2,625 research outputs found

    Universality of Einstein Equations for the Ricci Squared Lagrangians

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    It has been recently shown that, in the first order (Palatini) formalism, there is universality of Einstein equations and Komar energy-momentum complex, in the sense that for a generic nonlinear Lagrangian depending only on the scalar curvature of a metric and a torsionless connection one always gets Einstein equations and Komar's expression for the energy-momentum complex. In this paper a similar analysis (also in the framework of the first order formalism) is performed for all nonlinear Lagrangians depending on the (symmetrized) Ricci square invariant. The main result is that the universality of Einstein equations and Komar energy-momentum complex also extends to this case (modulo a conformal transformation of the metric).Comment: 21 pages, Late

    The Universality of Einstein Equations

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    It is shown that for a wide class of analytic Lagrangians which depend only on the scalar curvature of a metric and a connection, the application of the so--called ``Palatini formalism'', i.e., treating the metric and the connection as independent variables, leads to ``universal'' equations. If the dimension nn of space--time is greater than two these universal equations are Einstein equations for a generic Lagrangian and are suitably replaced by other universal equations at bifurcation points. We show that bifurcations take place in particular for conformally invariant Lagrangians L=Rn/2gL=R^{n/2} \sqrt g and prove that their solutions are conformally equivalent to solutions of Einstein equations. For 2--dimensional space--time we find instead that the universal equation is always the equation of constant scalar curvature; the connection in this case is a Weyl connection, containing the Levi--Civita connection of the metric and an additional vectorfield ensuing from conformal invariance. As an example, we investigate in detail some polynomial Lagrangians and discuss their bifurcations.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, (Extended Version), TO-JLL-P1/9

    Hamiltonian, Energy and Entropy in General Relativity with Non-Orthogonal Boundaries

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    A general recipe to define, via Noether theorem, the Hamiltonian in any natural field theory is suggested. It is based on a Regge-Teitelboim-like approach applied to the variation of Noether conserved quantities. The Hamiltonian for General Relativity in presence of non-orthogonal boundaries is analysed and the energy is defined as the on-shell value of the Hamiltonian. The role played by boundary conditions in the formalism is outlined and the quasilocal internal energy is defined by imposing metric Dirichlet boundary conditions. A (conditioned) agreement with previous definitions is proved. A correspondence with Brown-York original formulation of the first principle of black hole thermodynamics is finally established.Comment: 29 pages with 1 figur

    Remarks on Conserved Quantities and Entropy of BTZ Black Hole Solutions. Part II: BCEA Theory

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    The BTZ black hole solution for (2+1)-spacetime is considered as a solution of a triad-affine theory (BCEA) in which topological matter is introduced to replace the cosmological constant in the model. Conserved quantities and entropy are calculated via Noether theorem, reproducing in a geometrical and global framework earlier results found in the literature using local formalisms. Ambiguities in global definitions of conserved quantities are considered in detail. A dual and covariant Legendre transformation is performed to re-formulate BCEA theory as a purely metric (natural) theory (BCG) coupled to topological matter. No ambiguities in the definition of mass and angular momentum arise in BCG theory. Moreover, gravitational and matter contributions to conserved quantities and entropy are isolated. Finally, a comparison of BCEA and BCG theories is carried out by relying on the results obtained in both theories.Comment: PlainTEX, 20 page

    Entropy of Self-Gravitating Systems from Holst's Lagrangian

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    We shall prove here that conservation laws from Holst's Lagrangian, often used in LQG, do not agree with the corresponding conservation laws in standard GR. Nevertheless, these differences vanish on-shell, i.e. along solutions, so that they eventually define the same classical conserved quantities. Accordingly, they define in particular the same entropy of solutions, and the standard law S=A/4 is reproduced for systems described by Holst's Lagragian. This provides the classical support to the computation usually done in LQG for the entropy of black holes which is in turn used to fix the Barbero-Immirzi parameter.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; just acknowledgments change

    Conserved Quantities from the Equations of Motion (with applications to natural and gauge natural theories of gravitation)

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    We present an alternative field theoretical approach to the definition of conserved quantities, based directly on the field equations content of a Lagrangian theory (in the standard framework of the Calculus of Variations in jet bundles). The contraction of the Euler-Lagrange equations with Lie derivatives of the dynamical fields allows one to derive a variational Lagrangian for any given set of Lagrangian equations. A two steps algorithmical procedure can be thence applied to the variational Lagrangian in order to produce a general expression for the variation of all quantities which are (covariantly) conserved along the given dynamics. As a concrete example we test this new formalism on Einstein's equations: well known and widely accepted formulae for the variation of the Hamiltonian and the variation of Energy for General Relativity are recovered. We also consider the Einstein-Cartan (Sciama-Kibble) theory in tetrad formalism and as a by-product we gain some new insight on the Kosmann lift in gauge natural theories, which arises when trying to restore naturality in a gauge natural variational Lagrangian.Comment: Latex file, 31 page

    A covariant formalism for Chern-Simons gravity

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    Chern--Simons type Lagrangians in d=3d=3 dimensions are analyzed from the point of view of their covariance and globality. We use the transgression formula to find out a new fully covariant and global Lagrangian for Chern--Simons gravity: the price for establishing globality is hidden in a bimetric (or biconnection) structure. Such a formulation allows to calculate from a global and simpler viewpoint the energy-momentum complex and the superpotential both for Yang--Mills and gravitational examples.Comment: 12 pages,LaTeX, to appear in Journal of Physics

    Saturation excess runoff numerical simulation

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    Saturation excess runoff is a relevant process which needs additional experimental and modeling efforts. This work is focused on its numerical modeling. The final objective is the successive interpretation of ongoing experimental monitoring results in two watersheds in different areas of Italy where the saturation excess runoff formation mechanism seems to be important. The numerical solution of the two-dimensional Richards\u2019 equation allows the evaluation of the sensitivity to the various influent parameters : rainfall intensity, soil properties, depth and initial water content, slope and hillslope length. Also the subsurface flow is simulated at the same time, allowing the evaluation of the different characteristic times and dominances of the two processes, namely subsurface and surface runoff. Only steady runoff intensities are considered for the sake of simplifying the results interpretation, but unsteady ones can be easily implemented. The same holds for soil layering
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