15 research outputs found

    Análise das transformações da pecuária brasileira: um enfoque na pecuária leiteira

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo caracterizar as principais transformações ocorridas na pecuária leiteira entre as unidades federativas do Brasil no período de 2006 a 2017. Foram reunidos dados dos Censos Agropecuários de 2006 e 2017. Em seguida, foram feitas análises descritivas para comparação das variações entre estados e macrorregiões. Para testar o relacionamento das variáveis foi utilizado o teste de correlação de Pearson. Houve redução de 4,63% no número de estabelecimentos com bovinos, com destaque para os estados de PE (-23,02%), RS (-20,67%) e PR (-19,65%). Houve crescimento da participação de alguns estados no número de bovinos, especialmente da região Norte. A área de pastagem não mudou significativamente com o passar dos anos. Verificou-se redução de 12,92% no número de produtores de leite, principalmente em bacias leiteiras tradicionais, como RS (-36,62%), PR (-27,33%), SP (-24,67%) e SC (-20,21%). Os produtores que permaneceram na atividade aumentaram sua escala de produção diária. Embora houve decréscimo de 9,47% no número de vacas ordenhadas, a produtividade do rebanho aumentou 61,96%, com destaque para as regiões Sul (72,98%) e Sudeste (62,31%). A produção de leite foi mais correlacionada com o número de vacas ordenhadas (P<0,05; r=0,97) e com a produtividade por vaca (P<0,05; r=0,63), do que com a área dos estabelecimentos rurais (P<0,05; r=0,38). Conclui-se que mudanças importantes ocorreram na pecuária leiteira no intervalo de onze anos, incluindo mudanças na geografia da produção, maior concentração e profissionalização da atividade, além do expressivo crescimento da produção de leite em praticamente todos os estados, reflexo da maior produtividade do rebanho nacional. Palavras-chave: Bovino; Censo Agropecuário; Unidade federativa

    Análise de rentabilidade da terminação de bovinos de corte em confinamento: um estudo de caso no ano de 2009 na região oeste de Minas Gerais

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    Economic analysis of feedlots is important to provide the producer with knowledge of the details needed for intelligent and economical use of the factors of production. However, many farms are still managed empirically, without knowing production costs, which is key information to support decision-making. This study aimed to analyze the profitability of finishing beef cattle feedlot, to estimate production costs, to identify the components that represent the greatest proportions of the total and the effective operational costs per unit of meat produced, and to identify the breakeven point. Data were collected monthly from January to December 2009, from a production system in the western region of Minas Gerais State. An inventory of the system was performed and expenditures and income were recorded. Gross margin, net margin, outcome, and profitability 1 and 2 were the indicators of economic efficiency used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and grouped in tables in MS Excel®. The breakeven point had to be estimated by scenario since the unit variable cost was higher than the unit sale price. The production system analyzed was not found to be economically viable, indicating it would be unable to survive in the medium and long term, with diminishing capitalization of the beef producer. Items included in the effective operational and total cost of greatest importance were, in decreasing order, purchase of animals, feed, and labor. In conclusion, profitability analysis is an indispensable management tool for evaluating the operational and economic viability of the production system and provides accurate information necessary for decision-making.Objetivou-se analisar a rentabilidade da terminação de bovinos de corte em confinamento, estimar o custo de produção, identificar os componentes que exerceram maiores representatividades sobre o custo total e operacional efetivo da arroba e identificar o ponto de equilíbrio. A coleta de dados foi realizada de janeiro a dezembro de 2009 em um sistema de produção na região Oeste de MG. Realizou-se o inventário do sistema de produção e a coleta de dados mensalmente referente às despesas e às receitas. Considerou-se indicadores de eficiência econômica como a margem bruta, a margem líquida, o resultado, a lucratividade 1 e 2 e a rentabilidade 1 e 2. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e agrupados em tabelas no MS Excel®. Não foi possível estimar o ponto de equilíbrio porque o custo variável unitário foi maior que o valor de venda da arroba. O sistema de produção analisado não apresentou viabilidade econômica, o que evidencia que não tem condições de sobreviver no médio e longo prazo, levando a descapitalização do pecuarista. Os itens do custo operacional efetivo e do custo total que exerceram maiores representatividades foram, em ordem decrescente, aquisição de animais, alimentação, mão de obra, energia, alimentação e remuneração do capital de giro, respectivamente. A análise de rentabilidade do confinamento é uma ferramenta gerencial imprescindível para verificar a viabilidade operacional e econômica do sistema de produção e fornecer com acurácia informações necessárias para a tomada de decisão

    Characterization of the factors associated with the growth phase of dairy cattle in family farming

