16 research outputs found

    QCD String as Vortex String in Seiberg-Dual Theory

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    We construct a classical vortex string solution in a Seiberg-dual theory of N=1 supersymmetric SO(N_c) QCD which flows to a confining phase. We claim that this vortex string is a QCD string, as previouly argued by M.Strassler. In SO(N_c) QCD, it is known that stable QCD strings exist even in the presence of dynamical quarks. We show that our vortex strings are stable in the Seiberg-dual theory.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Type I Non-Abelian Superconductors in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    Non-BPS non-Abelian vortices with CP^1 internal moduli space are studied in an N=2 supersymmetric U(1) x SU(2) gauge theory with softly breaking adjoint mass terms. For generic internal orientations the classical force between two vortices can be attractive or repulsive. On the other hand, the mass of the scalars in the theory is always less than that of the vector bosons; also, the force between two vortices with the same CP^1 orientation is always attractive: for these reasons we interpret our model as a non-Abelian generalization of type I superconductors. We compute the effective potential in the limit of two well separated vortices. It is a function of the distance and of the relative colour-flavour orientation of the two vortices; in this limit we find an effective description in terms of two interacting CP^1 sigma models. In the limit of two coincident vortices we find two different solutions with the same topological winding and, for generic values of the parameters, different tensions. One of the two solutions is described by a CP^1 effective sigma model, while the other is just an Abelian vortex without internal degrees of freedom. For generic values of the parameters, one of the two solutions is metastable, while there are evidences that the other one is truly stable.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. v2: fixed typos and added small comments, v3 removed an unecessary figur

    Non-Abelian vortex dynamics: Effective world-sheet action

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    The low-energy vortex effective action is constructed in a wide class of systems in a color-flavor locked vacuum, which generalizes the results found earlier in the context of U(N) models. It describes the weak fluctuations of the non-Abelian orientational moduli on the vortex worldsheet. For instance, for the minimum vortex in SO(2N) x U(1) or USp(2N) x U(1) gauge theories, the effective action found is a two-dimensional sigma model living on the Hermitian symmetric spaces SO(2N)/U(N) or USp(2N)/U(N), respectively. The fluctuating moduli have the structure of that of a quantum particle state in spinor representations of the GNO dual of the color-flavor SO(2N) or USp(2N) symmetry, i.e. of SO(2N) or of SO(2N+1). Applied to the benchmark U(N) model our procedure reproduces the known CP(N-1) worldsheet action; our recipe allows us to obtain also the effective vortex action for some higher-winding vortices in U(N) and SO(2N) theories.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 0 figure

    Static Interactions of non-Abelian Vortices

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    Interactions between non-BPS non-Abelian vortices are studied in non-Abelian U(1) x SU(N) extensions of the Abelian-Higgs model in four dimensions. The distinctive feature of a non-Abelian vortex is the presence of an internal CP^{N-1} space of orientational degrees of freedom. For fine-tuned values of the couplings, the vortices are BPS and there is no net force between two static parallel vortices at arbitrary distance. On the other hand, for generic values of the couplings the interactions between two vortices depend non-trivially on their relative internal orientations. We discuss the problem both with a numerical approach (valid for small deviations from the BPS limit) and in a semi-analytical way (valid at large vortex separations). The interactions can be classified with respect to their asymptotic property at large vortex separation. In a simpler fine-tuned model, we find two regimes which are quite similar to the usual type I/II Abelian superconductors. In the generic model we find other two new regimes: type I*/II*. Unlike the type I (type II) case, where the interaction is always attractive (repulsive), the type I* and II* have both attractive and repulsive interactions depending on the relative orientation. We have found a rich variety of interactions at small vortex separations. For some values of the couplings, a bound state of two static vortices at a non-zero distance exists.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures; v2 a small comment and a reference adde

    Non-Abelian Vortices in SO(N) and USp(N) Gauge Theories

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    Non-Abelian BPS vortices in SO(N) x U(1) and USp(2N) x U(1) gauge theories are constructed in maximally color-flavor locked vacua. We study in detail their moduli and transformation properties under the exact symmetry of the system. Our results generalize non-trivially those found earlier in supersymmetric U(N) gauge theories. The structure of the moduli spaces turns out in fact to be considerably richer here than what was found in the U(N) theories. We find that vortices are generally of the semi-local type, with power-like tails of profile functions.Comment: Latex, 69 pages, 13 figure

    Group Theory of Non-Abelian Vortices

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    We investigate the structure of the moduli space of multiple BPS non-Abelian vortices in U(N) gauge theory with N fundamental Higgs fields, focusing our attention on the action of the exact global (color-flavor diagonal) SU(N) symmetry on it. The moduli space of a single non-Abelian vortex, CP(N-1), is spanned by a vector in the fundamental representation of the global SU(N) symmetry. The moduli space of winding-number k vortices is instead spanned by vectors in the direct-product representation: they decompose into the sum of irreducible representations each of which is associated with a Young tableau made of k boxes, in a way somewhat similar to the standard group composition rule of SU(N) multiplets. The K\"ahler potential is exactly determined in each moduli subspace, corresponding to an irreducible SU(N) orbit of the highest-weight configuration.Comment: LaTeX 46 pages, 4 figure

    Solitons in the Higgs phase -- the moduli matrix approach --

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    We review our recent work on solitons in the Higgs phase. We use U(N_C) gauge theory with N_F Higgs scalar fields in the fundamental representation, which can be extended to possess eight supercharges. We propose the moduli matrix as a fundamental tool to exhaust all BPS solutions, and to characterize all possible moduli parameters. Moduli spaces of domain walls (kinks) and vortices, which are the only elementary solitons in the Higgs phase, are found in terms of the moduli matrix. Stable monopoles and instantons can exist in the Higgs phase if they are attached by vortices to form composite solitons. The moduli spaces of these composite solitons are also worked out in terms of the moduli matrix. Webs of walls can also be formed with characteristic difference between Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories. We characterize the total moduli space of these elementary as well as composite solitons. Effective Lagrangians are constructed on walls and vortices in a compact form. We also present several new results on interactions of various solitons, such as monopoles, vortices, and walls. Review parts contain our works on domain walls (hep-th/0404198, hep-th/0405194, hep-th/0412024, hep-th/0503033, hep-th/0505136), vortices (hep-th/0511088, hep-th/0601181), domain wall webs (hep-th/0506135, hep-th/0508241, hep-th/0509127), monopole-vortex-wall systems (hep-th/0405129, hep-th/0501207), instanton-vortex systems (hep-th/0412048), effective Lagrangian on walls and vortices (hep-th/0602289), classification of BPS equations (hep-th/0506257), and Skyrmions (hep-th/0508130).Comment: 89 pages, 33 figures, invited review article to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, v3: typos corrected, references added, the published versio

    Supersymmetry Breaking on Gauged Non-Abelian Vortices

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    There are a large number of systems characterized by a completely broken gauge symmetry, but with an unbroken global color-flavor diagonal symmetry, i.e., systems in the so-called color-flavor locked phase. If the gauge symmetry breaking supports vortices, the latter develop non-Abelian orientational zero-modes and become non-Abelian vortices, a subject of intense study in the last several years. In this paper we consider the effects of weakly gauging the full exact global flavor symmetry in such systems, deriving an effective description of the light excitations in the presence of a vortex. Surprising consequences are shown to follow. The fluctuations of the vortex orientational modes get diffused to bulk modes through tunneling processes. When our model is embedded in a supersymmetric theory, the vortex is still 1/2 BPS saturated, but the vortex effective action breaks supersymmetry spontaneously.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, 1 figur