7 research outputs found
Estímulo del trabajo autónomo en el aprendizaje práctico de la Histología: una experiencia transversal en Ciencias de la salud
El estudio microscópico de tejidos y órganos constituye un aspecto muy importante del aprendizaje de la histología, pero no siempre se dispone de suficientes colecciones de muestras, sobre todo humanas, para que el alumnado pueda disponer de ellas de forma presencial durante las prácticas. Por ello, el portal virtual digital slidebox (DSB) permite al profesorado generar una colección de preparaciones histológicas virtuales, de manera que los estudiantes tienen acceso "online" a estas muestras y pueden visualizarlas a la misma escala que ofrece la observación directa del microscopio óptico, e incluso mayor. Para la realización de cada práctica en sus horas presenciales el alumno dispone previamente de un guión con los objetivos que debe cumplir al realizar la observación de cada preparación histológica. Al final de cada práctica presencial los objetivos son explicados por el alumno, y evaluados por el profesor, realizando una puesta en común. Una vez realizada la práctica, y en horario no presencial, el alumnado tiene la posibilidad de completar este trabajo usando el portal virtual DSB. Con las imágenes digitales captadas el alumno realiza su portafolio de prácticas incorporando dichas imágenes y rotulándolas. Al final del curso se realiza un examen práctico global y la evaluación final del portafolio
Estudio microscópico óptico y ultraestructural del hígado de mugil cephalus (teleosteo) / Dirección Francisco Hernández Calvo, Agulleiro.
Tesis - Universidad de Murcia.CRAI CIENCIAS. DEPOSITO. T.D. 98
Estudio microscópico óptico y ultraestructural del hígado del mugil cephalus (teleosteo) / Concepción Ferrer Cazorla ; dirección Francisco Hernández Calvo Agulleiro.
Tesis Universidad de Murcia (extracto)Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. DEPOSITO. DPT 107 1548.MEDICINA ARRIXACA. DEPOSITO. DPT-S E-4 15
Desarrollo del sistema pigmentario de la estría vascular del oído interno del jerbo (Meriones unguiculatus) en relación con la función auditiva : análisis bioquímico, morfológico y electrococleográfico / Dionisio Andrés Pérez Mestre ; Directores: Juan Jiménez-Cervantes Nicolás, José Carlos García-Borrón Martínez, Concepción Ferrer Cazorla.
Tesis - Universidad de Murcia.MEDICINA ESPINARDO. DEPOSITO. MU-Tesis 595.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M.-1822
Lectin binding pattern of glycoconjugates during spontaneous testicular recrudescence in Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) after exposure to short photoperiod
© 2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Andrologia]. To access the final edited and published work see [10.1111/and.13148]Lectin histochemistry was used to characterize glycoconjugates and cellular apoptosis in the seminiferous epithelium and interstitium of hamster testis during spontaneous recrudescence. An increase in the LTA lectin affinity was observed in spermatids in the Golgi phase. An increase in labelling of PNA and Con-A lectin in acrosome of spermatids (acrosome phase) as well increased labelling with Con-A in spermatids (cap phase) was observed. Spermatocytes showed decreased affinity with PNA and AAA lectins and an increase in positivity for LTA and GNA lectins. Spermatogonia showed a slight decrease in positivity to WGA and an increase in labelling with Con-A, and a decreased affinity for the AAA lectin. At the end of recrudescence all these germinal cells showed a similar pattern to the control. The Sertoli cells showed a gradual decrease in labelling with the GNA lectin and the Leydig cells an increase in labelling with Con-A and GNA. Particularly unusual was the observation of apoptotic spermatocytes and spermatids positive for PNA, GNA, AAA and Con-A, together with spermatocytes positive to LTA. In conclusion the normal lectin pattern is recovered during testis recrudescence and germ cell apoptotic activity is low, as is observed by specific lectins for germ cells in apoptosis
Testicular histomorphometry and the proliferative and apoptotic activities of the seminiferous epithelium in Syrian hamster during spontaneous recrudescence after exposure to short photoperiod
© 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Reproduction in domestic animals]. To access the final edited and published work see [10.1111/rda.13201].”Syrian hamsters are photoperiodic rodents in which reproduction, including testicular function, is stimulated by long photoperiod exposure and curtailed by exposure to a short photoperiod. The objectives of this study were to characterize the testis histomorphometrically and to determine the role of the proliferation and apoptosis phenomena in the recovery of the seminiferous epithelium during spontaneous recrudescence after exposure to short photoperiod. The study was performed using conventional light microscopy, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP in situ nick end labelling staining, image analysis software, and transmission electron microscopy in three recrudescence groups: initial recrudescence (IR), advanced recrudescence (AR), and total recrudescence (TR). Morphometrically, the results pointed to the gradual recovery of the testicular and tubular volumes, as well as of the seminiferous epithelium. Among the IR and AR groups, the increase in testicular and tubular volumes was accompanied by an increase in tubular diameter and length, with an increase in interstitial volume. From AR to TR, there was an increase in the tubular and total volumes, but, in this case, with a gradual increase in tubular diameter. Recovery of the seminiferous epithelium was accompanied by changes in apoptosis and proliferation activities. The first decreased half way through the process and the second remained higher than the control levels throughout the recrudescence stage. Ultrastructurally, alterations in the spermatozoa were observed, which indicated that spermiogenesis was not yet completely normal. In conclusion, spontaneous testicular recrudescence in Syrian hamster comprises two histomorphometrical phases, the first related to an increase in tubular length and diameter and interstitial volume, and the second depending principally on the gradual increase in tubular diameter. The restoration of the seminiferous epithelium is due to apoptosis reaching normal values in the AR group accompanied by higher proliferative activity than that observed in the Control group
Histological changes in connective tissue of rat tails after bipolar radiofrequency treatment
Radiofrequency (RF) has been included in the techniques used in aesthetic surgery/medicine. To date, no studies have performed a histological assessment of changes in the tissue after application of bipolar radiofrequency (BRF) with low energy and frequency. The aim of this study was to examine changes that are produced in connective tissue, principally in the fibroblasts, following BRF treatment. Four groups of rats received a different number of RF sessions (1, 2, 3 and 5). The following parameters were determined: the number of fibroblasts/unit area (FA), the proliferation index (PI), the Heat shock Protein 47 index (HSPI) and the percentage of connective tissue (PC). For statistical analysis, two subgroups (A and B) were made for the variables FA, PI and PC, and another two subgroups (C and D) for the variable HSPI. Significant differences for FA, PI and PC were observed between subgroups A and B, FA and PI having higher values in A, while PC had higher values in B. The HSPI in subgroup C showed significantly higher values than in D. Low energy and frequency BRF led to an increase in the number, proliferation and biosynthetic activity of fibroblasts. The resulting stress suffered by fibroblasts as a result of heat may be associated with the phenomenon of hormesi