supply and product marketing the business should be run in the form of cooperation

    Effect of Fertilizer and Mycorrhiza on Growth of Young Rubber Plant in Gradually Rejuvenation Models

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    Gradual rejuvenation model is an option to increase the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation due to old and damaged plants. The limitation of this model is the high variation of the growth of young plant in the field. This study aimed to determine the effect of extra fertilization and mycorrhiza on the growth of young rubber plants in the gradual rejuvenation model. The research was located at Ramsay Village, Way Tuba District, with red-yellow podzolic soil types and climate type of B2 according to Oldemand, from 2012 to 2014, and arranged in split plot design. The plant age, P1 (3 years old); P2 (2 years old); and P3 (1 year old) was denoted as the main plot, whereas the subplot is fertilizer dosage, D1 (100% of recommended dosage); D2 (100% of recommended dosage + mycorrhiza; D3 (125% of recommended dosage); D4 (125% of recommended dosage + mycorrhiza). Fertilizer application was done twice a year, while mycorrhiza were given once a year toward the end of the rainy season. The plant material used was PB 260 clone, with a standard agricultural practices such as weeding and watering during the dry season. Variables measured were plant height and girth. The results showed that application of 25% extra from the recommended dosage + mycorrhiza was able to accelerate the growth of young rubber plants. Fertilizer dose of 125% from the recommendation + mycorrhiza applied on 2-year-old plants exhibited the same growth with 3-year-old plant that treated with recommended dosage. This result indicates that mycorrhiza works synergistically with inorganic fertilizer, which enhances the effectivity and efficiency of extra fertilization in gradually rejuvenation models