5 research outputs found

    Diferenças nos hábitos alimentares e imagem corporal entre os alunos do 1º e 6º ano de medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior

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    Introdução: Na vida de um estudante, a entrada na universidade é provavelmente um dos passos mais grandiosos e que mais influenciará o seu futuro. Esta transição adquire relevada importância visto muitas vezes ser acompanhada de uma mudança radical de ambiente, em que o estudante sai de casa, se “desprende” da família e de uma rede de social já estabelecida. Neste novo ambiente, o estudante tem de se adaptar, desenvolver novas capacidades e lidar com uma maior autonomia e independência de que agora dispõe. Um dos grandes desafios que surge relaciona-se com a gestão da sua alimentação. Sem o apoio logístico familiar que possuíam, torna-se mais difícil iniciar esta nova etapa das suas vidas com uma alimentação correcta e equilibrada. Assim sendo, o primeiro ano da faculdade é um período crítico que acarreta um elevado risco de má nutrição para estes adultos-jovens. Vários factores estão implicados neste processo, nomeadamente a alteração dos hábitos alimentares e da prática de exercício físico, o aumento do consumo de álcool e tabaco. Associado a isso, a pressão social a que estão sujeitos faz com que a imagem corporal adquira uma nova dimensão nas suas vidas, sendo por isso relevante perceber que ideia é que estes têm de “Corpo real/ideal” e se esta difere entre o primeiro e o sexto ano da universidade. Objectivo: Comparar a as diferenças nos hábitos alimentares/estilo de vida entre os estudantes do 1º e do 6º ano do Curso de Medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior e ter noção da percepção que estes têm de “Corpo real/ideal”. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo correlacional transversal para o qual foi construído um questionário anónimo e de auto-resposta (com recurso ao software “LimeSurvey®”), que foi enviado para a mailing list dos alunos do 1º e do 6º ano do curso de Medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para a maioria das categorias de hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida seleccionadas nem para a percepção/imagem corporal, entre os alunos do 1º e do 6º ano do curso de Medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que não vão ocorrer grandes modificações nos hábitos alimentares, estilo de vida e percepção corporal num aluno, ao longo do seu percurso pela Universidade.Background: In a student’s life, getting in the university is probably one of the greatest steps which will influence his future. This transition acquires relevant importance as if often demands a complete change of his social context, since the student has to leave his home, leaving behind his family and friends. By then, the student has to adjust himself to a new reality, develop new abilities and skills, and deal with a more independent and autonomous lifestyle. One of the greatest challenges has to do with their eating habits. Without the family support they used to have, it becomes harder to have a balanced diet at this stage of their lives. Therefore, the first year at the university is considered a critical period which can lead to a high risk of bad nutrition among these young people. Many factors are implied in this process, as for example, the change of their eating habits and the practice of sports, as well as the rise of alcohol and tobacco consumption. Besides, the social pressure which they are subjected to, makes their physical appearance acquire a new dimension in their lives, that’s why it becomes so relevant to understand the way they conceive their self-image and the ideal body and if it is any different between the students of the 1 st and the 6th year at the university of Medical Course of Beira Interior. Objective: Comparing the differences of the eating habits/student’s lifestyle between the 1st and the 6th year at the university of Medical Course of Beira Interior, and being acquainted with the real meaning of the “Real/Ideal body”. Methods: It was realized a multi study with an anonymous and self response quiz (using the software “Lime Survey® ”), which was sent to the students’ mail list of the 1st and the 6th year at the university of Medical Course of Beira Interior. Results: There weren’t found many statistically significant differences between the two groups (the 1st and the 6th year students), referring to eating habits, lifestyle and body perception. Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that there aren’t going to occur many changes in the eating habits, lifestyle and body perception in the students’ life throughout the University

    Suture Repair of Full Radial Posterior Lateral Meniscus Tears Using a Central Midline Portal.

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    Full radial posterior lateral meniscus root tears are frequently associated with injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament. Left unrepaired, they result in loss of the meniscus hoop stress function and can lead to overload of the lateral compartment and early degenerative changes. Arthroscopic suture repairs show successful results with long-term follow-up. However, previously described suture repair techniques have often required special instrumentation and can be technically demanding. This Technical Note describes the use of an accessory portal through the patellar tendon as a safe and easy method for repairing full posterior radial tears of the lateral meniscus

    Closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy for knee valgus: indications, technique, rehabilitation and outcomes

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    Introduction: In cases of symptomatic knee valgum, in which deformity majorly originated in the femoral distal metaphysis, 2 main types of femoral osteotomy have been described: medial closing or lateral opening. We have been doing medial closing wedges with anterior second plane cut for years. The reason being a proven similar surgical accuracy associated to a higher and faster healing rate promoted by a larger contact area between the 2 sides of the osteotomy site. The aim of this article is to describe up-to-date closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy strategies: from indication, to ideal correction, surgical technique and patient recovery. Methods: Distal femoral varus osteotomy is indicated in painful valgus knee in which deformity originated majorly in the femoral distal metaphysis. The planning is digitally performed according to the Miniaci method using digital software to have a postoperative weight bearing line passing through the knee joint at 45% to 50% measured from the medial tibial plateau border (0%) to the lateral tibial plateau border (100%). The procedure is performed through medial closing wedges created with 2 medial to lateral and 1 posterior to anterior cutting planes creating an anterior biplanar cut. Results: Using our step-by-step way to perform closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy, we standardized our radiological and clinical outcomes. Knowing some tips and tricks to avoid intraoperative complications will help readers to master this procedure. Conclusions: Following simple intraoperative landmark and technical guidance bony deformity can be fully corrected by medial closing wedges using an anterior biplanar cut. Patients will demonstrate optimal clinical outcomes including high rate of return to recreational and professional activities

    Suture Repair of Full Radial Posterior Lateral Meniscus Tears Using a Central Midline Portal

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    Full radial posterior lateral meniscus root tears are frequently associated with injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament. Left unrepaired, they result in loss of the meniscus hoop stress function and can lead to overload of the lateral compartment and early degenerative changes. Arthroscopic suture repairs show successful results with long-term follow-up. However, previously described suture repair techniques have often required special instrumentation and can be technically demanding. This Technical Note describes the use of an accessory portal through the patellar tendon as a safe and easy method for repairing full posterior radial tears of the lateral meniscus