235 research outputs found

    Digital financial inclusion – an engine for “leaving no one behind”

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    Although none of the goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030 is dedicated to finance, can the use of financial instruments play a role in achieving some of the Sustainable Development Goals? Can financial instruments contribute to the reduction of hunger and poverty, to ensuring healthy lives, gender equality, decent jobs and the growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), reducing inequalities, enhancing an effective fight against corruption and increasing the mobilization of additional financial resources? This article highlights how financial inclusion, meaning the access to financial services, allows the weakest to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and to improve their life conditions. From the evidence of the UNSGSA (2018) report on integrating SDG progress through digital financial inclusion, it becomes clear that digital finance is a key that can help in boosting financial inclusion

    Is the Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Score (TLISS) still a good base for the education of residents in Orthopaedics and Traumatology?

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    ABSTRACT Introduction. Thoracolumbar spinal injuries indicated for surgical intervention specify the necessity of intervention within 24 hours. The traumatologists working in a structure without a Spinal Unit must be able to evaluate such injury and set indications for surgical treatment, that is, nonoperative treatment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Score (TLISS) is still a good base for the classification of thoracolumbar spinal injuries and to give a correct indication for nonoperative, that is, surgical treatment. Patients and Methods. Six Orthopaedics and Traumatology residents from Siena (Italy), five Orthopaedics and Traumatology residents from the Clinical Centre of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and five Orthopaedics and Traumatology residents from the Alta Val d’Elsa Hospital, Siena (Italy) were presented 24 clinical cases from professional literature where the following data were indicated: patient’s age, neurological conditions, description of the injury, mechanism of the injury and radiological findings (RTG, MR). The abovementioned 24 patients were chosen from the literature based on the injuries mostly seen by an orthopaedist with a lack of experience in the problems of spinal column trauma (low energy trauma, with partial or without neurological impairments, with the TLISS score of 4). The residents from the three groups had to classify all patients according to the TLISS score and to define the most appropriate method of treatment-conservative or surgical, and after that, all classifications, as well as the therapeutic decisions, were compared. The statistical methods used in this study include: statistical significance, reliability (P<0.05), the validity of the decision, the percentage of accuracy and Cohen’s kappa coefficient. The best results in evaluation of the mechanism of the injury were demonstrated by the group of doctors from the Orthopaedic Hospital with an accuracy of 78.8% (P<0.05) and with an average correlation (K = 0.598). The best description of the injury was presented by the doctors from Siena with 87% accuracy (P<0.05) and with correlation (K=0.749). The doctors from Siena responded best at evaluating the neurological status with 97.6% accuracy (P<0.05) and with correlation (K=0.936). The assessment of the injury of the PCL residents from Siena was 64.7% accurate (P<0.05) with correlation (K=0.426). The total TLISS score was best calculated by the residents of Siena with 82% accuracy (P<0.05) and correlation (K=0.718). The most appropriate therapeutic decision was made by the residents from Siena with 80.3% accuracy (P<0.05) and with correlation (K =0.707). Conclusion. Currently, the Denis classification and the AO classification are the most widely used classification algorithms for the fractures of thoracolumbar spine but some defects have also been identified in both of them. The value of TLISS evaluation is by the three groups of residents in presented 24 patients from the professional literature. Significant differences in accuracy were found in defining a real damage of the spinal cord at the level of the cauda equina. The evaluation of the integrity of the posterior longitudinal ligament by the radiography is of low accuracy

    Dynamic corset versus three-point brace in the treatment of osteoporotic compression fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine: a prospective, comparative study

