6 research outputs found

    Surgery of frontal sinus fractures. Epidemiologic study and evaluation of techniques

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    SummaryThe frontal sinus trauma is not rare and it is 8% of the facial fractures. It can affect the anterior and/or posterior plates, with or without hitting the nasofrontal duct. It has a large potential of complications and its management still being a controversy. Objective: To present the casuistic of fractures frontal sinus, the epidemiology and clinical and surgical management of frontal sinus fractures. Materials and Methods: Not randomized retrospective study of 24 patients with frontal sinus fractures Hospital of Clinics, School of Medicine Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Results: From the 24 patients, we had 16 (66,6%) fractures of the extern plate and 8 (33,4%) of both. In 2 patients the nasofrontal duct was involved. Others facial fractures were associated in 20 (83,4%) cases and major lesions of the cerebral segment were found in 13 (54,2%). Subpalpebral incision was performed in the majority with satisfactory aesthetic results. The basis of the surgical treatment was reduction and fixation with different materials (steel wire, mononylon, titanium miniplates) and if necessary we used alogen implants or parietal bone to reconstruct the anterior plate. Conclusion: The principal cause of frontal sinus fractures is crashed car. The management depends of the complexity, because commonly there are cranioencephalic lesions associated. The surgical thecniques used are the incisions, bicoronal flap or browglabella, infra-orbital rim (“butterfly”), associated a endoscopy sinus surgery in cases of infection, cerobrospinal fluid leak and orbital complications

    Etiology and incidence facial fractures in children and adults

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    SummaryFacial trauma has presented an increasing occurrence in the last four decades, due especially to the growth of accidents with automobiles as well as to the urban violence. Both of which continue being the main cause of such traumas. Aim: To evaluate the features of the population victim of facial trauma as to gender, age, occupation, origin, type of fracture and its cause. Design study: retrospective clinical with transversal cohort. Material and Method: Retrospective study consulting hospital registers of 513 patients victms of the facial trauma. Results: There was a higher incidence of facial trauma on men (84,9%), white (82,7) and with an average age of 29. Regarding occupation, the trauma was mostly occurred to students (16,6%) and Masons (11,2%). The jaw was the most affected place (35%), followed by zygoma (24%) and by the nose (23%), though most patients presented a single facial fracture (82,5%). Among the causes, accidents with automobiles (28,3%), aggressions (21%) and accidental fall s (19,5%) were the most common. Conclusions: Accidents with automobiles continue being the main cause of facial trauma, especially of multiple factures due to the great transmission of kinetic energy

    Etiology and incidence facial fractures in children and adults Summary

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    Faci al trauma has presented an increasing occurrence in the last four decades, due especially to the growth of accidents with automobiles as well as to the urban violence. Both of which continue being the main cause of such traumas. Aim: To evaluate the features of the population victim of facial trauma as to gender, age, occupation, origin, type of fracture and its cause. Design study: retrospective clinical with transversal cohort. Material and Method: Retrospective study consulting hospital registers of 513 patients victms of the facial trauma. Results: There was a higher incidence of facial trauma on men (84,9%), white (82,7) and with an average age of 29. Regarding occupation, the trauma was mostly occurred to students (16,6%) and Masons (11,2%). The jaw was the most affected place (35%), followed by zygoma (24%) and by the nose (23%), though most patients presented a single facial fracture (82,5%). Among the causes, accidents with automobiles (28,3%), aggressions (21%) and accidental fall s (19,5%) were the most common. Conclusions: Accidents with automobiles continue being the main cause of facial trauma, especially of multiple factures due to the great transmission of kinetic energy

    Etiologia e incidência das fraturas faciais em adultos e crianças: Experiência em 513 casos

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    Facial trauma has presented an increasing occurrence in the last four decades, due especially to the growth of accidents with automobiles as well as to the urban violence. Both of which continue being the main cause of such traumas. Aim: To evaluate the features of the population victim of facial trauma as to gender, age, occupation, origin, type of fracture and its cause. Design study: retrospective clinical with transversal cohort. Material and Method: Retrospective study consulting hospital registers of 513 patients victms of the facial trauma. Results: There was a higher incidence of facial trauma on men (84,9%), white (82,7) and with an average age of 29. Regarding occupation, the trauma was mostly occurred to students (16,6%) and Masons (11,2%). The jaw was the most affected place (35%), followed by zygoma (24%) and by the nose (23%), though most patients presented a single facial fracture (82,5%). Among the causes, accidents with automobiles (28,3%), aggressions (21%) and accidental fall s (19,5%) were the most common. Conclusions: Accidents with automobiles continue being the main cause of facial trauma, especially of multiple factures due to the great transmission of kinetic energy