6,547 research outputs found

    Assessing self-responsibility in employability competencies development among Australian engineering students: introductory report

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    Self-responsibility study initially outlined the importance of ‘self-directed Adult learning’ either as the method or the outcome of education. Attention was given to the different interest of individual’s in accepting responsibility for their professional development. In this regard, several sources reveal the need for learners to take their own responsibility for developing employability competencies development. However, the concern must be expressed at the incompleteness of research into the personal responsibility for competency development

    Searching for Keynes: An Essay on the Political Economy of Fiscal Policy, with Application to Canada, 1870-2000 - revised version

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    Keynes' General Theory (1936) is arguably one of the most important books of the twentieth century. His ideas for stabilizing the aggregate economy have profoundly influenced economic theory as well as popular opinion about what governments can and should do with respect to the business cycle. On the other hand, whether Keynesian theory has substantially altered the course of public policy remains an open question. In this paper we identify the elements required for any investigation of the impact of Keynes' ideas on policy choices and then conduct our own 'search for Keynes', applying an intertemporal spatial voting framework to study the fiscal history of the Government of Canada from 1870 to 2000. The long time series allows the construction of a counterfactual – one of several essential elements - showing what governments would have planned to do ‘after Keynes’, if Keynes' ideas had not in fact been present. Our results suggest that textbook Keynesianism is identifiable in the Canadian data.Keynesianism, spatial voting, permanent versus transitory policy, political equilibrium, liquidity constraints

    Asymmetric Gaussian steering: when Alice and Bob disagree

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    Asymmetric steering is an effect whereby an inseparable bipartite system can be found to be described by either quantum mechanics or local hidden variable theories depending on which one of Alice or Bob makes the required measurements. We show that, even with an inseparable bipartite system, situations can arise where Gaussian measurements on one half are not sufficient to answer the fundamental question of which theory gives an adequate description and the whole system must be considered. This phenomenon is possible because of an asymmetry in the definition of the original Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and in this article we show theoretically that it may be demonstrated, at least in the case where Alice and Bob can only make Gaussian measurements, using the intracavity nonlinear coupler.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figure

    Alien Registration- Ferris, Ronald L. (Newport, Penobscot County)

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    Political Competition and Convergence to Fundamentals: With Application to the Political Business Cycle and the Size of Government

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    We address the problem of how to investigate whether economics, or politics, or both, matter in the explanation of public policy. The problem is first posed in a particular context by uncovering a political business cycle (using Canadian data for 130 years) and by taking up the challenge to make this fact meaningful by finding a transmission mechanism through actual public choices. Since the cycle is in real growth, and it is reasonable to suppose that public expenditure would be involved, the central task then is to investigate the role of (partisan and opportunistic) political factors, as opposed to economic fundamentals, in the evolution of government size.We proceed by asking whether the data allow us to distinguish between the convergence and the nonconvergence hypotheses. Convergence means that political competition forces public spending to converge in the long run to a level dictated by endowments, tastes and technology. Nonconvergence is taken to mean that political factors other than the degree of political competition prevent convergence to that long run. The general idea here, one that may be applied in any situation where the key issue is the role of economics versus politics over time, is that an overtly political factor can be said to play a distinct role in the evolution of public choices if it can be shown to lead to departures from a dynamic path defined by the evolution of economic fundamentals in a competitive political system.public expenditure, size of government, long run versus short run, opportunism, partisanship, political competition, cointegration

    Aerodynamic design for improved manueverability by use of three-dimensional transonic theory

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    Improvements in transonic maneuver performance by the use of three-dimensional transonic theory and a transonic design procedure were examined. The FLO-27 code of Jameson and Caughey was used to design a new wing for a fighter configuration with lower drag at transonic maneuver conditions. The wing airfoil sections were altered to reduce the upper-surface shock strength by means of a design procedure which is based on the iterative application of the FLO-27 code. The plan form of the fighter configuration was fixed and had a leading edge sweep of 45 deg and an aspect ratio of 3.28. Wind-tunnel tests were conducted on this configuration at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 0.95 and angles of attack from -2 deg to 17 deg. The transonic maneuver performance of this configuration was evaluated by comparison with a wing designed by empirical methods and a wing designed primarily by two-dimensional transonic theory. The configuration designed by the use of FLO-27 had the same or lower drag than the empirical wing and, for some conditions, lower drag than the two-dimensional design. From some maneuver conditions, the drag of the two-dimensional design was somewhat lower

    A resilience measure to guide system design and management

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    This paper presents a measure of resilience which can guide system design and management. Systems design must incorporate resilience to provide stakeholders with the most appropriate solution for their life-cycle needs. Design of resilient systems demands a measure of the resilience afforded by a system proposal which can be used to compare design proposals. The measurement method should balance the interest in resilience with all other proposal evaluation criteria, and incorporate the effect of the sequence of unknown future events affecting the system. Ideally, the resilience measure should also be useful to guide management decisions re maintenance or upgrade during the system life. This paper presents a method to measure system resilience which can be applied to engineered systems in general, not just a specific class of systems, is threat type agnostic, and does not presuppose any ‘desirable’ outcome allowing a system specific determination of ‘desirable’ outcomes
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