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    Background: The three-point orthosis is the most commonly used brace in the conservative treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. The Spinomed® dynamic orthosis represents an alternative. Aims: We compared efficacy and safety of these two types of brace in treating osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Methods: One hundred forty patients, aged 65–93 years, sustaining osteoporotic vertebral fracture were consecutively recruited and divided into two groups, and treated with either three-point orthosis or dynamic corset. Patients were evaluated with Visual Analogue Scale, Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, and measurement of forced expiratory volume in the first second. Regional kyphosis angle, Delmas Index, and height of the fractured vertebral body were also measured on full-spine X-rays. Follow-up intervals were 1, 3, and 6 months after trauma. The complications encountered during the 6-month follow-up were recorded. Results: At the 3- and 6-month follow-ups, there was a significant difference (p 0.05) in all the radiological parameters between groups. Complications were reported for 28 patients in the three-point orthosis group, and for eight patients in the dynamic corset group (p < 0.05). Discussion: Biofeedback activation of back muscles is probably a key factor in improving functional outcome with dynamic orthosis. Conclusions: Compared to three-point orthosis, patients treated with dynamic orthosis had a greater reduction in pain and a greater improvement in quality of life and respiratory function, with equal effectiveness in stabilizing the fracture, and fewer complications

    The orthopedic damage control in pelvic ring fractures: when and why-a multicenter experience of 10 years' treatment

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    Abstract Objectives To report our experience of regional referral center for the pelvis. Methods We treated 526 pelvic fractures from January 2004 to December 2014 in three regional reference centers for pelvic trauma. Men were 480 and women were 46 and ages ranged from 16 to 93 years old. Car (65%) and farm (20%) crashes were the most frequent causes of pelvis fractures. Injury severity scores ranged from 9.0 to 75.0, with a mean of 37.5. A defined algorithm for fracture management has been in place and employed to assure adequate resuscitation and fracture care. Results There were 24 deaths in total (4.56%). Sixty three (11.98%) patients underwent angio-embolization for control of bleeding (12 deaths). The average amount of blood transfused was 8.3 IU. Hospital lengths of stay ranged between 1-35 days. Among the 502 alive patients, 55.98% were able to be discharged at home while the remaining 44.02% being transferred to various rehabilitation facilities or extended care facilities. Conclusions The goal of initial management is to restore vital indicators, urinary excretion function and protect the patient from infectious complications. An emergency decisional algorithm helps manage hemodynamic instability. Initial bone and ligament procedures should reduce displacement and make it possible for the patient to wait until his condition is stable enough for definitive surgical fixation

    Is the short posterior stabilization by TLIF and cages a good way for a correct spinal alignment in the de novo scoliosis? A case report

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    De novo scoliosis is becoming one of the most prevalent findings in the aging spine, and this condition is associated not only with severe back or leg symptoms but also with complicated surgical outcomes. The most common surgery is a posterior spinal fusion with metal implants and bone graft (from the pelvis or the bone bank), with or without decompression of the nerve roots. Sometimes the surgery may need to be performed anteriorly (from the front of the spine) for better stability, correction, and healing. After 1 years of follow, up we presented a case report of a 74 year old man treated for De Novo Scoliosis with a spinal short posterior stabilization, TLIF and Cages

    Intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin) Treatment of Neovascular Glaucoma in Ocular Ischemic Syndrome

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    We report a case of ocular ischemic syndrome accompanied by neovascular glaucoma that was successfully treated with Bevacizumab. A 70-year-old male patient diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma of the left eye 3-4 years prior complained of continuous left eye pain and declining visual acuity despite receiving the latest treatment methods. At the time of admission the patient had no light perception in the left eye and his intraocular pressure was 30 mmHg. Anterior segment and fundus examinations revealed neovascularization of the iris and stenosis of the retinal vessel. Hypofluorescence of the choroid and retinal vessels was observed on fluorescence fundus angiography. Left internal carotid artery stenosis was observed on a brain MRI. Despite being treated with eye solution and oral medication, intraocular pressure was not controlled. After 7 days, we performed an intravitreal Bevacizumab 1.25 mg/0.05mL injection. One day after the intravitreal Bevacizumab injection, the neovascularization had nearly regressed and intraocular pressure was 30 mmHg. Intravitreal Bevacizumab injection produced regression of neovascularization and proved effective for treatment of neovascular glaucoma in this case of ocular ischemic syndrome

