27 research outputs found

    First validation of the gout activity score against gout impact scale in a primary care based gout cohort

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    Objectives To validate the gout activity score (GAS) against the gout impact scale in a primary care based gout cohort. Methods This was a single-centre cross-sectional study. People with gout who participated in previous research at Academic Rheumatology, University of Nottingham, UK, and consented for participation in future studies were mailed a questionnaire in September 2015. Those returning completed questionnaires were invited to attend for a study visit at which blood was collected and musculoskeletal examination was performed. The Gout Assessment Questionnaire, which contains the gout impact scale (GIS), and short form (SF) 36v2 questionnaires were completed. The GAS3-step-c score was calculated. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated to examine correlation between GAS and SF-36 v2, and GIS. Statistical analyses were performed using PASW v22. Results 102 (93% men) of the 150 participants who were mailed a questionnaire attended the study visit. Their mean (SD) age, BMI, serum uric acid and GAS were 67.94 (9.93) years, 29.96 (4.57) kg/m2, 5.25 (1.75) mg/dl, and 2.99 (0.74) respectively. There was moderate correlation between GAS and gout concern overall, unmet gout treatment need, and gout concern during an attack components of GIS (r= 0.306 to 0.453), but no to poor correlation between GAS and summary scores and scales of SF-36 v2 (r= -0.090 to -0.251). Conclusion This first study to validate GAS against the GIS found moderate correlation. However, this study did not examine the predictive validity of GAS, and prospective studies are needed before GAS can be used widely

    Alcohol consumption and internalising disorders in young adults of ALSPAC:a population-based study

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    INTRODUCTION: Depression and harmful alcohol consumption contribute significantly to the global health burden, but in young adults, this relationship is under-researched and conflicted. The aim of this study was to determine the sex-based prevalence and the association between internalising disorders such as depression and alcohol use disorders. METHOD: Using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, we assessed the sex-specific prevalence of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision diagnosed generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), depression and fear-based anxieties (FBA) at 24 years (n=3572). We examined the association between internalising disorders and alcohol consumption using the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test for Consumption 5+ threshold and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders defined criteria for alcohol dependence. RESULTS: Women reported more GAD (11.6% vs 6.5%), depression (13.4% vs 6.9%) and FBA (1.3% vs 0.5%) than men (p<0.001). Harmful drinking, after adjustment for sex and socioeconomic status, was associated witha higher prevalence of depression (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.3 to 2.4, p<0.001), anxiety (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.0 to 2.0, p<0.001) and FBA (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.04 to 5.56, p=0.009) compared with lower-risk drinkers. In contrast, hazardous drinking was associated with a lower prevalence of GAD (OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.88) and depression (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.86) compared with lower-risk drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: Young adults in the UK who drink harmfully are more likely to have depression and other internalising disorders. Further research should test whether there is a J-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and mental health in young people and whether this varies across the life course

    Neuropathic-like knee pain and associated risk factors: a cross-sectional study in a UK community sample

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    BackgroundNeuropathic-like knee pain (NKP) is often reported in individuals with knee pain (KP), but the contribution of specific central and peripheral risk factors to NKP has not been studied previously. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of NKP in a community-derived sample with KP and to identify risk factors associated with NKP.MethodsA cross-sectional study was undertaken (n = 9506) in the East Midlands community among responders (aged 40+ years) to a postal questionnaire. Questions included KP severity (numerical rating scale) and type (neuropathic versus nociceptive) using the modified painDETECT questionnaire, as well as age, body mass index (BMI), significant knee injury, widespread pain, pain catastrophising and fatigue. Multinomial regression analysis was used to determine ORs and 95% CIs. Risk factors were categorised into central and peripheral, and proportional risk contribution (PRC) and 95% CI were estimated using ROC.ResultsKP was reported in 28.2% of responders, of whom 13.65% had NKP (i.e., 3.9% of the total population). Women reported more NKP. After adjustment for age, gender, BMI and pain severity, definite NKP showed associations (aOR, 95% CI) with fibromyalgia (4.07, 2.49–6.66), widespread pain (1.93, 1.46–2.53), nodal osteoarthritis (1.80, 1.28–2.53), injury (1.50, 1.12–2.00), pain catastrophising (5.37, 2.93–9.84) and fatigue (5.37, 3.08–9.35) compared with non-NKP participants. Although only central risk factors contributed to NKP (PRC 8%, 95% CI 2.5–12.5 for central vs. PRC 3%, 95% CI −0.25 to 7.5 for peripheral), both central and peripheral risk factors contributed equally to non-NKP (PRC 10%, 95% CI 5–20 for both).ConclusionsNKP appears to be driven largely by central risk factors and may require different prevention/treatment strategies

