1 research outputs found

    Symmetry breaking, Josephson oscillation and self-trapping in a self-bound three-dimensional quantum ball

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    We study spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), Josephson oscillation, and self-trapping in a stable, mobile, three-dimensional matter-wave spherical quantum ball self-bound by attractive two-body and repulsive three-body interactions. The SSB is realized by a parity-symmetric (a) one-dimensional (1D) double-well potential and (b) a 1D Gaussian potential, both along the zz axis and no potential along the xx and yy axes. In the presence of each of these potentials, the symmetric ground state dynamically evolves into a doubly-degenerate SSB ground state. If the SSB ground state in the double well, predominantly located in the first well (z>0z>0), is given a small displacement, the quantum ball oscillates with a self-trapping in the first well. For a medium displacement one encounters an asymmetric Josephson oscillation. The asymmetric oscillation is a consequence of SSB. The study is performed by a variational and numerical solution of a non-linear mean-field model with 1D parity-symmetric perturbations