42 research outputs found

    El papel y sus posibilidades multimedia en la biblioteca

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    The Internet, the new mobile devices and cloud storage are changing the way in which people deal with information; we still need great storage capacity and information readers but we also value ubiquity and data synchronization between the different devices that we are using. Access has become more important than storage. The web as a tool is leading to the obsolescence of digital media that are just 20 years old and boosts the multimedia possibilities of paper, an analog medium that facilitates the relationship between people and mobile devices. We go through some of the experiences carried out in the Muskiz public library exploring the new multimedia possibilities of paper

    Paper and its multimedia possibilities in the library

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    The Internet, the new mobile devices and cloud storage are changing the way in which people deal with information; we still need great storage capacity and information readers but we also value ubiquity and data synchronization between the different devices that we are using. Access has become more important than storage. The web as a tool is leading to the obsolescence of digital media that are just 20 years old and boosts the multimedia possibilities of paper, an analog medium that facilitates the relationship between people and mobile devices. We go through some of the experiences carried out in the Muskiz public library exploring the new multimedia possibilities of paper.

    Libraries as e-government laboratories

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    Given the backwardness of public administrations to implement e-government tools in practice and in everyday life to make life easier for citizens, public libraries prove to be far more advanced, offering both technical infrastructure and advice to their users to search information and to carry out transactions. E-government suffers from technological inefficiency and also reflects little understanding of the transformation of the socio-technical framework and its impact in shaping relationships with citizens

    The public library in a multimedia society: copy, test, disseminate

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    The generation of new multimedia content that facilitates contact with mobile devices is a pending task for cultural agents. From the perspective of the public library, we take augmented reality as an example and the video game industry as a reference to demonstrate some possible actions

    Ese antídoto contra la exclusión digital llamado biblioteca pública necesita mediciones actualizadas

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    Las bibliotecas públicas desempeñan un importante papel en la sociedad de la información. Instituciones como la Comisión Europea recurren a ellas para canalizar muchos de sus esfuerzos en materia de inclusión digital (como atestiguan los programas Harmonica, ECUP, Camile, Libecon 2000, etc.) y no es casual que nuestras bibliotecas se impliquen en su desarrollo. Bertot, John-Carlo; Real, Brian; Lee, Jean; McDermott, Abigail J.; Jaeger, Paul T. (2015). 2014 Digital inclusion survey: Survey findings and results extended summary. [College Park, Maryland]: Information Policy & Access Center (IPAC). http://digitalinclusion.umd.edu/sites/default/files/up loads/2014DigitalInclusionSurveyFinalRelease.pd

    Digital edition and management in the public library

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    With the advent of digital books it is recommended that librarians take an active role, defending the rights of citizens to be able to continue enjoying free reading, and also maintaining their own image of being up-to-date professionals. Librarians should know technical, economic and legal details of the publishing world to act on new fronts, such as being literary agents, promoters of issues of local interest or licensing consultants

    Can my library help with Europeana?: the need for a change in perceptions

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    The Spanish city of Burgos hosted the VI National congress of public libraries and the Europeana conference, October 9-11, 2012. The events shared venues and registrants under the theme of "Public library: individual memory, global heritage". Building the European memory requires the involvement of citizens and Europeana is working hard to achieve it. The difficulties encountered by public libraries attempting to become involved in the project are described, pointing out some of the things they can do to integrate local memory into the larger repositories

    The library and the new challenges of communication. The disoriented librarian

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    Communication with the library user is being changed by the loss of the library’s information monopoly, the dematerialization of the book and the importance of technology in the non-face-to-face relationship. Within the new ways of communication, the ability to become used to tools and devices in a daily and non-work environment is essential. Library professionals must begin to understand the new ways of communication as a balance between the personal and profesional domains

    Finding the path: Necessary corrections to incorporate the idea of the new library into the essential elements of citizenship

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    The economic crisis has been harmful for libraries. Although the studies that have been done by professional associations have given evidence of their economic and social value, the reasons given to justify budget cuts and closures show that the real problem is not an economic problem but one of perception: Politicians and citizens give libraries a secondary place when competing with other basic services for financing. Everyone recognizes the past importance of libraries, but few situate them in contemporary education, information, and knowledge. The future of libraries depends mostly on what people think of them. Professionals can help to build a new popular awareness that places value on the idea of the library’s utility and neutralizes its presumed digital obsolescence. In this sense, technology is changing the role that institutions play, as well as the space that they have traditionally occupied. Technology has also changed our expectations towards institutions. In order to make the library something appealing and useful, the librarian must be able to facilitate the interconnection (cooperation, networking, benchmarking, and co-creation) and seek to reduce the barriers between the library as an institution and the users

    Evolution of the Social Web in 2010

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    Short summary of the Web situation in 2010, analysing the situation of 2.0 technologies and their evolution to adapt to the new conditions of creation of, access to and dissemination of information. Taking into account the Spanish society, the most important changes in 2010 and how they can influence the services that libraries offer are described. Finally, some predictions about 2011 are envisaged