6 research outputs found

    До питання про походження імені язичеської богині Мокоша

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    Приводяться екстралінгвістичні та лінгвістичні докази, що Мокоша пов’язана з водою. Виявлено лексична спорідненість цього ім’я не тільки з індоєвропейськими, але й семітськими мовами. На основі аналізу структурних компонентів слів, які мають спільну сему “вода” та подібність у звучанні, у досліджуваному слові виділено етимологічний корінь о-(а), префікс м- і суфікси -к - і -ош(а). Ключові слова: глубинна етимологія, Мокоша, загальна сема, подібні структурні компоненти, індоєвропейські, семітські мови.Приводятся экстралингвистические и лингвистические доказательства, что Мокоша связана с водой. Обнаружено лексическое родство этого имени не только с индоевропейскими, но и семитскими языками. На основе анализа структурных компонентов слов, которые имеют общую сему “вода” и сходство в звучании, в исследуемом слове выделено этимологический корень о-(а-), префикс м- и суффиксы -к - и -ош(а). Ключевые слова: глубинная этимология, Мокоша, общая сема, похожие структурные компоненты, индоевропейские, семитские языки.Extra-linguistic and linguistic arguments are adduced that Mokosha is connected with water. The lexical affinity of this name was established both with Indo-European and Semitic languages. On the basis of the analysis of structural components of the words which have the common seme “water” and show resemblance in sounding, the etymological root o-(a-), prefix m- and suffixes -k- and -osh(a) were singled out in the investigated word. Keywords: deep etymology, Mokosha, common seme, similar structural components, Indо- European, Semitic languages

    Dietary intake of fibers: differential effects in men and women on perceived general health and immune functioning

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    Background: It has been reported previously that dietary fiber intake provides health benefits. Nevertheless, only a limited number of human studies have investigated whether gender differences exist in the relationship between fiber intake and perceived health and immune status. Objective: To investigate potential gender differences in the effects of dietary fiber intake on perceived health and immune status of healthy young adults. Design: A survey was conducted among university students in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Data were collected on perceived general health status and perceived immune functioning. Dietary intake of fibers was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Perceived general health status and immune functioning were associated with daily intake of fibers using nonparametric (Spearman) correlations. Statistical analyses were conducted for the group as a whole, and for men and women separately. Results: N = 509 subjects completed the survey. Mean (SD) age was 20.8 (2.6) years old. 71.9% of the samples were females. Mean daily dietary fiber intake was 15.5 (6.9) g. Daily dietary fiber intake correlated significantly with general health rate (r = 0.171, p = 0.0001) and perceived immune functioning (r = 0.124, p = 0.008). After controlling for total caloric intake, the partial correlation between fiber intake and general health remained significant (r = 0.151, p = 0.002). In men, dietary fiber intake correlated significantly with perceived general health status (r = 0.320, p = 0.0001) and immune functioning (r = 0.281, p = 0.002). After controlling for caloric intake, the association between dietary fiber intake and perceived general health (r = 0.261, p = 0.005) remained significant. Remarkably, no significant correlations were observed in women. Conclusion: A significant association between daily dietary fiber intake and perceived general health status and immune rate was found in men, but not in women. Future studies should further address the nature and causes of the observed gender differences, including validated biomarkers for immune responsiveness

    Dietary intake of fibers: differential effects in men and women on perceived general health and immune functioning

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    Background: It has been reported previously that dietary fiber intake provides health benefits. Nevertheless, only a limited number of human studies have investigated whether gender differences exist in the relationship between fiber intake and perceived health and immune status. Objective: To investigate potential gender differences in the effects of dietary fiber intake on perceived health and immune status of healthy young adults. Design: A survey was conducted among university students in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Data were collected on perceived general health status and perceived immune functioning. Dietary intake of fibers was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Perceived general health status and immune functioning were associated with daily intake of fibers using nonparametric (Spearman) correlations. Statistical analyses were conducted for the group as a whole, and for men and women separately. Results: N = 509 subjects completed the survey. Mean (SD) age was 20.8 (2.6) years old. 71.9% of the samples were females. Mean daily dietary fiber intake was 15.5 (6.9) g. Daily dietary fiber intake correlated significantly with general health rate (r = 0.171, p = 0.0001) and perceived immune functioning (r = 0.124, p = 0.008). After controlling for total caloric intake, the partial correlation between fiber intake and general health remained significant (r = 0.151, p = 0.002). In men, dietary fiber intake correlated significantly with perceived general health status (r = 0.320, p = 0.0001) and immune functioning (r = 0.281, p = 0.002). After controlling for caloric intake, the association between dietary fiber intake and perceived general health (r = 0.261, p = 0.005) remained significant. Remarkably, no significant correlations were observed in women. Conclusion: A significant association between daily dietary fiber intake and perceived general health status and immune rate was found in men, but not in women. Future studies should further address the nature and causes of the observed gender differences, including validated biomarkers for immune responsiveness

    Prenatal sex hormones and the 2d: 4d digit ratio: developmental origins of heavy alcohol consumption

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    Introduction Prenatal testosterone and estrogen exposure determines the growth of finger length, and has also been related to later life risk taking behavior . The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the second (2D, index finger) and fourth (4D, ring finger) digit ratio and alcohol consumption. Methods N=448 Dutch students completed a survey on alcohol consumption. For both hands, the 2D and 4D digit lengths were measured using digital vernier calipers. The 2D: 4D digit ratio was related to alcohol consumption. In addition, alcohol consumption of subjects with a hawk - type (2D: 4D<1) and dove - type personality (2D: 4D>1) were compared. Results: The left 2D: 4D digit ratio correlated significantly (p<0.05) with the number of alcoholic drinks per week (r=-0.119) and the number of days being drunk (r=-0.121). For men, significant correlations were observed between left 2D: 4D digit ratio and drinking onset age (r=0.188), and between the right 2D: 4D digit ratio and the average number of drinks consumed per occasion (r=-0.229), number of alcoholic drinks per week (r=-0.185), and the age of regular drinking (r=0.190). For women, the left 2D: 4D digit ratio correlated significantly with the number of days being drunk (r=-0.137). Discussion & Conclusion: Prenatal sex hormone exposure seems to predict later life alcohol consumption, as subjects with a lower 2D: 4D digit ratio tend to consume greater amounts of alcohol . Although the correlations are only modest, further research into the relationship between prenatal sex hormone exposure, 2D: 4D digit ratio and alcohol consumption is warranted