    Prevalence of knee pain, radiographic osteoarthritis and arthroplasty in retired professional footballers compared to men in the general population: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of knee pain, radiographic knee osteoarthritis (RKOA), total knee replacement (TKR) and associated risk factors in male ex-professional footballers compared to men in the general population (comparison group). Methods: 1207 male ex-footballers and 4085 men in the general population in the UK were assessed by postal questionnaire. Current knee pain was defined as pain in or around the knees on most days of the previous month. Presence and severity of RKOA were assessed on standardised radiographs using the Nottingham Line Drawing Atlas (NLDA) in a sub-sample of 470 ex-footballers and 491 men in the comparison group. The adjusted risk ratio (aRR) and risk difference (aRD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) in ex-footballers compared to the general population were calculated using the marginal model in Stata. Results: Ex-footballers were more likely than the comparison group to have current knee pain [aRR 1.91, 95%CI 1.77-2.06], RKOA [aRR 2.21, 95%CI 1.92-2.54] and TKR (aRR 3.61, 95%CI 2.90–4.50). Ex-footballers were also more likely to present with chondrocalcinosis [aRR 3.41, 95%CI 2.44-4.77]. Prevalence of knee pain and RKOA were higher in ex-footballers at all ages. However, even after adjustment for significant knee injury and other risk factors, there was more than a doubling of risk of these outcomes in footballers. Conclusions: The prevalence of all knee osteoarthritis outcomes (knee pain, RKOA and TKR) were 2-3 times higher in male ex-footballers compared to men in the general population group. Knee injury is the main attributable risk factor. Even after adjustment for recognised risk factors, knee osteoarthritis appear to be an occupational hazard of professional football

    Prediction of persistent knee pain by pressure pain detection thresholds: results from the Knee Pain In the Community cohort (KPIC)

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    Background: Knee pain results from a combination of nociceptive input from the joint, and processing by the central nervous system. Pressure pain detection thresholds (PPTs) are lower and pain is more severe in people with greater central sensitisation. Objective: We hypothesised that lower PPTs predicted worse pain prognosis in people with knee pain. Methods: KPIC participants were people aged >40 years recruited from Nottingham, UK. Participants were mailed questionnaires at baseline and 1 year. This study reports a sample of responders who attended baseline and 1 year clinical assessment, had self-reported knee pain (within the last 4 weeks) and underwent PPT. PPTs were measured at the knee, anterior tibia and the sternum. Radiographic knee OA was classified using an atlas. Questionnaires measured ICOAP (constant and intermittent knee pain), painDETECT (neuropathic-like) and average knee pain severity over 4 weeks (0-10). The presence of pain at baseline and 1 year (persistent pain), or pain severity were predicted from baseline anterior tibia PPT. Additional analyses adjusted for baseline pain score, age, sex, BMI, or for radiographic knee OA. Pain persistence (Yes/No) was analysed using t tests, odds ratios (OR) and logistic regression. Pain severity was analysed using linear regression. Results: The sample for this study contained n=419 people at baseline, and n=182 people reported knee pain persistent over both time points. The mean (SD) values were age 61 (9) years, BMI 30.1 (5.8) kg m-2, 59% female, and 36% fulfilled radiographic OA criteria at the index knee, for those with persistent knee pain at 1 year. In univariate analysis, persistent knee pain was associated with a lower PPT at baseline (461 vs 424 kPa; OR (95% CI) 0.58 (0.34-0.97) p=0.020). Adjustments for age, sex and BMI removed the significance from the association (adjusted OR (95% CI) 0.64 (0.36-1.13) p=0.120). In those with persistent pain, worse 1 year ICOAP-constant, ICOAP-intermittent, painDETECT and knee pain severity were correlated with lower baseline anterior tibia PPT ( r= -0.28 to -0.24; p<0.004). After adjustment for baseline pain, 1 year ICOAP-constant pain scale was significantly predicted by baseline PPT (B (95% CI), -1.05 (-1.91 to -0.20) p=0.016). Linear regression with adjustments for age, sex and BMI also indicated that baseline PPT predicted worse ICOAP-constant pain (B (95% CI)-0.99 (-1.94 to -0.04) p=0.041). The presence of radiographic OA at baseline was not significantly associated with PPT at baseline. Adjustment for baseline radiographic OA did not remove the association between baseline PPT and ICOAP-constant at 1 year (anterior tibia PPT -1.04 (-1.89 to -0.18) p=0.018). PPT at joint lines or sternum displayed similar patterns of association with 1 year pain as did PPT at the anterior tibia. Conclusions: Pressure pain detection thresholds suggestive of central sensitisation at baseline were associated with knee pain prognosis at 1 year, in particular with constant knee pain. The presence of radiographic OA also predicted 1 year pain prognosis, independent of PPT