    Total hip arthroplasty vs. osteosynthesis in acute complex acetabular fractures in the elderly: Evaluation of surgical management and outcomes

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    Objective: To retrospectively evaluate the open reduction internal fixation and total hip arthroplasty directions, results and complications associated with internal fixation in managing these fractures. Methods: In 8 years at 4 centers, 61 patients with associated acetabular fractures (Letournel classification) were treated. The patients were divided into two groups. The total hip arthoplasty (THA) group consisted of 30 patients, while the open reduction internal fixation group had 31 patients. The average age of the patients was 74.7 years. The following parameters were compared: the duration of surgery and hospitalization, the international unit of red blood cell concentrate transfusion, the time for the verticalization of the patient, perioperative complications, Harris hip score, and the short form (12) health survey. The clinical and radiographic follow-up was performed at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months and annually thereafter. Patients with post-traumatic osteoarthritis formed the third comparison group. P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant according to the analytical Student's t-test. >Results: The P Conclusions: Our experience shows that the THA treatment for acetabular fractures in the elderly is to be preferred

    Anabolic effects and inhibition of interleukin 6 production induced by neridronate on human osteoblasts

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) are pharmacological compounds widely used in the treatment of a variety of bone-related diseases, particularly where the bone-turnover is skewed in favour of osteolysis. The mechanisms by which BPs reduce bone-resorption directly acting on osteoclasts (OCs) are now largely clarified even at molecular level. The researches concerning the BPs effects on osteoblasts (OBs) have instead shown variable results. Objectives: We have investigated the efficacy of neridronate (NER), an amino-BP, as anabolic agent on human OBs. Moreover, we have tried to verify if NER is able to negatively modulate the production of IL-6 on OBs stimulated or not by the pro-inflammatory cytokine Il-1b. Methods: We have tested if different concentrations of NER (from 10-11M to 10-3M), added to primary human OB cultures, could affect the cells number, the endogenous cellular alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, the collagen I (COLI) synthesis, the formation of mineralized nodules and the IL-6 production. Our experimental approach was performed testing a wide range of NER concentrations because, under physiological conditions, OBs seems to be exposed to variable and transient levels of the drug. Results: Our results show that NER doesn't negatively affect in vitro the viability, proliferation and cellular activity of human OBs, even after 20 days of exposure to concentrations ²10-5 M (therapeutic dose). In addition, NER seems to enhance the differentiation of cultured OBs in mature bone-forming cells. A maximum increase of COL-I synthesis (+25% after 4 days; p<0.05), ALP activity (+50% after 10 days; p<0.01) and mineralized nodules (+48% after 20 days; p<0.05) was observed in cultures treated with NER 10-8M. A maximal reduction of IL-6 secretion (-24% on IL-1b stimulated cultures and -29% on unstimulated cultures) was observed for NER 10-9 M. Conclusions: These results encourage the use of neridronate in therapy of demineralizing metabolic bone disorders

    A primitive neuroendocrine liver tumour?

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    The aim of the present report is to present a possible primitive case of a neuroendocrine tumour (NET) of the liver. During a routine ultrasound examination, a 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with a lesion in the second segment of the liver, suggestive of a metastasis. A well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (G2, Ki67 = 4.4%) was identified by liver biopsy, positive for chromogranin, synaptophysin and neuron specific enolase. An additional extensive examination aimed at finding the primitive lesion was unsuccessful and PET with 68Gallium revealed a single liver lesion. A left lobectomy was performed, but 15 months later a second liver lesion with the same characteristics as the previous one was observed and was surgically treated, followed by therapy with octreotide LAR 30 mg. A four-year follow-up did not show evidence of a different primitive NET: therefore, while it is improbable that a metastatic G2 primitive tumour would not have presented in the 4-year period, a diagnosis of primitive NET of the liver was made. The paper gives the opportunity of describing an unusual case of a primitive liver neuroendocrine tumour and of presenting the successful treatment of both surgery and cytoreductive pharmacological therapy
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