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the factors associated with the growth phase of dairy cattle used in family farming. We investigated 20 family-run milk production systems located in the Conceição de Ipanema municipality, MG, Brazil. Farmers were interviewed using a semi-structured survey form containing 152 questions. The questions were aimed at characterizing the farmer, herd, and husbandry system at pre- and post-weaning phases. Data were processed by using Sphinx® software, and descriptive analyses were performed in MS Excel® software. The results showed strengths, including navel healing (100%), location of the calf housing above (45%) or next to the pen (35%), and existence of a sanitary calendar (90%). However, several limitations in the management of calves and heifers were identified, such as lack of zootechnical bookkeeping (55%), manual milking with calf at the foot (65%), absence of herd sizing (100%), no routine weighing of calves (95%), incorrect colostrum management (80%), non-supply of transition milk to calves (85%), and likely failure to diagnose diseases by a fraction of the farmers. Thus, training regarding adequate management practices by extension technicians is imperative, along with the formulation of public policies that comply with the aspirations of family farmers, while promoting their economic and social sustainability

    Zootechnical and economic performance indexes of dairy herds with different production scales

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    This study aims to estimate the zootechnical and economic benchmarks of milk production systems, analyze production scale effects on dairy farming returns, and identify the system components that best represent the total and effective operational costs. We analyzed 22 size, zootechnical and economic performance indexes from 61 dairy farms located in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The sample of herds were clustered according to three production strata. The results were compared using analysis of variance (normal distribution) and Kruskal-Wallis (non-normal distribution) tests, and post-hoc comparisons were undertaken with Fisher's least significant difference test. The relationship between some variables was tested using the Pearson correlation test. The production scale was best defined by the number of lactating cows (r=0.96) in comparison to the area (r=0.83). The production scale proved to be a suitable criterion for the analyses between different groups of producers, and it is more easily obtained and probably provides more accurate results. The milk production systems studied presented higher zootechnical indexes than those found in average of Brazilian farms, but lower than international indices or technologically advanced farms from other Brazilian regions. A greater production scale is a desirable condition, although it failed to ensure the economic efficiency of the herds studied. The components of total and effective operating costs that had the greatest representativeness were, in descending order, food and labor

    Quantitative proteomic profiling of bovine follicular fluid during follicle development

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    Bovine follicular fluid (FF) constitutes the microenvironment of follicles and includes various biologically active proteins. We performed a study involving 18 healthy non-lactating Holstein cows to determine the protein expression profile of FF at key-stages of follicular development. Follicles were individually aspirated in vivo at pre-deviation (F1∼7.0mm); deviation (F1∼8.5mm); post-deviation (F1∼12.0mm); and pre-ovulatory stages of follicle development, which were confirmed by measurement of follicular estradiol and progesterone concentrations. The FF from nine cows were selected for proteomic analysis. After albumin depletion, triplicates of pooled FF were reduced, alkylated, and digested with trypsin. The resulting peptides were labelled with TMTsixplex and quantified using LC-MS/MS. A total of 143 proteins was identified and assigned to a variety of biological processes, including response to stimulus and metabolic processes. Twenty-two differentially (P &#60; 0.05) expressed proteins were found between stages indicating intrafollicular changes over development, with expected deviation time critical to modulate the protein expression. For instance, high concentrations of follistatin, inhibin, serglycin, spondin-1, fibrinogen, and anti-testosterone antibody were found during early stages of follicular development. In contrast, apolipoprotein H, alpha-2-macroglobulin, plasminogen, antithrombin-III, and immunoglobulins were increased after deviation. Amongst the differentially abundant proteins, 19 were found to be associated with steroidogenesis. Pathway analysis identified proteins that were mainly associated with the acute phase response signaling, coagulation system, complement system, liver/retinoid X receptor activation, and biosynthesis of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen. The differentially expressed proteins provide insights into the size-dependent protein changes in the ovarian follicle microenvironment that could influence follicular function

    Balanced scorecard as support to management decisions: case study in a small property of milk production

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    Aimed to apply the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in a dairy farm with small-scale production, located in the south of Minas Gerais. The survey was conducted from January to December 2013 and the gathering of information was carried out through semi-structured interviews on the spot. As data collection instruments were used personal interviews, document analysis and direct and participant observation. The farm has 216 ha, 80% of the leased area. The activities are dairy farming, corresponding to 80% of revenues, and the cultivation of coffee. The breeding farm is 22 predominantly Holstein cows (&frac34; H) that are loose in the pasture. Daily production is 350 liters average of 15.9 liters of milk per cow in milk, in two daily milkings. The strong point is the low cost of labor; while the weak were the infrastructure, the lack of management control and lack of planning. The mission created takes into account the increased efficiency in milk production and increase the quality of this product without increasing the herd. At the end, a strategic map where you can see that the objectives of growth and efficiency will be achieved taking into account the increase in revenue was proposed. It was found at the end of the study, that the principles of BSC can be applied to a farm producer of small milk.Aimed to apply the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in a dairy farm with small-scale production, located in the south of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The survey was conducted from January to December 2013 and the gathering of information was carried out through semi-structured interviews on the spot. As data collection instruments were used personal interviews, document analysis and direct and participant observation. The farm object of study had 216 ha, 80% of this, leased. The activities were dairy farming, corresponding to 80% of revenues, and the cultivation of coffee. The breeding farm was 22 predominantly Holstein cows (¾ H) that are loose in the pasture. The daily production was 350 liters average of 15.9 liters of milk per cow in milk, in two daily milkings. The main strength was the low cost of hand labor; while the weaknesses identified were the infrastructure, the lack of management control and planning. The mission created takes into account the increased efficiency in milk production and increase the quality of this product without increasing the herd. At the end, a strategic map, where it was revealed that the objectives growth and efficiency will be achieved taking into account the increase in revenue was proposed. It was found at the end of the study, that the principles of BSC can be applied to a farm producing small milk with some caveats