    Contribution of central and peripheral risk factors to prevalence, incidence and progression of knee pain:a community-based cohort study

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    AimTo explore risk factors that may influence knee pain (KP) through central or peripheral mechanisms.MethodsA questionnaire-based prospective community cohort study with KP defined as pain in or around a knee on most days for at least a month. Baseline prevalence, and one year incidence and progression (KP worsening) were examined. Central (e.g., Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS)) and peripheral (e.g., significant injury) risk factors were examined. Adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using logistic regression. Proportional risk contribution (PRC) was estimated using receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) analysis.ResultsOf 9506 baseline participants, 4288 (45%) had KP (men 1826; women, 2462). KP incidence was 12% (men 11%, women 13%), and KP progression 19% (men 16%, women 21%) at one year. While both central and peripheral factors contributed to prevalence, central factors contributed more to progression, and peripheral factors more to incidence of KP. For example, although PCS (OR 2.06, 95% CI 1.88–2.25) and injury (5.62, 4.92–6.42) associated with KP prevalence, PCS associated with progression (2.27, 1.83–2.83) but not incidence (1.14, 0.86–1.52), whereas injury more strongly associated with incidence (69.27, 24.15–198.7) than progression (2.52, 1.48–4.30). The PRC of central and peripheral factors were 19% and 23% for prevalence, 14% and 29% for incidence, and 29% and 5% for progression, respectively.ConclusionsBoth central and peripheral risk factors influence KP but relative contributions may differ in terms of development (mainly peripheral) and progression (mainly central). Further study of such relative contributions may inform primary and secondary prevention strategies

    Traits associated with central pain augmentation in the Knee Pain in the Community (KPIC) cohort

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    This study aimed to identify self-report correlates of central pain augmentation in individuals with knee pain. A subset of participants (n=420) in the Knee Pain and related health In the Community (KPIC) baseline survey undertook pressure pain threshold (PPT) assessments. Items measuring specific traits related to central pain mechanisms were selected from the survey based on expert consensus, face validity, item association to underlying constructs measured by originating host questionnaires, adequate targeting and PPT correlations. Pain distribution was reported on a body manikin. A `central pain mechanisms’ factor was sought by factor analysis. Associations of items, the derived factor and originating questionnaires with PPTs were compared. Eight self-report items measuring traits of anxiety, depression, catastrophizing, neuropathic- like pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, pain distribution and cognitive impact, were identified as likely indices of central pain mechanisms. PPTs were associated with items representing each trait and with their originating scales. Pain distribution classified as “pain below the waist additional to knee pain” was more strongly associated with low PPT than were alternative classifications of pain distribution. A single factor, interpreted as “central pain mechanisms”, was identified across the 8 selected items and explained variation in PPT (R² = 0.17) better than did any originating scale (R² = 0.10 to 0.13). In conclusion, including representative items within a composite self-report tool might help identify people with centrally augmented knee pain

