8,810 research outputs found

    Generic emergence of classical features in quantum Darwinism

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    Quantum Darwinism explains the emergence of classical reality from the underlying quantum reality by the fact that a quantum system is observed indirectly, by looking at parts of its environment, so that only specific information about the system that is redundantly proliferated to many parts of the environment becomes accessible and objective. However it is not clear under what conditions this mechanism holds true. Here we rigorously prove that the emergence of classicality is a general feature of any quantum dynamics: observers who acquire information about a quantum system indirectly have access at most to classical information about one and the same measurement of the quantum system; moreover, if such information is available to many observers, they necessarily agree. Remarkably, our analysis goes beyond the system-environment categorization. We also provide a full characterization of the so-called quantum discord in terms of local redistribution of correlations.Comment: Closer to published versio

    Improved electromagnetic compatibility standards for the interconnected wireless world

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The future is wireless, a world where everything is interconnected. However, the current standards for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the coexistence of such wireless systems urge for a major update. It is shown how novel statistical approaches based on the amplitude probability distribution detector and time-domain measurements are better suited for estimating the degradation caused by electromagnetic interferences on digital communication systems than the established practice of determining compliance according to the quasi-peak detector levels using a pass/fail criterion. Therefore, a redefinition of the test methods and of the compliance requirements in terms of EMC standards must be a priority of the international standardization bodies. Finally, a discussion of the fundamental challenges involved in this standardization breakthrough for EMC is delivered.Postprint (author's final draft

    Benefits of full time-domain EMI measurements for large fixed installation

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    It is difficult to properly evaluate the electromagnetic disturbances generated by large fixed installations because of, i.e., the background noise, unsteady emissions and transient interferences. Those challenging EMC issues have been recently studied in European research projects on improved test methods in industrial environments. In order to overcome traditional in-situ EMI measurement troubles, a novel time-domain methodology is proposed and used in a real fixed installation with large machinery. Firstly, a comparison between the developed measurement system, using an oscilloscope, and an EMI receiver is done in some test-cases for validation purposes. After verifying the accuracy of the measurements, we proceed with the measurement campaign applying the full time-domain methodology. The main benefits of employing the time-domain system are emphasised through the results. It was observed that the some remarkable advantages of the time-domain approach are: triggering by disturbance events, extremely reduce the capturing time, identify on real time the worst emissions modes of the EUT, avoid changes at the background noise and perform simultaneous multichannel synchronous measurements.Postprint (published version
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