    Balanced Scorecard como suporte às decisões gerenciais: estudo comparativo entre propriedades produtoras de leite

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    Objetivou-se analisar a aplicabilidade da ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC) em propriedades produtoras de leite, localizadas no sul de Minas Gerais (MG). Pretendeu-se, ainda, realizar um comparativo da sua aplicabilidade em propriedades com diferentes escalas de produção e níveis tecnológicos. O levantamento das informações foi realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas in loco. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados a entrevista pessoal, a análise documental e a observação direta e participante. Para a adaptação do BSC foi realizado o levantamento das características das três propriedades, com a identificação dos seus pontos fortes e fracos, bem como das variáveis chaves de sucesso, base para a formulação da missão e visão estratégica de cada uma. Ao final foi proposto um painel de indicadores de desempenho para auxiliar as decisões gerenciais, bem como elaborado o mapa estratégico para cada uma. Desta forma, compreende-se que a ferramenta gerencial Balanced Scorecard pode ser adaptada a propriedades rurais produtoras de leite, independente do seu nível tecnológico e escala de produção. No entanto, para que se alcance o sucesso na implantação da ferramenta, a estratégia organizacional deve ser conhecida por todos os envolvidos e, claro, exige-se o acompanhamento sistemático por parte dos gestores


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    Objetivou-se analisar a aplicabilidade do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) em uma propriedade produtora de leite com média escala de produção, localizada no sul de MG. A pesquisa foi realizada nos meses de janeiro a dezembro de 2013. O levantamento das informações foi realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas in loco. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados a entrevista pessoal, a análise documental e a observação direta e participante. A fazenda possui 396 ha, onde 40% desta área é alugada. As atividades desenvolvidas são a pecuária leiteira, que corresponde a 60% do faturamento, e o cultivo do café, com 40%. O plantel da fazenda é de 164 vacas da raça holandesa, puras por cruzamento ou puras por origem (PC ou PO) que ficam semi-confinadas. A produção média diária é de 3.200kg, média de 19,51 litros de leite por vaca em lactação, em duas ordenhas diárias. Os pontos fortes são a localização, infraestrutura e fonte própria de água; enquanto que os pontos fracos foram, mão de obra, falta de controle e gestão realizada de forma reativa. A missão criada leva em consideração a implantação de melhorias no que diz respeito à gestão, para se alcançar a qualidade dos produtos e dos recursos humanos. Foi proposto um mapa estratégico, onde é possível perceber que os objetivos, crescimento e inovação serão alcançados levando em consideração o aumento da receita. Foi verificado, ao final do estudo, que os princípios do BSC podem ser aplicados a uma propriedade produtora de leite de médio porte

    Cattle traceability in the Mid-South region of Mato Grosso State: economic, technical and conception aspects

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    It was aimed to investigate economic aspects of the establishment of traceability in the Mid-South region of MT, Brazil, methods of animal identification, complains, drawbacks and degree of importance given by ranchers. During May to July 2009 were conducted interviews with 13 owners of Rural Establishments Approved in SISBOV (ERAS) and the survey of economic values practiced by three certifying companies and one slaughterhouse from the region. All the farms interviewed utilized earring and bottom. The main difficulties for the establishment of tracking were the frequent changes (46.30%), the understanding of the laws (30.57%), and the choice of the certifier (23.13%). The greatest drawbacks of Cattle and Buffalo Identification and Certification System (SISBOV) were the excessive delay of official audits (53.85%), the instability of differential value (23.10%), loss of identification elements (15.39%) and the delay when requested earring reprinting (7.69%). The importance ascribed was ensuring the credibility and adding value to the Brazilian product (84.61%). The individual value for the tracking process was R4,34.ThedifferenceoftrackedanimalslaughteredfortheEuropeanUnionwasR 4,34. The difference of tracked animal slaughtered for the European Union was R 10,73@-1. The establishment of the tracking system presented economic viability and the variation of the values paid by the tracked meat despite animals aiming exportation.</p


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    The objective of this research was to estimate reference zootechnical and economic performance indices, evaluate the influence of different types of labor on the technical and economic results and identify the components that had greater representativeness on the total and effective operational cost of dairy farms. We analyzed 38 size, zootechnical, and economic indicators of 61 milk production systems, grouped according to the type of labor. The data were collected during January 2002 to December 2011 period. The results were compared by ANOVA test (normal distribution), complemented by LSD test, and Kruskal-Wallis test (non-normal distribution), also complemented by LSD test. Reference performance indices should be considered, taking into account the factors that are common to dairy farms. The type of labor does not seem to determine the economic efficiency of the dairy production system. The items of total and effective operational cost that had greater representativeness were, in descending order, feeding and labor to hired and mixed labor groups, and feeding and various expenses to family labor