    Comorbidities and use of analgesics in people with knee pain: a study in the Nottingham Knee Pain and Health in the Community (KPIC) cohort

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    Objectives: The aims were to examine the prevalence of comorbidities and role of oral analgesic use in people with knee pain (KP) compared with those without. Methods: The Knee Pain and related health In the Community (KPIC) cohort comprises community-derived adults aged ≥40 years, irrespective of knee pain. Thirty-six comorbidities across 10 systems were compared between people with KP and controls without KP or knee OA. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) and 95% CI for multimorbidity (at least two chronic conditions) and each specific comorbidity. Both prescribed and over-the-counter analgesics were included in the model, and their interactions with KP for comorbidity outcomes were examined. Results: Two thousand eight hundred and thirty-two cases with KP and 2518 controls were selected from 9506 baseline participants. The mean age of KP cases was 62.2 years, and 57% were women. Overall, 29% of the total study population had multimorbidity (KP cases 34.4%; controls 23.8%). After adjustment for age, sex, BMI and analgesic use, KP was significantly associated with multimorbidity (aOR 1.35; 95% CI 1.17, 1.56) and with cardiovascular (aOR 1.25; 95% CI 1.08, 1.44), gastrointestinal (aOR 1.34; 95% CI 1.04, 1.92), chronic widespread pain (aOR 1.54; 95% CI 1.29, 1.86) and neurological (aOR 1.32; 95% CI 1.01, 1.76) comorbidities. For multimorbidity, the use of paracetamol and opioids interacted positively with KP, whereas the use of NSAIDs interacted negatively for seven comorbidities. Conclusion: People with KP are more likely to have other chronic conditions. The long-term benefits and harms of this change remain to be investigated. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, http://clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02098070

    Knee pain and related health in the community study (KPIC): a cohort study protocol

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    Background: The incidence, progression and related risk factors for recent-onset knee pain (KP) remain uncertain. This study aims to examine the natural history of KP including incidence and progression and to identify possible phenotypes and their associated risk factors. Methods: A prospective community-based cohort of men and women aged 40 years or over within the East Midlands region (UK) will be recruited via a postal questionnaire from their general practices. The questionnaire will enquire about: presence and onset of KP; pain severity (0–10 numerical rating scale (NRS)); pain catastrophizing and neuropathic-like pain (NP) using the painDETECT questionnaires (definite NP scores ≥19–38); risk factors for KP and/or osteoarthritis (OA) (age, body mass index, constitutional knee alignment, nodal OA, index: ring finger length (2D4D) ratio); quality of life (SF12); and mental health (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Clinical assessments will be undertaken in a sample of 400 participants comprising three groups: early KP (≤3 year’s duration), established KP (>3 years) and no KP. Assessments will include knee radiographs (standing semi-flexed and 300 skyline views); knee ultrasound (synovial effusion, hypertrophy, and Doppler activity); quantitative sensory testing; muscle strength (quadriceps, hip abductor, and hand-grip); balance; gait analysis (GAITrite); and biomarker sampling. A repeat questionnaire will be sent to responders at years 1 and 3. The baseline early KP group will undergo repeat assessments at year 1 (apart from radiographs) and year 3 (with radiographs). Any incident KP individuals identified at year 1 or 3 questionnaires will have clinical and radiographic assessments at the respective time points. Discussion: Baseline data will be used to examine risk factors for early onset KP and to identify KP phenotypes. Subsequent prospective data, at least to Year 3, will allow examination of the natural history of KP and risk factors for incidence and progression. Trial registration: The study was registered on the clinicaltrials.gov portal: NCT02098070) on the 14th of March 2014