11,279 research outputs found

    A Novel Technique to Produce Polygenic Resistance to Anthracnose in \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes capitata\u3c/i\u3e

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    An improved cultivar, based on 17 genotypes of S. capitata and six of S.macrocephala, was developed at the Embrapa Beef Cattle Research Center, Campo Grande, Brazil. The aim was to create durable, race non-specific resistance to anthracnose controlled by polygenic factors. A mass hybridisation technique was employed to produce a high degree of genetic diversity and sizeable quantities of seed of hybrid-derived progenies of Brazilian and Venezuelan genotypes of S. capitata. Outcrossing resulted in a significant improvement in the forage production of progeny of Venezuelan accessions. The multicross was evaluated in multilocational trials, each representing a large tract of country in the Cerrados ecosystem along a north-south transect from lat.60 S to 200 S. The genetic shift that occurred in S. capitata was a key element in the formation of the new cultivar. It is a complex mixture of two species, and a recombination of much desired forage traits of Brazilian x Venezuelan genotypes, high forage and seed yields coupled with anthracnose resistance. The new cultivar with its diverse genetic make-up has a wide application in the acid-soil savannas of tropical America. It was released by Embrapa for the Cerrados in 2000

    New \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes guianensis\u3c/i\u3e for Tropical Grasslands

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    Hybrid stylos (Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris x var. pauciflora) with durable, quantitative resistance to anthracnose, mid-season harvest maturity date (early-July), high DM and seed yields have been selected at the Embrapa Beef Cattle Research Center, Campo Grande, Brazil. The hybrids displayed improved forage traits in Brazil, the native habitat and major center of diversity of the species and its pathogen, as well as in vastly different ecosystems. Dry forage yields and anthracnose resistance of superior selections and their composites were equal, in some instances, significantly better, than those of cv. Mineirão in multilocational trials situated in the Cerrados from lat. 6° S to lat. 20° S. Selected hybrids performed well in comparison with the highly successful CIAT184 (cv.Reyan II) on Hainan Island, China. Composites have also shown good promise in seed multiplication plots in Queensland, Australia. A positive attribute of composite hybrids is their great genetic diversity in contrast to pure-line cultivars with a relatively narrow genetic base. These truly tropical forms of stylo are best adapted to regions with \u3e1500mm average annual rainfall

    HPLC determination of theophylline and paracetamol in fresh and powdered milk

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    Poster presented at the 1st International Congress of CiiEM - From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research. 27-28 November 2015, Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal"Theophylline and paracetamol are drugs used worldwide both in human and veterinary medicine. Paracetamol (or acetaminophen) is employed as analgesic and antipyretic, and theophylline is a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Both drugs are extensively used in pediatrics and their dosage is based on the child's body weight. Due to possible liver toxicity (paracetamol) and narrow therapeutic index (theophylline) it is imperative to carefully select and monitor the dose administered to children. Additionally, the recent proposal of milk as a platform to deliver drugs in pediatrics has prompted the development of a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification method, of both theophylline and paracetamol, in the complex matrix that milk represents."Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/DTP-FTO/1057/2012

    Simple and sensitive HPLC determination of paracetamol and theophylline in fresh and powdered milk

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    Poster presented at the 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. 4-7 April 2016, Glasgow, UKN/

    Child-driven design of milk micelles for drug delivery

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    Poster presented at the 9th EuPFI Conference [European Paediatric Formulation Initiative], 19-21th Sep 2017, Warsaw, PolandN/

    Milk as a drug delivery platform in paediatrics

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    Communication presented at the PSSRC − 9th Annual Symposium. 16-18 September 2015, Ghent, Belgium"Purpose: to assess the physical properties of spray dried milk powders and evaluate drug-milk interactions.
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