21,986 research outputs found

    Carbon nanotube: a low-loss spin-current waveguide

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    We demonstrate with a quantum-mechanical approach that carbon nanotubes are excellent spin-current waveguides and are able to carry information stored in a precessing magnetic moment for long distances with very little dispersion and with tunable degrees of attenuation. Pulsed magnetic excitations are predicted to travel with the nanotube Fermi velocity and are able to induce similar excitations in remote locations. Such an efficient way of transporting magnetic information suggests that nanotubes are promising candidates for memory devices with fast magnetization switchings

    Two-component mixture of charged particles confined in a channel: melting

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    The melting of a binary system of charged particles confined in a {\it quasi}-one-dimensional parabolic channel is studied through Monte Carlo simulations. At zero temperature the particles are ordered in parallel chains. The melting is anisotropic and different melting temperatures are obtained according to the spatial direction, and the different types of particles present in the system. Melting is very different for the single-, two- and four-chain configurations. A temperature induced structural phase transition is found between two different four chain ordered states which is absent in the mono-disperse system. In the mixed regime, where the two types of particles are only slightly different, melting is almost isotropic and a thermally induced homogeneous distribution of the distinct types of charges is observed.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: condensed matter ; (13 pages, 12 figures

    Euler-Lagrange equations for composition functionals in calculus of variations on time scales

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    In this paper we consider the problem of the calculus of variations for a functional which is the composition of a certain scalar function HH with the delta integral of a vector valued field ff, i.e., of the form H(abf(t,xσ(t),xΔ(t))Δt)H(\int_{a}^{b}f(t,x^{\sigma}(t),x^{\Delta}(t))\Delta t). Euler-Lagrange equations, natural boundary conditions for such problems as well as a necessary optimality condition for isoperimetric problems, on a general time scale, are given. A number of corollaries are obtained, and several examples illustrating the new results are discussed in detail.Comment: Submitted 10-May-2009 to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-B); revised 10-March-2010; accepted 04-July-201

    Phase transition and landscape statistics of the number partitioning problem

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    The phase transition in the number partitioning problem (NPP), i.e., the transition from a region in the space of control parameters in which almost all instances have many solutions to a region in which almost all instances have no solution, is investigated by examining the energy landscape of this classic optimization problem. This is achieved by coding the information about the minimum energy paths connecting pairs of minima into a tree structure, termed a barrier tree, the leaves and internal nodes of which represent, respectively, the minima and the lowest energy saddles connecting those minima. Here we apply several measures of shape (balance and symmetry) as well as of branch lengths (barrier heights) to the barrier trees that result from the landscape of the NPP, aiming at identifying traces of the easy/hard transition. We find that it is not possible to tell the easy regime from the hard one by visual inspection of the trees or by measuring the barrier heights. Only the {\it difficulty} measure, given by the maximum value of the ratio between the barrier height and the energy surplus of local minima, succeeded in detecting traces of the phase transition in the tree. In adddition, we show that the barrier trees associated with the NPP are very similar to random trees, contrasting dramatically with trees associated with the pp spin-glass and random energy models. We also examine critically a recent conjecture on the equivalence between the NPP and a truncated random energy model

    Fractal geometry of spin-glass models

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    Stability and diversity are two key properties that living entities share with spin glasses, where they are manifested through the breaking of the phase space into many valleys or local minima connected by saddle points. The topology of the phase space can be conveniently condensed into a tree structure, akin to the biological phylogenetic trees, whose tips are the local minima and internal nodes are the lowest-energy saddles connecting those minima. For the infinite-range Ising spin glass with p-spin interactions, we show that the average size-frequency distribution of saddles obeys a power law wD \sim w^{-D}, where w=w(s) is the number of minima that can be connected through saddle s, and D is the fractal dimension of the phase space

    Multi-band quantum ratchets

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    We investigate directed motion in non-adiabatically rocked ratchet systems sustaining few bands below the barrier. Upon restricting the dynamics to the lowest M bands, the total system-plus-bath Hamiltonian is mapped onto a discrete tight-binding model containing all the information both on the intra- and inter-well tunneling motion. A closed form for the current in the incoherent tunneling regime is obtained. In effective single-band ratchets, no current rectification occurs. We apply our theory to describe rectification effects in vortex quantum ratchets devices. Current reversals upon variation of the ac-field amplitude or frequency are predicted.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Produção hidropônica de mudas de tomateiro em substratos orgânicos.

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    Produção de mudas de alface em sistema hidropônico.

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    Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system

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    The ground state configurations and the \lq{}\lq{}normal\rq{}\rq{} mode spectra of a quasiquasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) binary system of charged particles interacting through a screened Coulomb potential are presented. The minimum energy configurations were obtained analytically and independently through molecular dynamic simulations. A rich variety of ordered structures were found as a function of the screening parameter, the particle density, and the ratio between the charges of the distinct types of particles. Continuous and discontinuous structural transitions, as well as an unexpected symmetry breaking in the charge distribution are observed when the density of the system is changed. For near equal charges we found a disordered phase where a mixing of the two types of particles occurs. The phonon dispersion curves were calculated within the harmonic approximation for the one- and two-chain structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 fig