4 research outputs found

    Histone H1 regulates non-coding RNA turnover on chromatin in a m6A-dependent manner

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    Linker histones are highly abundant chromatin-associated proteins with well-established structural roles in chromatin and as general transcriptional repressors. In addition, it has been long proposed that histone H1 exerts context-specific effects on gene expression. Here, we identify a function of histone H1 in chromatin structure and transcription using a range of genomic approaches. In the absence of histone H1, there is an increase in the transcription of non-coding RNAs, together with reduced levels of m6A modification leading to their accumulation on chromatin and causing replication-transcription conflicts. This strongly suggests that histone H1 prevents non-coding RNA transcription and regulates non-coding transcript turnover on chromatin. Accordingly, altering the m6A RNA methylation pathway rescues the replicative phenotype of H1 loss. This work unveils unexpected regulatory roles of histone H1 on non-coding RNA turnover and m6A deposition, highlighting the intimate relationship between chromatin conformation, RNA metabolism, and DNA replication to maintain genome performance.Work at the M.G. lab was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation (BFU2016-78849-P and PID2019-105949GB-I00, co-financed by the European Union FEDER funds), a CSIC grant (2019AEP004), and a Salvador de Madariaga mobility grant (PRX19/00293). J.M.F.-J., C.S.-M., and J.I.-A. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation fellowships (BES-2014-070050, BES-2017-079897, and PRE2020-095071, respectively); S.M.-V. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Universities (FPU18/04794); and M.S.-P. was supported by an AGAUR-FI predoctoral fellowship co-financed by Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund. A.J. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation (BFU2017-82805-C2-1-P and PID2020-112783GB-C21) and J.F.C. by core funding to the MRC Human Genetics Unit from the Medical Research Council (UK)

    «Muchos días son passados...». Magic and time in <i>La Celestina</i>

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    In the present work, we analyse the textual references of La Celestina that prove the existence of the magic element in the play and its structural relevance. To achieve this purpose, new references are offered in favour of the hypothesis of Melibea’s falling in love as a consequence of Celestina’s spell. Besides, a comparative analyse between the two lovers and courtly love rhetoric is carried out in order to dismiss the implicit-time hypothesis and to provide a new interpretation of Calisto’s and Melibea’s love

    Ménard, Philippe (2022), Temas y problemas de literatura artúrica. Edición y traducción de Carlos Alvar y José Ramón Trujillo. [Reseña de libro]

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    Reseña del libro, Ménard, Philippe (2022), Temas y problemas de literatura artúrica. Edición y traducción de Carlos Alvar y José Ramón Trujillo. San Millán de la Cogolla: Cilengua. 259 pp. ISBN: 978-84-18088-17-

    About rivers, hyacinths and dark places: the homosexual love theme in «Pequeño vals vienés» by Federico García Lorca

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    En este trabajo se analiza la simbología del escasamente estudiado poema «Pequeño vals vienés», recogido en la obra lorquiana Poeta en Nueva York, para estudiar el tipo de amor que se muestra en él. Estos símbolos, y su comparativa con los presentes en otras obras del autor, como la «Oda a Walt Whitman», los Sonetos del amor oscuro o El público, permiten constatar que en «Pequeño vals vienés» se representa un amor homosexual que solo puede darse en el terreno oscuro de lo inconsciente, el sueño, donde los dos amantes puedan encontrarse sin miedo al rechazo social.This work analyzes the symbology of the poorly studied poem «Pequeño vals vienés», collected in Lorca’s book Poeta en Nueva York, in order to study the kind of love that is shown in it. These symbols, and their comparison with those present in other works by the author, such as the «Oda a Walt Whitman», the Sonetos del amor oscuro or El público, allows us to verify that in «Pequeño vals vienés» a homosexual love is represented, and this love can only occur in the dark realm of the unconscious, the dream, where the two lovers can meet without fearing the social rejection.peerReviewe