2,291 research outputs found

    Emergent magnetic degeneracy in iron pnictides due to the interplay between spin-orbit coupling and quantum fluctuations

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    Recent experiments in iron pnictide superconductors reveal that, as the putative magnetic quantum critical point is approached, different types of magnetic order coexist over a narrow region of the phase diagram. Although these magnetic configurations share the same wave-vectors, they break distinct symmetries of the lattice. Importantly, the highest superconducting transition temperature takes place close to this proliferation of near-degenerate magnetic states. In this paper, we employ a renormalization group calculation to show that such a behavior naturally arises due to the effects of spin-orbit coupling on the quantum magnetic fluctuations. Formally, the enhanced magnetic degeneracy near the quantum critical point is manifested as a stable Gaussian fixed point with a large basin of attraction. Implications of our findings to the superconductivity of the iron pnictides are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Magnetic phase diagram of the iron pnictides in the presence of spin-orbit coupling: Frustration between C2C_2 and C4C_4 magnetic phases

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    We investigate the impact of spin anisotropic interactions, promoted by spin-orbit coupling, on the magnetic phase diagram of the iron-based superconductors. Three distinct magnetic phases with Bragg peaks at (π,0)(\pi,0) and (0,π)(0,\pi) are possible in these systems: one C2C_2 (i.e. orthorhombic) symmetric stripe magnetic phase and two C4C_4 (i.e. tetragonal) symmetric magnetic phases. While the spin anisotropic interactions allow the magnetic moments to point in any direction in the C2C_2 phase, they restrict the possible moment orientations in the C4C_4 phases. As a result, an interesting scenario arises in which the spin anisotropic interactions favor a C2C_2 phase, but the other spin isotropic interactions favor a C4C_4 phase. We study this frustration via both mean-field and renormalization-group approaches. We find that, to lift this frustration, a rich magnetic landscape emerges well below the magnetic transition temperature, with novel C2C_2, C4C_4, and mixed C2C_2-C4C_4 phases. Near the putative magnetic quantum critical point, spin anisotropies promote a stable Gaussian fixed point in the renormalization-group flow, which is absent in the spin isotropic case, and is associated with a near-degeneracy between C2C_2 and C4C_4 phases. We argue that this frustration is the reason why most C4C_4 phases in the iron pnictides only appear inside the C2C_2 phase, and discuss additional manifestations of this frustration in the phase diagrams of these materials.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, published versio

    Enhanced nematic fluctuations near an antiferromagnetic Mott insulator and possible application to high-TcT_{c} cuprates

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    Motivated by the widespread experimental observations of nematicity in strongly underdoped cuprate superconductors, we investigate the possibility of enhanced nematic fluctuations in the vicinity of a Mott insulator that displays N\'eel-type antiferromagnetic order. By performing a strong-coupling expansion of an effective model that contains both Cu-dd and O-pp orbitals on the square lattice, we demonstrate that quadrupolar fluctuations in the pp-orbitals inevitably generate a biquadratic coupling between the spins of the dd-orbitals. The key point revealed by our classical Monte Carlo simulations and large-NN calculations is that the biquadratic term favors local stripe-like magnetic fluctuations, which result in an enhanced nematic susceptibility that onsets at a temperature scale determined by the effective Heisenberg exchange JJ. We discuss the impact of this type of nematic order on the magnetic spectrum and outline possible implications on our understanding of nematicity in the cuprates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; includes Supplemental Material (14 pages, 4 figures

    Enhanced nematic fluctuations near the Mott insulating phase of high-Tc cuprates

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    The complexity of the phase diagram of the cuprates goes well beyond its unique high-Tc superconducting state, as it hosts a variety of different electronic phenomena, such as the pseudogap, nematic order, charge order, and strange metallic behavior. The parent compound, however, is well understood as a Mott insulator, displaying quenched charge degrees of freedom and low-energy antiferromagnetic excitations described by the Heisenberg exchange coupling J. Here we show that doping holes in the oxygen orbitals inevitably generates another spin interaction - a biquadratic coupling - that must be included in the celebrated t−J model. While this additional interaction does not modify the linear spin wave spectrum, it promotes an enhanced nematic susceptibility that is peaked at a temperature scale determined by J. Our results explain several puzzling features of underdoped YBa2Cu3O7, such as the proximity of nematic and antiferromagnetic order, the anisotropic magnetic incommensurability, and the in-plane resistivity anisotropy. Furthermore, it naturally accounts for the absence of nematicity in electron-doped cuprates, and supports the idea that the pseudogap temperature is related to strong local antiferromagnetism